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1.Machine is a device, having a unique purpose, that replaces human or animal effort for the accomplishment of physical tasks. This broad categoryencompasses such simple devices as the lever, wedge, wheel and axle, pulley, and screw as well as such complex mechanical systems as the
modem automobile. The operation of a machine may involve the transformation of chemical, thermal, electrical, or nuclear energy into mechanical energy, or vice versa, or its function may simply be to modify and transmit forces and motions.

2.All machines have an input, an output, and a transforming or modifying and transmitting device. Machines that receive their input energy from a natural source, such as air currents, moving water, coal, petroleum, or uranium, and transform it into mechanical energy are known as prime movers.
Windmills, waterwheels, turbines, steam engines. internal-combustion engines are prime movers. In these machines the inputs vary; the outputs are usually rotating shafts capable of being used as inputs to other machines, such as electric generators, hydraulic pumps, or air compressors.

3.All three of the latter devices may be classified as generators; their outputs of electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic energy can be used as inputs to electric, hydraulic, or air motors. These motors can be used to drive machines with a variety of outputs, such as materials processing, packaging, or conveying
machinery, or such appliances as sewing machines and washing machines. All machines of the latter type and all others that are neither prime movers, generators, nor motors may be classified as operators.

4. This category also includes manually operated instruments of all kinds, such as calculating machines and typewriters. In some cases, machines in all categories are combined in one unit. In a diesel-electric locomotive, for example, the diesel engine is the prime mover, which drives the electric generator, which, in turn, supplies electric current to the motors that drive the wheels

(Encyclopedia Britannica)


Определите основную идею текста:

a) Combination of different categories of machines in one unit.

b) Generators as inputs to electric, hydraulic, or air motors.

c) General classification of machines and the main principles of their operation.

d) Prime movers capable of rotating shafts of generators, pumps, or compressors.


Test F81(51)

Задание 1. Заполните пропуск

The_______ of the classes at school is compulsory.

a) admitting

b) attendance

c) advertisement

d) attitude

Задание 2. Заполните пропуск

For this job you need a degree and some working_______.

a) prospects

b) hours

c) conditions

d) experience

Задание 3. Заполните пропуск

____ can be differentiated from the

point of view of their density, hardness and conductivity.

a) Qualities

b) Methods

c) Properties

d) Metals

Задание 4. Заполните пропуск

А_____ is a device which replaces human or animal effort for the accomplishment of physical tasks.

a) cylinder

b) machine

c) valve

d) piston

Задание 5. Заполните пропуск

There's been an extraordinary______ ________in computer design over the last 20 years.

a) improvement

b) improver

c) improvable

d) improves


Задание 6. Заполните пропуск

Children like doing everything by_______

a) themselves

b) them

c) us

d) their

Задание 7. Заполните пропуск

My house is______ in the street.

a) smaller

b) the smallest

c) small

d) more smaller

Задание 8. Заполните пропуск

I often listen to_______ radio.

a) an

b) -

c) a

d) the

Задание 9. Заполните пропуск

How long have you lived______ Paris?

a) in

b) on

c) at

d) for

Задание 10. Заполните пропуск

This rule is______ difficult______ the one you've already learnt.

a) either/ or

b) not so/ as

c) both/ and

d) neither/ nor

Задание 11. Заполните пропуск

She_____ _ economics at university in order to find a position with a bank.

a) shall study

b) study

c) studied

d) have studied

Задание 12. Заполните пропуск

We saw several people______ in the lake.

a) swimming

b) to be swum

c) being swum

d) to be swimming

Задание 13. Заполните пропуск

His story_______ our happy childhood.

a) brought about

b) brought back

c) brought off

d) brought down

Задание 14. Заполните пропуск

She_______ swim across the river although it was very wide.

a) has to

b) must

c) was able to

d) can

Задание 15. Заполните пропуск

Guest: Can you pass me the salt, please?

Hostess: __________________________

a) Salt is bad for you if you eat it too much.

b) Sure, there it is.

c) Can't you do it yourself?

d) Yes, I can

Задание 16. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Consultant:.Why did you leave your last job?.

John: __________________.

a) I joined the company two years ago.

b) Don’t worry about it.

c) Yes, I did.

d) I wanted to earn more money.

Задание 17. Заполните пропуск

Student I: How do you pronounce this word?

Student 2: ______________

a) No idea.

b) And what about you?

c) I'm afraid, I don't know. Why don't you ask the teacher?

d) Ask the teacher


Задание 18. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Colleague: _________________

John:.Anyhow, I am going to live in London. I.ve got a new job..


a) You are not going to London, are you?

b) But London is too expensive for young people.

c) What’s wrong with your job?

d) London is a perfect place for your career.

Задание 19. Заполните пропуск

London is situated on ______.

a) the Severn

b) the Mississippi

c) the Thames

d) the Hudson River

Задание 20. Заполните пропуск

The USA is a federal republic consisting of______ states.

a) 52

b) 54

c) 48

d) 50

Задание 21. Заполните пропуск

Canadian's native people are_______.

a) British

b) Indians

c) French

d) Americans

Задание 22. Заполните пропуск

The telephone was invented by

a) Alexander Bell

b) Michael Faraday

c) Isaac Newton

d) James Watt

Задание 23. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке

a)Dear Sirs,


b)Yours faithfully,

Jeffry Allen Director


c)A.X.C. Records Ltd., 41 Broadway,

Liverpool L91 5 PB 12 May 2005


d)We are a large music shop in the center of Liverpool and would like to know more about the tapes and cassettes you advertised in this month’s edition of Music Monthly.


e)The Sales Department, Southern Importers Ltd., Dane Street,

Northam, Southampton S09 4YQ

Задание 24

Перед Вами конверт.


(1) New Tech Publications (2) 454 Liberty Road (3) Philadelphia,PA 19145 (4)Holly Park (5) Wilson & Company, Ltd. 51 Wimbleton Road Toronto, Ontario (6) M4D 2V8 Canada


a) the addressee’s company name

b) the town the letter comes from

c) the addressee

d) the sender

e) the ZIP Code in the mailing address

f) the house number in the return address

Задание 25. Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок

Dear Mr Rook:

I am applying for the position of file clerk which was advertised in the July 16 Publisher's Monthly.

I have enclosed my resume, and I would like to schedule an interview. I will call you early next week.

a) cv

b) Letter of complaint

c) Letter of application

d) Memo

Задание 26. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки

То: Jerry Cruise, SalesDept

(1)_____: Vincent Cherry,

Production Manager


Date: 25 November

A fire has destroyed part of the factory that supplies us with (3)______.

This means that there will be a delay of at least 2 months in the delivery of any order for cables.

Please write to SAB Ltd and tell them this.


a) V.C.

b) plastic covering for cables

c) From

d) delivery time for cables

Задание 27. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare chassis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies aге on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3. Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4. Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Most products are still assembled by hand because automated assembly lines are inflexible and very expensive.

a) Ложным

b) Истинным

c) В тексте нет информации

Задание 28. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare chassis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies aге on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3.Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4.Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

The number of products assembled automatically is increasing slowly.

a) Ложным

b) Истинным

c) В тексте нет информации

Задание 29. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare chassis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies aге on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3. Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4.Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Industrial robots with fully automated assembly operations will be extensively used in future.

a) Ложным

b) Истинным

c) В тексте нет информации

Задание 30. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare chassis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies aге on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3. Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4.Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Определите, является ли утверждение:

An automated assembly line consists of machines, equipment, and workers.

a) Ложным

b) Истинным

c) В тексте нет информации

Задание 31. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare chassis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies aге on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3. Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4.Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:

The performance of an automotive assembly line

a) 2

b) 4

c) 1

d) 3

Задание 32. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare chassis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies aге on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3. Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4.Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:

Some problems with automated assembly lines

a) 3

b) 4

c) 2

d) 1


Задание 33. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of workpieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare chassis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies arе on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3. Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4.Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Ответьте на вопрос:

Why are most products still assembled by hand?

a) Because it is much cheaper and faster.

b) So that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

c) Because many component parts are not easily designed for automatic assembly.

d) For them to be manufactured accurately and consistently.

Задание 34. Прочитайте текст


1. An assembly line is industrial arrangement of machines, equipment, and workers for continuous flow of work pieces in mass-production operations. It is designed by determining the sequences of operations for manufacture of each product component as well as the final product. Each movement of material is made as simple and short as possible. Work assignments, numbers of machines, and production rates are programmed so that all operations performed along the line are compatible.

2. An automotive assembly line starts with a bare classis; components are attached successively as the growing assemblage moves along a conveyor. Parts are matched into subassemblies on feeder lines that intersect the main line to deliver body parts, engines, and other assemblies. As the units move past, each worker along the line performs a specific function. Each part and tool is delivered to its point of use in synchronisation with the line. A number of different assemblies arе on the line simultaneously, but an intricate system of scheduling and control ensures that the appropriate body type and colour, trim, engine, and optional equipment arrive together to make the desired combinations.

3. Automated assembly lines consist entirely of machines run by machines. In such continuous-process industries as petroleum refining and chemical manufacture and in many modern automobile-engine plants, assembly lines are completely mechanised and consist almost entirely of automatic, self-regulating equipment.

4.Most products, however, are still assembled by hand because many component parts are not easily handled by a simple mechanism. The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing but at a low rate because a product must be designed for automatic assembly and must be accurately and consistently manufactured. Expensive and somewhat inflexible, automatic assembly machines are economical only if run at very high outputs. However, the development of versatile automatic machinery and industrial robots is increasing the flexibility of fully automated assembly operations.

Определите основную идею текста:

a) Automatic assembly machines are flexible.

b) People created assembly lines to facilitate mass-production operations in industry.

c) The number of products automatically assembled is steadily increasing.

d) In petroleum refining, chemical manufacture and automobile-engine plants assembly lines are completely mechanized.




Ключи к тестам



  F1 F22 F23 F31 F32 F41
  d c c a a d
  b d b d c c
  d a b c d d
  c a b d d a
  c d c d d b
  d c c a d a
  c d c d a d
  d d c b a b
  a d a d c a
  d c a a d a
  b a b d c b
  d d b b b a
  b b b b d b
  d d c a d c
  a a d a d c
  a d d d a c
  a a c d d d
  d b b d a d
  a c d a b b
  d a a a c a
  d d b c a c
  b b a a a c
  d,a,e,b,c e,b,d,a,c c b,a,d,c,e b e,a,c,d,b
  a d,a,b,e,c,f c e,c,f,b,d,a a a,c,f,b,e,d
  d,a,c,e,f,b d c b a d
  a,b,c,d, b,c,a,d, a b,c,a,d c a,d,b,c
  a a c a b c
  b b b b d b
  a b d a a a
  c c d c b a
  a d e,f,a,d,c,b c b,e,d,a,c d
  d a d,a,c,e,f,b c a d
  d a a,f,e,c,d,b a d,a,c,e,f,b a
  b a e,c,b,a,d, a c,b,a,d, c



  F42 F51 F61 F62 F81(31) F81(51)
  d b a d b b
  b b c d a d
  a a b d a d
  c d d c a b
  d c a b c a
  d a b d c a
  d d b d c b
  b d d a d d
  c d c c c a
  a b c c d b
  c d a b d с
  b d c a a а
  b b c b c b
  c a c c d c
  b a c b d b
  c a d a c d
  d a d a c c
  c a a b a b
  d b c d c c
  d c b a a d
  c c c d d b
  a d d d b a
  b,a,d,c,e a,b,e,d,c a d,e,c,b,a e,c,b,d,a c,e,a,d,b
  a,c,f,b,e,d d,a,c,e,f,b c c,b,e,d,f,a c,b,e,d,f,b, d,f,b,c,a,e,
  d a a c c c
  d,c,a,b b,c,a,d,a b d,b,c,a d,c,b,a, c,d,b,a
  a a c c b b
  b b b a a b
  a c a c a c
  b a d c c a
  a b d,b,a,e,c c c c
  a d d,c,f,b,e,a c b b
  b d c c b a
  a d e,c,b, a,d a c b





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Сослагательное наклонение  
Don’t forget! (глаголы с послелогами)  
Согласование некоторых глаголов с герундием и инфинитивом.  
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Деловая корреспонденция  
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ключи к тестам  



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Реформы П.А.Столыпина Сегодня уже никто не сомневается в том, что экономическая политика П...

Виды нарушений опорно-двигательного аппарата у детей В общеупотребительном значении нарушение опорно-двигательного аппарата (ОДА) идентифицируется с нарушениями двигательных функций и определенными органическими поражениями (дефектами)...

Устройство рабочих органов мясорубки Независимо от марки мясорубки и её технических характеристик, все они имеют принципиально одинаковые устройства...

Ведение учета результатов боевой подготовки в роте и во взводе Содержание журнала учета боевой подготовки во взводе. Учет результатов боевой подготовки - есть отражение количественных и качественных показателей выполнения планов подготовки соединений...

Сравнительно-исторический метод в языкознании сравнительно-исторический метод в языкознании является одним из основных и представляет собой совокупность приёмов...

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