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Вместо пропусков вставьте необходимые предлоги.

1) No proceeding may be brought... courts, unless the
parties both expressly agree... the choice of another court or

2) Such goods are carried at Merchant's risk, in which
case the Carrier shall be... no liability... any loss or delition
thereof, or damage thereto, arising... any cause whatsoever.

3) In no event shall the Carrier be liable... damage...
and/or loss... goods prior to loading or after discharge.

4) The burden of proving that the loss or damage was due
to one of the events specified in sub-clause 2 shall rest... the

5) In no case shall the Carrier be liable... an amount
exceeding $... per package or unit.

6) The Carrier shall have an absolute lien... goods for any
amount due... this Contract.

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

7) The Merchant shall indemnify the Carrier... all loss,
damage and expense arising or resulting... inaccuracies... or
inadequacy... such particulars.

8) The Carrier's responsibility for the goods ceases when
the goods are discharged... of the container... the port of

9) The Merchant will be liable... all loss or damage, if
the foregoing provisions are not complied....

10) In case charter-party is agreed... for the carriage of the
goods the terms, conditions and exception of the charter-party
will prevail... the terms, conditions and exception of the Bill
of Lading to the extent of any conflict between them.

5. Выражения в скобках замените их английскими соответ­ствиями и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1) The goods taken on board of the vessel (в полной
исправности и в хорошем состоянии) as she may safely
get, (всегда на плаву) and delivered.

2) One of these Bills of Lading must be surrendered (c
надлежащими отметками) in exchange for the goods.

3) (Судебное дело не может быть возбуждено ни в
каком другом суде), unless the parties both expressly agree
on Ihe choice of another court or arbitration.

4) In regard to loading and discharge this Bill of Lading is
subject to the terms, conditions and exceptions of (договор
морской перевозки).

5) The Carrier in arranging for (лихтеры) or other
transportation between ship and shore, does so as the
Merchant's agent and (за счет и на риск) of the goods.

6) Where the goods are stated herein to be received and/
or shipped as (палубный груз) such goods are carried at
Merchant's risk.

7) The Carrier shall be entitled to carry goods on deck in
containers, trailer, (перевозные цистерны) or similar (транс-

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

портные средства) used to (комплектовать партию това­ра) where they are stowed there by him or Merchant.

8) The Carrier's liability shall cease at the latest when the
goods (переходить через поручни судна).

9) The Carrier shall be (освобождать от ответствен­
ности) for any loss or damage if such loss or damage arose
or resulted from (неправомерное действие) or neglect of
the Merchant or from (свойственный товару порок).


10) Such removal shall be (доказательство, доста­
точное при отсутствии опровержения) of the delivery
by the Carrier of the goods as described in this Bill of

11) The Carrier shall be discharged of all liability under
the rules of these conditions (если не предъявлен иск)
within one year after delivery of the goods.

12) The differences and limits of liability provided for in
this B/L shall apply to any action against the Carrier for loss of
or damage to the goods whether the action (основанный на
договоре или возникший в результате деликта).

13) The Carrier shall have an absolute (право удержа­
ния) on the goods and for contribution in respect of (об­
щая авария) and for (спасательное вознаграждение).

14) The Merchant shall guarantee to the Carrrier the
accuracy of the description of the goods at the time (пере­
возчик принял на себя ответственность за груз).

Предложите свои варианты перевода словосочетаний, выделенных курсивом. Переведите предложения.

1) In witness whereof number of stated above original
Bs/L have been signed; one of which being accomplished the
other (s) to be void

2) «Ship» includes any vessel owned, chartered or
operated by the Carrier, used in performance of the
Contract, evidenced by this Bill of Lading.

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

3) The goods may be carried by any route whatsoever,
whether or not the most direct or advertized or customary

4) In the absence of such an agreement the goods are
received and delivered under ship's tackle.

5)... the Carrier shall be at liberty to put the goods into craft and/or land on the quay and/or storing, etc., as the Carrier may think fit...

6) The Carrier is at liberty to stow the goods in poop,
forecastle, shelterdeck, spare bankers or any covered space
and when so stowed shall be deemed for all purposes to be stowed
under deck

7) In no case shall the Carrier be liable in any amount
exceeding $... per package or unit, or the equivalent of that
sum in other currency, unless declared with value on the Bill
of Lading

8) Pieces or packages weighting two tons each and
upwards or of exceptional bulk or length shall be loaded and
discharged at Merchant's risk.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 610. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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