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More Bad Luck

The bread was stale,
It was four days old.
The milk was sour,
The coffee was cold.
The butter was rancid,
The steak was tough.
The service was dreadful,
The waiter was rough.
My bill was huge,
His tip was small.
I'm sorry I went
To that place at all.

Exercise 16. Write how you would like to organize customer service in your plant / shop / restaurant.


Exercise 17. Role-play.

1. Roles: a manager, an employee.

A manager of a sales department instructs a new employee in serving customers. The employee promises to do his/her best.

2. Roles: a shop-assistant, a customer.

A shop-assistant in a department store helps a customer to choose a suit. The customer tries on some suits and buys one.

3. Roles: a manager, a secretary, a salesgirl.

A manager of a shoe department in a department store receives a letter of complaint from an old lady. The lady is dissatisfied with the service at the department. The manager summons the salesgirl who served the customer to report on the incident. The salesgirl admits that she was not right.

4. Roles: a manager, a customer.

A businessman comes to a company specializing in mining equipment. He wants to buy cutter-loaders from the company, but he hesitates. A sales manager greets the customer, offers him a seat and soft drinks. He / she shows him the latest catalogues and price-lists and tries to convince the customer that their equipment is worth buying.




7.1. Mismanagement in Industry

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

mismanagement ["mIs'mxnIGmqnt] n плохое, неправильное управление

prevention [prI'venSqn] n предупреждение, предотвращение

cure [kjVq] n лечение, v лечить

delay [dI'leI] n отсрочка, v откладывать

to cause mistakes / errors [kLz 'erqz] вызывать ошибки, быть причиной ошибок

to learn from mistakes учиться на ошибках

a glaring mistake ['glFqrIN] грубая ошибка

to admit mistakes [qd'mIt] признавать ошибки

to misjudge ["mIs'GAG] v недооценивать, неверно оценивать

misjudgement ["mIs'GAGmqnt] n неправильное мнение, суждение; недооценка

loss [lPs] n потеря; урон; убыток

ego ['egqV] n я (сам); шутл. собственная персона

to investigate [In'vestIgeIt] v расследовать, исследовать

to point out ['pOInt 'aut] v указывать, обращать внимание

finished product ['fInISt 'prPdqkt] готовая продукция

consumer goods [kqn'sjHmq 'gudz] потребительские товары

to warn [wLn] v предупреждать

components [kqm'pqVnqnts] детали, части

manufacturing ["mxnju'fxkCqrIN] n производство, выделка, обработка; обрабатывающая промышленность

favouritism ['feIvqrItIzm] n фаворитизм

emphasis ['emfqsIs] n ударение, акцент, подчеркивание

to put much emphasis = to lay special emphasis ['leI 'speSql] усиленно подчеркивать; придавать особое значение

to make the scapegoat ['skeIpgqVt] делать козлом отпущения

outsider [aut'saIdq] n посторонний человек

supplier [sq'plaIq] n поставщик

supply [sq'plaI] n снабжение, поставка; v снабжать

to deliver [dI'lIvq] v доставлять, снабжать

delivery [dI'lIvqrI] n доставка, снабжение

to coddle (up) ['kPdl ('Ap)] v ухаживать; нянчиться

without charge [wI'Daut 'CRG] бесплатно

to charge customers ['CRG] взимать плату с покупателей

to get (got) rid of smb [rId] избавляться от кого-л.

golden mean ["gqVldn 'mJn] золотая середина

downturn ['daVntE:n] = recession [rI'seSqn] n (экономический) спад, рецессия

drawback ['drLbxk] = shortcoming ['SLt"kAmIN] n недостаток

cutback ['kAtbxk] n уменьшение, сокращение, понижение

fall behind ['fLl bI'haInd] = lag behind ['lxg] phr v отставать

Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Prevent, preventive, prevention; lose, loss; build, building, builder; investigate, investigator, investigation; favour, favourite, favouritism; surround, surrounding, surroundings; supply, supplier; invest, investment, investor; technology, technological, technologically; avoid, avoidable, avoidance; respect, respected; glare, glaring; regard, regarding; warn, warning; current, currently; down, downturn; exaggerate, exaggeration.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

Industry managers, critical analysis, to recruit personnel, staff recruitment, to ruin a company, results, colossal egos, companies' directors, electronic business, components of the finished product, preventive measures, to prevent favouritism, to analyze facts, to discuss typical problems, capital investment, machines, Japanese and Korean firms, the Asian region.


Exercise 4. Read the verbs and nouns with the prefix mis- and say what they mean.

Model: a) misgovern – плохо управлять

b) misgovernment – плохое управление

Miscalculate, miscount, misdo, misfit, misgovern, misjudge, mismanage, misprint, mispronounce, misread, misrepresent, mistake, misunderstand, misuse, miswrite.

Miscalculation, miscount, misdoing, misfit, misgoverning, misjudgement, mismanagement, mispronunciation, misrepresentation, mistake, misunderstanding, misuse.

Exercise 5. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

To make mistakes; to make errors; to learn from mistakes, to cause mistakes; a critical issue; to be able, to be unwilling; victims of poor market research; to misjudge buyers; to misjudge the market; misjudgement of the market; executive recruitment; yes men; to hire people; to admit mistakes; with regard to such people; building components; at a lower price; to point out that...; finished product; to jump into the consumer-goods field; even though; to warn people; to do business, to produce poor quality products; to investigate the cost; delivery dates; to lose an order; to result in losses; a sales oriented company; to lose money; to put much emphasis on something; to pay attention to something; to listen to outsiders; to ignore experts' advice; to learn valuable lessons; to improve customer service; to sell machines; to coddle customers; without charge; to charge customers.


Exercise 6. Choosethe correct variant in brackets.

1. He decided to take ___ (- / a) legal advice. 2. She provided me with ___ (a very interesting piece of / a very interesting) information about her company. 3. Intelligence ___ (is / are) ___ (- / an) information that is gathered by the government or the army about their country's enemies and their activities. 4. All knowledge ___ (come / comes) to us through our senses. 5. No news ___ (are / is) good news. 6. I've got ___ (some / a) good news for you. 7. Where ___ (is / are) the money? ___ (They are / It is) on the table. 8. There was ___ (little / few) furniture in the office. 9. Listen to ___ (a / some) dance music. 10. My colleague is making ___ (a / -) good progress with his English. 11. The director gave me ___ (a / -) permission to go. 12. The secretary put ___ (some / a few) fruit on the desk.


Exercise 7. Read these sentencies and express the same in Russian. 1. The secretary wasn't sure if the director would return to the office. 2. I wonder if you're ready. 3. He wasn't sure whether he was right. 4. The man asked if the train had already left. 5. Tell me, please, whether you'll be able to join us tomorrow. 5. Do you know if the delegation has already arrived? 6. I didn't know if the salesman had been fired. 7. The manager asked the woman if she could type. 8. The policeman asked if I had a driving licence. 9. The official asked me if I had had any serious disease or physical or mental disorder. 10. The manager enquired whether I was married. 11. I don't know if I will be allowed to take a holiday this month.


Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Use the model and list of sentences below.

Model: A: Is Mr. Brown available?

B: I am afraid I don't know if he is available.

1. When will the manager return? 2. Is the director busy? 3. Is the boss back yet? 4. Who will take part in the negotiation? 5. Is Mr. Jones available? 6. Who chaired yesterday's conference? 7. Has the delegation arrived? 8. Was the contract signed yesterday? 9. What did the manager say at the meeting?


Exercise 9. Read the text and find out what causes ill management. Say if the list of executives' errors is exhaustive. Can you add anything?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 947. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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