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Test F23

1. Заполните пропуск

Tropical rain forests contain about 90_____of trees per hectare.

a) bushes

b) leaves

c) species

d) shrubs


2. Заполните пропуск

_____ is trees and undergrowth covering a large area.

a) bush

b) forest

c) rainfall

d) region


3. Заполните пропуск

The computer memory is used for _____ information.

a) printing

b) storing

c) making

d) writing


4. Заполните пропуск

_____ is the physical equipment and components of any computer system.






5. Заполните пропуск

A shorter, more _____ meeting that leaves time for work.






6. Заполнитепропуск

It was a good idea of _____ to go swimming this afternoon.

a) your

b) yourself

c) yours

d) you


7. Заполните пропуск

The grass there was much _____ than on the upper field.

a) the longest

b) more long

c) longer

d) long



8. Заполните пропуск

The oldest living tree in the world grows in _____ California.

a) an

b) a

c) –

d) the


9. Заполните пропуск

The Pyramids were built _____ people who lived a long time ago.

a) by 1

b) of

c) after

d) with


10. Заполните пропуск

Begin with a minute _____ two of small talk.

a) or 1

b) and

c) if

d) but


11. Заполните пропуск

Do you want a sandwich? - No, thanks. I _____ just _____ lunch.

a) had _____ had

b) have _____ had

c) am _____ having

d) was _____ having


12. Заполните пропуск

_____ of her arrival, I went to see her.

a) Telling

b) Being told

c) To tell

d) Told


13. Заполните пропуск

Paul insisted _____ visiting his parents.

a) to

b) on

c) –

d) of


14. Заполните пропуск

Your face seems familiar to me. We _____ have met somewhere.

a) ought

b) should

c) must

d) need


15 Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения


Guest: “___________________”

Hostess: “Oh, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”.

a) The meal was rather good.

b) The meal wasn’t as bad as I expected.

c) Enjoy your meal.

d) The meal was absolutely delicious.


16. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Shop assistant: “Can I help you?”

Customer: “_________________”

a) No, that's not necessary.

b) Fine.

c) Oh, good. I’m so glad to have met you.

d) No, it’s all right, thanks, I’m just looking.


17. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения


Student: “Have you had time to mark my composition?”


Teacher: “__________________________”


a) Oh, dear, you look awful, what’s the matter with you?

b) Yes, and I do hope you don’t mind my saying this but you’ve made one or two tiny mistakes.

c) Yes, I have.

d) Yes, it was quite good, and I’ve underlined the mistakes you’ve made.


18. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения


Boss: “Do you see what I mean?”


Employee: “____________________________”


a) Yes, and I don’t agree with you.

b) Yes, but I’m not sure I quite agree.

c) Yes, do, please.

d) I don’t think so.


19. Заполните пропуск

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of _____.

a) three parts

b) five parts

c) two parts

d) four parts


20. Заполните пропуск

How many stripes are there on the US flag?

a) 13

b) 20

c) 17

d) 31


21. Заполните пропуск

French is an official language in _____.

a) Sweden

b) Canada

c) New Zealand

d) India

22. Заполните пропуск

The majority of Australian inhabitants are of _____ origin.

a) British

b) Spanish

c) French

d) Indian


23. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Scientists determine the factors that influence the safety of trash of all kinds.

a)в тексте нет информации




24. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Определите, является ли утверждение:

Oil spills is one of the environmental threats nowadays.



c)в тексте нет информации


25.. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Определите, является ли утверждение:

The environment has always been changing rapidly.


b)в тексте нет информации



26. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Определите, является ли утверждение:

In future man won’t need raw materials as there will be substitute ones.

a)в тексте нет информации





27. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:

The role of Earth science in solving environmental problems







28. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Укажите, какой из абзацев текста (1, 2, 3, 4) содержит следующую информацию:

The reason for man to produce modifications of nature







29. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Ответьте на вопроc:

What causes environmental problems the mankind faces

a)Scientists not making contributions to environmental problem solving.

b)Planning and development of water supplies in most populated areas.

c)The age of the Earth.

d)Side-effects occurring during different industrial processes.?



30. Прочитайте текст


1. The Earth is known to be several billion years old. Throughout this span of time the environment has been constantly changing – sometimes very slow, but at other times quite rapidly. It proves that the environment is a dynamic system that must be understood and accommodated to adapt man's activities to a constantly changing situation than to an unchanging or static system. On the other hand, the very fact of constant change opens many avenues for modification and accommodation that would not be available in a forever constant and unchanging system.

2. Although it is important that we have in mind the long term facts concerning Earth history, modern man has become such an effective agent of physical and chemical change that he has been able to and chemical change that he has been able to produce major modifications. These are made by man with the intention of producing improvements and advantages for people. Problems result from the fact that by-products and side-effects do occur, that are neither desirable nor pleasing, and at some times and places may be hazardous or even calamitous.

3. The ways, in which man treats his physical surroundings, produces and uses the available nonliving resources, and plans for his future needs are, of course, social determinations. When we consider the role of earth science in solving problems, we see that the earth sciences can and should develop answers to all of the questions we have asked. There are some contributions of the earth scientists to environmental problem solving in five general categories.

4. The first of these is the most efficient adjustment of man's use of the Earth's surface to all of the physical features and characteristics at and below the surface. Second is determination of the factors that influence the safety and permanence of disposal of waste materials and trash of all kinds – both in the rocks near the surface and at great depth in mines and wells. Third is providing information for the planning and development of safe, adequate, and continuing water supplies in locations that will serve as populated areas. Fourth is the identification of rock and mineral resources to provide for future availability of needed raw materials, or of appropriate substitute materials. And, fifth is the recognition of man as a major geologic agent by monitoring the changes he has caused in his environment and by providing remedies where these changes are, or may become, harmful.


Определите основную идею текста

a)Safety of waste materials is the major problem nowadays.

b)Earth scientists research the problem of space exploration.

c)We need continuing water supplies.

d)Man and environment are interconnected and are in constant change.


31. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке



a) James Sawyer, Sales Manager, Electro Ltd, Perry Road Estate,

Oxbridge UN54 42KF.


b) I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Simon Tramp

Sales Manager


c) Thank you for your letter. I am afraid that we have a problem with your order.

Unfortunately, the manufacturers of the part you wish to order have advised us that they cannot supply it until November. Would you prefer us to supply a substitute, or would you rather wait until the original parts are again available?


d) Dear Mr Sawyer,


e) 6 Pine Estate, Bedford Road, Bristol, UB28 12BP

Telephone 9036 174369 Fax 9036 36924


f) 6 August 2005


32. Перед Вами конверт


Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает

a) the ZIP Code in the return address

b) the ZIP Code in the mailing address

c) the addressee

d) town the letter comes from

e) addressee’s company name

f) the street name in the mailing address


33. Определите правильную стандартную последовательность разделов резюме


a) Personal Details





f)Professional experience


34 Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки


(1) _____: Secretarial Supervisor

(2) _____: Claire McElroy

(3) _____: Demonstration of new office equipment

The (4) _____ of Smart Equipment will visit us on 28 April to demonstrate their new computer and fax-machine which you are sure to be interested in.

Please arrange the time to meet him so that all your staff could be present.

(5) _____


a)Sales Manager







Test F31


1. Заполните пропуск

Being able to use a computer is an important _______ nowadays.

a) skill

b) qualification

c) license

d) degree


2 .Заполните пропуск

Cultural ______are general practices found in every culture.

a) programmes

b) institutions

c) events

d) universals


3. Заполните пропуск

Social _____ is the ways people act towards one another when they meet.





4. Заполните пропуск.

_______ is a rule supported by the power or government and that governs the behaviour of members of a society.


b) Tradition

c) Etiquette

d) Law

5. Заполните пропуск

The last year has shown a slight ____ in the economy.

a) improve

b) improved

c) improvable

d) improvement


6. Заполните пропуск

I don’t have____ free time today. Sorry.

a) any

b) something

c) some

d) anything

7. Заполните пропуск

Everything is _______ in its season

a) better

b) the better

c) much better

d) good


8. Заполните пропуск

A thermometer is _____ instrument for measuring the temperature.

a) -

b) an

c) the

d) a


9. Заполните пропуск

We’ll begin _____ the solution of the present-day problems of our enterprise.

a) by

b) in

c) at

d) with


10. Заполните пропуск

___ I save some of my pocket money, I won’t be able to buy a bicycle.

a) unless

b) whether

c) if

d) less


11. Заполните пропуск

The Queen _____ at Windsor Castle yesterday

a) arive

b) have arived

c) is ariving

d) arived

12. Заполните пропуск

I didn’t notice them ____ the room

a) left

b) to leave

c) being left

d) leave



13. Заполните пропуск.

I hope you succeed ____ finding the job you want.

a) on

b) in

c) out

d) with


14. Заполните пропуск

You ____ not ring the bell. I’ve got the key.

a) need

b) ought to

c) can

d) could


15. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения


Mother: “You’d better return home now”.


a) It looks like raining. I don’t know what to do.

b) It is great to be at home again.

c) I want to do the shopping just now.

d) I.am going back home



16. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Little boy:” Hello!”


Adult:” ________________”


a) May I say what a pleasure it is to meet you?

b) Good afternoom, I wonder if I might have a word with your mother.

c) Would you mind my speaking to your mother?

d) Hello, is your mummy at home?


17. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения


Tutor:” You are to choose two optional courses out of five.”


a) Do you have optional courses this term?

b) What are the optional courses?

c) How many optional courses are we to choose?

d) Can we choose the optional courses ourselves?



18. Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации общения

Shop assistant: “Can I help you?”


Customer: “_________________”


a) No, that's not necessary.

b) Fine.

c) Oh, good. I’m so glad to have met you.

d) No, it’s all right, thanks, I’m just looking.


19. Заполните пропуск

Canada has a land border with.

a) the US only

b) the US, Russia and Mexico

c) the US and Russia

d) the US and Mexico


20. Заполните пропуск

_________is a very large Gothic church in the central London. It is the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English monarchs.

a) Westminister Abbey

b) Southwark Cathedral

c) Buchingam Palace

d) Westminister Cathedral


21. Заполните пропуск

_________is regarded by many people as America’s greatest president as he freed the slaves and united the country

a) John Kennedy

b) Ronald Reagan

c)Abraham Lincoln

d) Richard Nixon


22. Заполните пропуск

Elisabeth II lives in _______.

a) Buckingham Palace

b) Westminster Palace

c) No 10, Downing Street

d) The Tower of London


23. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке

a) Mr. J.A.Burns, ABC Advertising, 17 New Street,

New Town BN45 67HO


b) John Bloggs plc, 25 Corner Street, Darlington

Tel. 249 26 49

14 February 2006



c) We are writing to confirm our meeting on 20 February concerning the advertisement of our new device in your catalogue.

We would appreciate it if you have time to visit our plant at an earlier date and inform us of it.


d) Dear Mr. Burns,


e) We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Irene Green

Sales Manager



24. Перед Вами конверт

(1)Sun Express 20 (2)Gloucester place (3) Crydon CR 12 DN     (4) ABC (DrinksMachines) Ltd 186(5) Park Lane Bristol (6) BS2 8BE UK  

Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем,что она обозначает

a) the ZIP Code in the mailing address

b) the addressee

c) the street name in the return address

d) the street name in the mailing address

e) the sender’s company name

f) the town the letter comes from

25. Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок

We are seeking support from the Foundation to enable us to develop a pilot program. We ask for your partnership because of the Foundation’s interest in alternative education and youth leadership development especially for those from the underrepresented minority communities. We look forward to your consideration of our request and the opportunity to submit a formal proposal for your review.


(From Business Correspondense by A.P.Andreushkin)


a) letter of apology

b) letter of inquiry

c) memo

d) CV


26. Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки

To: Caroline Burton

From: Sales Manager,(1) ______

Subject: (2)________

(3) ______: 30 April 2003



Tombola Airways, out carrier for tours to Africa, has collapsed. This means that Tour 4389 is now cancelled.

Please write to (4) ______ and tell them we will refund their deposits as soon as possible.




a) Date

b) Sandra North

c) collapse of Tombola Airways

d) all agencies


27. Прочитайте текст

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