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Vocabulary. plight - бедственное, тяжелое положение;

plight - бедственное, тяжелое положение;

scholar - ученый;

to prompt - плбкждать, подталкивать, подсказывать;

effort - усилие;

to support - поддерживать;

concern - беспокойство, тревога;

survival - выживание;

to deteriorate - ухудшать(ся);

foundation - фонд;

to explore - исследовать;

among - среди;

to consider - полагать, считать, рассматривать;

competitive - соревнующий, конкурирующий;

grant - грант; деньги, выделяемые фондом на проект, на стажировку или обучение;

researcher - исследователь;

to link - соединять;

cooperative - совместный;

proposal - предложение, заявка;

to craft - здесь: создавать;

recent - недавний;

in response to - в ответ на;

threat - угроза;

academic - здесь: ученый;

welfare - благосостояние;

intended - предназначенный;

to fear - бояться, опасаться;

key - ключевой;

individuals - отдельные, частные лица;

to conduct - проводить;

acknowledged - признанный;

demise - сдача в аренду;

certain - некоторый, определенный;

to eliminate - уничтожать, упразднять, ликвидировать;

the rest of - отсальной;

treasure - сокровище, клад;

to save - спасать, сохранять, экономить;

drain - истощение, утечка;

executive - исполнительны;

officer - должностное лицо, госслужащий;

option - выбор, вариант;

whole - весь, целый;

generation - поколение;

creative - творческий;

sudden - внезапный;

to lay the groundwork - заложить основы;

specific - конкретный;

nuclear weapons - ядерное оружие;

maintenance - поддержание, содержание, обслуживание;

cuts - сокращения;

support - поддержка;

advancement - продвижение; прогресс, успех;

survey - исследование;

to determine - определять;

subscription - подписка (на журнал, газету);

to examine - рассматривать;

possibility - возможность;

foreign - зарубежный, иностранный;

to cancel - отменять, ликвидировать;

lack of funds - отсутствие/нехватка финансов;

to develop - равивать, разрабатывать;

to donate - дарить, жертвовать;

equipment - оборудование;

to bring together - соединять, объединять; наладить контакты между;

common - общий;

to promote - продвигать, способствовать;

to pair with - работать в парах, объединяться по два;

facilities - мн.ч. возможности, оборудование;

to explain - объяснять;

affairs - дела, вопросы;

to lead to - вести к;

cooperative - совместный;

long-term - долгосрочный;

exchange - обмен;

faculty - профессорско-преподавательский состав, преподаватели;

graduate - выпускной, выпускник;

dozen - дюжина;

to provide - обеспечивать, предоставлять;

additional - дополнительный;

team - команда;

to divert - отвлекать;

relatively - сравнительно;

amount - количество, сумма;

to require - требовать(ся);

to hire - принимать на работу;

intern - стажер;

to free up - высвободить;

to bewilder - смущать, ставить в тупик, сбивать с толку;

array - множество;

to confront with - сталкиваться с, противостоять;

complexity - сложность;

to determine - определять;

to make certain - убедиться;

to suppose - предполагать, полагать;

to note - примечать, замечать, отмечать;

former - бывший;

to transfer - переводить;

assets - мн.ч. фин.активы;

first-rate - первоначальный, превосходный;

value - ценность;

to divine - предсказывать, пророчить, (пред)угадывать;

to funnel - направлять;

as a whole - как единое целое;

sinkhole - сточная труба;

modest - скромный; умеренный;

to avoid - избегать;

since - поскольку;

additional - дополнительный;

support - поддержка;

to figure out - выяснить, обнаружить;

commonwealth - содружество;

affairs - дела;

recently - недавно;

to entangle - запутывать, впутывать; попасть в ловушку;

specific - конкретный;

donation - дар, пожертвование;

customs - таможня;

regulations - правила, предписания, инструкции;

legal - юридический;

impediment - помеха, препятствие;

unless - до тех пор, пока не;

consignee - получатель;

turmoil - смятение, суматоха, беспорядок;

wrong - не тот, неверный;

to concern - тревожиться, беспокоиться;

exchange rate - обменный курс;

significantly - значительно, очень;

to reduce - сокращать;

to inhibit - сдерживать, тормозить;

non-profit - некоммерческий;

favourable - благоприятный;

to intend - намереваться, собираться;

to demand - требовать;

currency - валюта;

to emphasize - подчеркивать, выделять;

to negotiate - вести переговоры;

tax - налог;

сontribution - вклад;

fear - страх, боязнь;

obstacle - препятствие;

to mention - упоминать;

to distribute - распределять;

to urge - побуждать, настоятельно требовать, настаивать;

way - путь, способ;

to institute procedures - ввести/учредить процедуры;

to agree - соглашаться;

internal - внутренний;

revenue - (годовой) доход; Департамент налогов и сборов;

matter - вопрос, дело;

to respond - отвечать;

to provide - обеспечивать;

red tape - волокита, бюрократизм, формализм;

controversy - противоречие;

to move - двигаться;

starvation - голод, голодная смерть;

bolstering - поддержка;

nuclear - ядерный;

appropriate - подходящий, соответстствующий;

to focus (on) - сконцентрироваться на, уделить основное внимание (чему-то);

agenda - повестка дня;

in terms of - с точки зрения;

relief - облегчение, помощь;

to establish - учредить, открыть;

joint - совместный;

impartially - беспристрастно;

to review - рассматривать;

to declare - объявлять, заявлять;

application - заявка, заявление;

flood - поток;

to evaluate - оценивать;

to encourage - подбадривать, поощрять;

to remain - оставаться;

to avoid - избегать;

exacerbating - обострение;

brain drain - утечка мозгов;

to connect – соединять


Answer the following questions.


1. What has prompted American foundations and scholarly organizations to explore the new ways to help Russian scholars?

2. What ideas are being considered?

3. What kind of threat made them hurry in providing assistance?

4. Is thi help supported to be just a humanitarian gesture?

5. What do American scholars fear?

6. What is work position of Victor Rabinowich?

7. What does he say about the current situation in Russia?

8. What is Sandra Burns' position?

9. What kind of survey is her office considering?

10. What possibilities is the American Physical Society examining?

11. What concept are they going to promote?

12. What kind of plan does Jeremy J.Stone say about?

13. What are American officers confronted with in Russia?

14. What does he say about subscriptions to Russian research institutes?

15. What is the position of Joseph McGhee?

16. What is his opinion about Russian bureaucracy? about donations of equipment?

17. What does the American side fear in the whole?

18. What do American non-profit organizations demand concerning taxes?

19. What are the American foundations going to focus on?

20. What for is a joint U.S.-Russian Committee to be established?



Text 3




The Invisible (невидимый) College, a non-traditional institution

(учреждение) in Budapest offering individual tutoring (наставничество,

руководство) and academic support (поддержка) to a limited number of

"gifted" (одаренный) university students, has won this year's Hannah Arendt


The prize, first awarded (врученный) in 1995, is given annually by the

Vienna-based Institute for Human Sciences in recognition (в знак признания)

of "outstanding, self-initiated reform efforts in higher education and

research (научное исследование)" in the formerly (бывший) Communist

countries of Eastern Europe. It carries a cash (наличные деньги) grant from

the Korber Foundation of Hamburg, Germany, of 300,000 DM, or about


Founded (основанный) in 1992, the college took its name because it

has no facilities (оборудование). It provides (обеспечивать) intensive

academic support to undergraduates, graduate students, and doctoral

candidates (докторанты) at a variety (ряд) of Budapest institutions. This

year, it has 73 students. They were selected in a competitive (конкурсный,

состязательный) process and are considered among the most promising

(обещающий) social-science students in Hungary. Each one is assigned

(назначен) tutors (наставник) and is offered special classes. The students

also are given stipends, so that they can devote (посвящать) themselves

exclusively (исключительно, только) to their studies. The program is

financed by grants from Hungarian businesses.

Educators (педагоги) in the region say that programs similar

(подобный) to the Invisible College have been established (открыты) in

Poland, Romania and Slovakia.


Comprehension Check.

Ex. Answer the following questions:

1. What institutions awards Hannah Arendt Prize?

2. When was this prize first awarded?

3. Waht is it given for?

4. What is the source of money for this grants?

5. How many persons does it support this year?

6. In what sphere do the prize-winners make their researches?


Topics to discuss.

1. Hannah Arendt Prize. Its background, sources and goal.

2. Invisible College. The way it operates.

3. Prize-winners. Their number, field of research, attendimg classes>


(U.S.NEWS and WORLD REPORT, May 12,1997).



Text 4



by Charles Levin

When David Roitstein helped launch the jazz studies program at

California Institute of the Arts in 1983, he faced an immediate dilemma.

Roitstein supervised a small but immensely talented group of students who

wrote their own compositions. But, other than taping a concert or

rehearsal, he had no way to preserve threir work for history; the resources

for a compact disc just weren't available.

"It was always important to us to document the music the music," says

Roitstein, who teaches piano at the Santa Clarita-based school. "That was a

priority, particularly because there's so much original composition here.

If you're just reproducing standard repertoire, I suppose it's important to

record the performance, but it takes on another level of importance when

you're documenting new original compositions."

Salvation arrived in 1989, when Joe Smith, then president and CEO of

Capitol-EMI, joined the institute's board of trustees. "He recognised the

program's value but realized thhat few people outside the school knew about

it," says Roitstein. Smith immediately volunteered his industry clout to

get the program free studio time, tape, engineers, CD production and

marketing savvy.

With continued help from EMI, CalArts (as it's known to denizens)

this year released its 10th CD of student jazz ensembles, a collection of

recordings that have won consistent raves for virtuosic performances.

Getting a composition selected for the CD is highly competitive.

Students submit taped compositions in the fall. The 13-member faculty -

including program co-founder and bassist Charlie Haden, drummer Joe

LaBarbera, percussionist John Bergamo and saxophonist Vinny Golia - pick

from nearly 80 compositions before making final choices. Ensembles record

in Capitol's famed Studio B, where Frank Sinatra and Nelson Riddle worked

magic in the 1950s.

Recording time is limited to two hours for each group, creating a

real-world atmosphere for students. That they record under high pressure

fulfills one goal of the CD project.

"I'd like for all our students to be comfortable in the studio,

whether it's doing professional production work, being studio musicians or

playing their original creative music," Roitstein says.

No one song on any CD sounds the same. The material ranges from

straight-up bop and full-throttle fusion to avantgarde musings and

Latin-jazz. Previous recordings have included Macedonian folk songs,

CalArts' African music ensemble and a six-part choir for hi-hat cymbals.

"We're looking for the most successful and interesting music in

whatever instrumentation or aesthetic direction the students are going in,"

Roitstein says. "Joe Smith always said when he listened to our CDs, it was

like pressing the scan button on the radio. And that's what we want: to

make a record that has some unity as a production but really represents the

broad range of the work that goes on here."


Vocabulary to the Text.

launch - стартовать, начать

face - сталкиваться

supervise - здесь: руководить

immensely - чрезвычайно, очень

rehearsal - репетиция

preserve - сохранять

available - жлступный

partially - частично

salvation - спасение

Capititol-EMI -???????????

join - вступать, присоединяться

board - совет

trustee - попечитель

recognize - признавать

volunteer - (добровольно) вызваться

clout - Am.E. сленг: влияние

savvy - сленг: понимание, знание

denizen - здесь: знаток, поклонник

release - выпускать

consistent - здесь: последовательный

rave - восторженный отклик

competitive - конкурсный, сопернический

submit - предоставлять

faculty - профессорско-преп. состав

drummer - барабанщик

percussionist - ударник

final - окончательный

famed - известный, знаменитый

goal - цель

creative - творческий

range - варьировать (от...до...)

straight-up bop - настоящее потрясение, удар????????

full-throttle - захватывающий?????????

fusion - сплав, слияние

choir - хор

hi-hat cymbals - (мн.ч.) муз. тарелки, приводимые в движение ножной педалью

scan - (бегло) просматривать

button - кнопка, клавиша


Comprehension Check.

Ex. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the jazz studies program begin at California Institute of Arts?

2. How did all this start?

3. Who composed music there?

4. Why was it important to document the music?

5. What does CalArts mean?

6. What was the role of Joe Smith in establishing CalArts?

7. How many CDs did CalArts release in total?

8. In what way are compositions selected for a CD?

9. Who are the faculty members at the Institute of Arts?

10. What is the recording process like?

11. What kind of music do their CDs include?


Topics to discuss.

1. David Roitstein and Joe Smith. Their role in CalArts.

2. Selecting recordings for a CD.

4. Recording music by a musical group.


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