Семинар 7 (итоговый)
Задачи занятия: научиться создавать эффективные смысловые опоры при работе с большим объемом информации, научиться представлять исторических деятелей в интересной, доступной для учащихся форме; давать интерпретацию последствий их политической деятельности для экономики и развития страны в целом; активизировать межпредметные связи курсов истории и литературы.
1/ Make a presentation of a historic book that might be considered a reliable source when presenting a certain period (be ready to comment on: major political and economic events that serve as background to plot development; degree of accuracy of the author’s treatment of historic events, characters; ways and means of creating ‘vintage’ effect; explain some historic realia); 2/ Prepare a mind map which will effectively cover a certain period of English history (see samples in my PPPs) 3/ Important dates in British history (reports continued). 4/ Present a group popularity poll of 4-5 key historic figures. Be argumentative about your choice. 5/ Present a ‘blacklist’ of 4-5 British historic figures. (Anti-rating). Explain what makes them notorious. 6/ Group project: make use of http://puzzlemaker.discoveryeducation.com/CrissCrossSetupForm.asp; create a puzzle (12 words down, 12 words across) that covers historic periods under discussion; quiz the other group and check their answers (make sure that you have keys to your own crossword puzzle)!
Sources: electronic lectures + 1. Заболотный В. М. Мир британского содружества наций. Учебно-практическое пособие.- М.: Евразийский открытый институт, 2010. - 320 с. http://www.biblioclub.ru/author.php?action=book&auth_id=23335 2. Заболотный В. М История, география и культура стран изучаемого языка. (English-speaking World): учебно-методический комплекс - М.: Евразийский открытый институт, 2011. 3. Иглз Робин, Горевцов Г. В. 4. История Англии [Текст]: тексты для чтения на англ. яз. / сост., адапт., слов. и коммент. Г. С. Усовой. - СПб.: Лань, 1999. - 256 с. Кол-во экз.: 8 5. Грин Джон Ричард История Англии и английского народа: Пер.с англ. / Д.Р.Грин. - М.: Жуковский: Кучково поле, 2005. - 752с.Кол-во экз.: 1 6. Штокмар Валентина Владимировна 7. Квеннел Мэрджори, Квеннел Чарльз Генрих Борн, Найденов В. В. 4 семестр: Seminar 1 (plan) The French and Indian War (1754 - 1763) 1. How did Great Britain and its colonies conquer New France? 2. What advantages and disadvantages did France and Great Britain have in the struggle for North America? 3. Why did the British and French go to war in North America? 4. Why was the battle of Quebec important? 5. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the French and Indian war? Events that brought conflict between Great Britain and the colonies 6. What policies and actions of the British government brought the conflict between Great Britain and the colonies? 7. Describe the provisions of the Sugar Act, the Quartering Act, the Stamp Act. 8. How did the colonists react to the Stamp Act? 9. What was the aim of the 1st Intercolonial Congress assembled in New York? 10. Identify: the Sons and Daughters of Liberty. 11. Why did Parliament pass the Declaratory Act? 12. What was the Townsend Act? Outbreak of the War