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8 8.1 This insurance attaches from the time Transit
the goods leave the warehouse or place of Clause
storage at the place named herein for the
commencement of the transit, continues
during the ordinary course of transit and
terminates either

8.1.1 on delivery to the Consignees' or oth­
er final warehouse or place of storage at
the destination named herein,

8.1.2 on delivery to any other warehouse
or place of storage, whether prior to or at

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

the destination named herein, which the Assured elect to use either for storage other than in the or­
dinary course of transit or for allocation or distribution, or
8.1.3 on the expiry of 60 days after com­
pletion of discharge overside of the goods
hereby insured from the oversea vessel at
the final port of discharge,
whichever shall first occur.

8.2 If, after discharge overside from the
oversea vessel at the final port of discharge,
but prior to termination of this insurance,
the goods are to be forwarded to a desti­
nation other than that to which they are
insured hereunder, this insurance, whilst
remaining subject to termination as pro­
vided for above, shall not extend beyond
the commencement of transit to such oth­
er destination.

8.3 This insurance shall remain in force
(subject to termination as provided for
above and to the provisions of Clause 9 be­
low) during delay beyond the control of
the Assured, any deviation, forced dis­
charge, reshipment or transhipment and
during any variation of the adventure aris­
ing from the exercise of a liberty granted
to shipowners or charterers under the con­
tract of affreightment.

If owing to circumstances beyond the con- Termination

trol of the Assured either the contract of of Contract

carriage is terminated at a port or place of Carriage

other than the destination named therein Clause

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова



or the transit is otherwise terminated be­fore delivery of the goods, as provided for in Clause 8 above, then this insurance shall also terminate unless prompt notice is giv­en to the Underwriters and continuation of cover is requested when the insurance shall remain in force, subject to an addi­tional premium if required by the Under­writers, either

9.1 until the goods are sold and delivered
at such port or place, or, unless otherwise
specially agreed, until the expiry of 60 days
after arrival of the goods hereby insured at
such port or place, whichever shall first oc­


9.2 if the goods are forwarded within the
said period of 60 days (or any agreed ex­
tension thereof) to the destination named
herein or to any other destination, until
terminated in accordance with the provi­
sions of Clause 8 above.

10Where, after attachment of this insur- Change ance, the destination is changed by the of Voyage Assured, held covered at a premium and Clause on conditions to be arranged subject to prompt notice being given to the Under­writers.


1111.1 In order to recover under this insur- Insur able

ance the Assured must have an insurable Interest

interest in the subject-matter insured at Clause
the time of the loss.


Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

11.2 Subject to 11.1 above, the Assured shall be entitled to recover for insured loss oc­curring during the period covered by this insurance, notwithstanding that the loss oc­curred before the contract of insurance was concluded, unless the Assured were aware of the loss and the Underwriters were not.

12Where, as a result of the operation of a risk Forwarding covered by this insurance, the insured tran- Charges sit is terminated at a port or place other Clause than that to which the subject-matter is covered under this insurance, the Under­writers will reimburse the Assured for any extra charges properly and reasonably in­curred in unloading, storing and forward­ing the subject-matter to the destination to which it is insured hereunder. This Clause 12, which does not apply to general average or salvage charges, shall be subject to the exclusions contained in Clauses 4, 5, 6 and 7 above, and shall not > include charges arising from the fault neg­ligence insolvency or financial default of the Assured or their servants.

13 No claim for Constructive Total Loss shall Construc- be recoverable hereunder unless the sub- the ject-matter insured is reasonably aban- Total doned either on account of its actual total Loss loss appearing to be unavoidable or be- Clause cause the cost of recovering, recondition­ing and forwarding the subject-matter to the destination to which it is insured would exceed its value on arrival.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

14 14.1 If any Increased Шие insurance is ef- Increased fected by the Assured on the cargo insured Value herein the agreed value of the cargo shall be Clause deemed to be increased to the total amount insured under this insurance and all In­creased Value insurances covering the loss, and liability under this insurance shall be in such proportion as the sum insured herein bears to such total amount insured. In the event of claim the Assured shall pro­vide the Underwriters with evidence of the amounts insured under all other insurances. 14.2 Where this insurance is on Increased Value the following clause shall apply:The agreed value of the cargo shall be deemed to be equal to the total amount insured under the primary insurance and all Increased Wue insurances covering the loss and effected on the cargo by the Assured, and liability under this insurance shall be in such proportion as the sum insured herein bears to such total amount insured. In the event of claim the Assured shall pro­vide the Underwriters with evidence of the amounts insured under all other insurances.

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