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B.Insert every, eachoreither.


1. The two girls were holding his hand, one on ______ side.2. He comes here ______ day and ______ time he asks me the same thing. 3. ______ of them had a cup coffee which looked like tea but didn’t taste like ______. 4. There were four trees on ______ side of the road, ______ having a bench under it. 5. Jim told Jo to stop talking. She didn’t know if she should obey or get offended, so she did ______. 6. ______ side of the cube is equal to ______ other. 7. Which do you like: the Collins or the Longman dictionary? – ______ will do, thanks. 8. He was shaking hands with ______ man who was entering, but still found a minute to talk to ______ member of his family. 9. I am expecting him ______ moment. 10. There were two pictures on the wall, ______ of them on ______ side of the door. 11. The children were leaving the room. ______ of them had a coat on. 12. I don’t know him. You don’t know him ______.

C. Insert any, every or their compounds.


1. He comes here ______ day. You can see him here ______ time in the morning. 2. I told you ______ I wanted to. I have hardly ______ to add. 3. In ______ village ______ will tell you ______ about ______ you want. 4. You can wear clothes of ______ color, because ______ becomes to you. 5. Ken will let ______ know ______ they want. 6. ______ student is to attend classes and take exams. ______ student who skips classes and exams will be punished. 7. One can see this boring wallpaper ______ in their house. 8. ______ here knows traffic regulations without ______ exception. 9. ______ mother will give ______ she has in exchange for ______ that will help her child. 10. ______ of them can do ______ task here. 11. Cats can sleep ______ they like. 12. ______ person will help you without ______ questions.

D. Translate.


1. Кожний школяр знає це правило. Воно корисне для кожного. 2. Кожен учень нашої школи вміє працювати в Інтернеті. Наші два комп’ютерні класи розташовані з кожної сторони від сходів. Вони працюють кожен день. 3. Кожен з них отримав запрошення на вечірку. Вони можуть прийти о другій, або о третій годині. 4. Хто захоче, може узяти тут що захоче. 5. Усі знають, що ми здаємо екзамен два дні. Кожен студент нашого коледжу може прийти у будь-який день. 6. Все готове. Будь-який з вас може починати. 7. Кожна людина має знати свої права. 8. Кожен з вас повинен знайти цю книгу. Там усе написано.


Ex. 7. A. Insert all, everybody or everything.


1. ______ people were tired. ______ needed some rest. 2. Not ______ of the students would like to know it. ______ they want is long holidays. 3. She gave me ______ she had. 4. The thieves took ______. ______ they left was a door and a window. 5. We followed ______ their movements. ______ was very attentive. 6. ______ was waiting for a signal. 7. ______ was explained to ______. 8. Jason read ______ the English books in our library. 9. He will give you ______ he has and leave ______ for himself. 10. To know ______ is to know ______. 11. ______ I want is a flat of my own.

B. Put in all if possible; if not, put in everything. Translate.


1. ______ you need is love. J. Lennon

2. ______ I need to make a comedy is a park, a policeman and a pretty girl. C. Chaplin

3. I can resist ______ except temptation. O. Wilde

4. You can have power over people as long as you don’t take ______ from them. A. Solzhenitsyn

5. They say, ______ in the world is good for something. J. Dryden

6. A cynic knows the price of ______ and the value of nothing. O. Wilde

7. Life is like nothing, because it is ______. W. Golding.

C. Put in all or everybody. Translate.


1. ______ women become like their mothers. It’s their tragedy. No man does. That’s his. O. Wilde

2. In the future ______ will be famous for fifteen minutes. A. Warhol

3. ______ human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

4. I am free of ______ prejudices – I hate ______equally. W.C. Fields

5. He who praises ______ praises nobody. S. Johnson

6. Justice is open to ______ people the same way as the Ritz Hotel. Judge Sturgess

D. Translate.


1. Усі ми робимо помилки, коли вчимось. 2. Коли ви отримали цю інформацію? 3. Ми вже знаємо все. 4. Все, що нам потрібно, це гроші. 5. Ви усім зателефонували? 6. Мабуть, він вигадав все з початку до кінця. 7. Відпочинок – це все, що я хочу. Всі повинні відпочивати, чи не так? 8. Всі його аргументи були переконливі. 9. Всі погодилися з ними. 10. Я підтримую добрі стосунки з усіма, бо усе, що я хочу – це спокій. 11. Ви випили все молоко, що було в чашці. 12. Ви можете брати в мене на столі все, що вам потрібно. 13. Усі вони прийшли привітати вас. 14. Ми всі будемо раді бачити вас.


Ex. 8. А. Write expressions with whole or all for each item.

E.g.: a hockey team – the whole hockey team; hockey players – all hockey players; food – all the food

A family; the children; the islands; the road system; a book; vegetables; the baggage; South America; the traffic; the country; pieces of bread; meat; Europe; Sunday; week-ends; a class; the students; animals; room; flowers; a political party; MPs

Note: afternoon/night/week/day/time/life etc. – all=whole (the whole afternoon = all (the) afternoon)


В. Insert all/all the or whole/the whole of.


1. ______ Asia watched this war ______ week. 2. ______ food was finished in two minutes if not faster. 3. I listened to ______ concert and liked ______ music. 4. ______ progressive people are fighting against terrorism ______ over the world. 5. People of ______ countries like to travel. 6. He washed ______ bathtub and took a bath. 7. Look! Your ______ sweater is wet. 8. ______ wool was spoilt by two kittens. 9. ______ period of the existence of the Roman Empire is marked by wars in ______ world. 10. I put ______ blame upon myself. 11. ______ North America was interested in this event. 12. ______ city is being reconstructed ______ time. 13. Jessica spilt ______ milk and had to clean the carpet ______ evening. 14. ______ mountain was covered with show. I wanted to see it ______ (my) life.

С. Translate.


1. Я приніс усі книги, що вам потрібні. 2. Усі вони пішли до клубу на весь вечір. 3. Мабуть, уся Австралія приїхала на матч. 4. Сподіваюсь, ти з’їв весь суп. 5. Я провів з ними весь день. 6. Ти не бачив, чи дитина випила усе молоко? 7. Всі дикі тварини бояться вогню. 8. Весь вівторок я сиділа біля телефону, але всі родичі забули про мене. 9. Уся кімната була прикрашена квітами. Усі квіти стояли в вазах. 10. Весь Київ вийшов на площу. 11. Вони всі були дуже стурбовані. 12. Все життя я мріяв про цю подорож. 13. Це все, що вони сказали мені про цю справу. 14. Цілі вихідні вони провели біля річки.


Ex. 9. A. Put in all or all the.


1. ______ babies must sleep several times a day. 2. ______ people in the park heard a loud scream. 3. ______ children received candies from Uncle George. 4. ______ seas have salty water. 5. ______ dogs bark at strangers. 6. ______ cars break if operated wrongly. 7. ______ people who apply for a visa must show their documents to the embassy officers. 8. I’ve met ______ girls here before

B. Put in most people or most of the people.


1. ______ enjoy talking about themselves. 2. ______ who wanted to visit the exhibition were disappointed. 3. I know ______ in our village. 4. ______ like music. 5. I think hunting for sport is wrong and hope that ______ would agree. 6. ______ on the plain got sick and suffered from jet lag afterwards. 7. He gets on with ______. 8. ______ at the party were friends of Mark’s.


Ex. 10. A. Insert both, either or neither.


1. There are beautiful houses on ______ bank of the river (on its ______ banks). 2. ______ of these expressions is correct, it’s a common mistake. 3. ______ were present, ______ was helpful. 4. He carried a suitcase in ______ hand. 5. They ______ were afraid, but ______ noticed it in the other. 6. As ______ his hands were busy, he greeted me with a nod. 7. The two guests sat on ______ side of a long table, but ______ said anything. 8. ______ of them could sing. 9. ______ of them were of the same opinion. 10. You may take ______ of the two, but not ______. 11. I could hear them ______ but saw ______. 12. He invited us ______, but actually wanted ______ of us at the family party. We didn’t want to stay at the party ______. 13. The valley stretched on ______ side of me. 14. There was a pie and juice on the table, but we were too shy to touch ______. 15. These are ______ very small rooms. I’m afraid ______ will suit me. 16. ______ his legs were broken. 17. She wore her hair in plaits which hung down on ______ side of her face. 18. ‘Are you going to have Coke or 7-up?’ ‘______. I am not thirsty’. 19. ‘Which job are you going to take?’ ‘______ I am afraid’. 20. His ______ sisters got married and ______ got divorced. 21. Nick and Tim are ______ my friends, but ______ is in town. They ______ are in the Navy. 22. These ______ jars are empty. You can take ______. 23. He didn’t like the idea of going there ______.

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