Образец задания для самостоятельного чтения
HISTORIC NOVEL (Recommended form of presentation – conference) 1. Brainstorm: what’s the difference between a historic novel and a novel written long ago? 2. Make a report on the historic period described in the book (economy, policy, main historic events) 3. The author’s philosophy and political views as reflected in the novel. 4. Which characters in the book are fictitious, which are not? Give a brief reference for historic characters. Assess the degree of accuracy of the author’s treatment of characters or facts. 5. Main characters: individuals or typified images of some class, social stratum, etc. Prove your point. 6. Romance in the book: is it the axis of the novel or just one of the readability attractions? Prove your point. Comment upon female characters – are they living people or schemes? 7. The theme of religion and religiosity in the novel. 8. Dwell upon the linguistic means of creating ‘vintage’ effect: historic, obsolete, elevated lexis; obsolete grammar, etc. Provide illustrations. 9. Scrutinize ethnographic detail in the book: which facts as to every day life of the past generations may be useful for history lessons? Sum up the most important facts. 10. Dwell upon descriptions and their place in the novel: do they provide convincing historic setting, to highlight class distinctions or do they play a different role? 11. Comment upon speech behavior of the characters: which customs, social relations, etiquette behavior get reflected in the dialogue? 12. Dwell upon the ‘happy end’? Is it convincing or just part of Anglo-Saxon literary tradition? 13. Make an illustrated mini-glossary for historic realia (articles of clothing, weaponry or navigation terms, etc.) 14. Provide a map for the characters’ quest; mark their route. 15. Assess general educative and instructional value of the book; suggest ways and actions to increase (bring back) its popularity.
Recommended writers: Sir Walter Scott, Arthur Conan Doyle, Victoria Holt, Frederick Maryat, Raphael Sabatini, L. Stevenson, R. Haggard, Charles Dickens. Порядок проведения промежуточной аттестации, критерии оценивания: Формой проведения аттестации по дисциплине является зачет: Вариант 1 – «Автомат»: 1. Посещение 80 % лекционных и семинарских занятий. 2. Ведение рабочего конспекта лекционных занятий. 3. Подготовка докладов, сообщений, проектных заданий в рамках программы дисциплины при суммарном количестве баллов не менее 75 %
Вариант 2 – «Сдача зачета». 1. Проверка наличия конспектов лекций. 2. Зачет выполнения двух вариантов итоговых тестовых заданий, проверяющих усвоение пройденного материала. 3. Собеседование по темам, в случае значительного количества пропусков. 4. Проверка усвоения тематического глоссария (перевод на английский язык, см. задания на самопроверку после конспектов лекций). Образец итогового контрольного задания: ВАРИАНТ 3.