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What is a computer?

1. Выбери какой-нибудь фрагмент собственного текста, и отредактируй его

а) с другой перспективы

б) в другом грамматическом времени

2. Выбери какой-нибудь фрагмент из любимой повести, и переработай его, изменяя перспективу и грамматическое время. Каковы результаты этих изменений?

3. Опиши в 300 словах одну из следующих сцен - сначала с одной точки зрения, затем с другой:

Первый день в школе. Молодой учитель, только что после института, входит в свой первый в жизни класс. (Перспектива учителя, а потом кого-то из учеников).

Авария на дороге. (С перспективы случайного наблюдателя, потом пострадавшего).

Молодая женщина помогает слепому перейти улицу. (Точка зрения женщины, потом слепого).

А теперь опиши ту же самую сцену с "божественной" перспективы.






Unit 1. What is a computer? 6

Text 1. What is a computer?

Text 2. Computer Types

Unit 2. The Motherboard

Text 1. The CPU

Text 2. Units of Memory

Unit 3. Peripherals

Text 1. Peripherals. Input Devices

Text 2. Output Devices

Unit 4. Software Classification

Text 1. Software

Text 2. Types of Software and Their Licensing

Unit 5. Operating Systems Classification

Text 1. Operating System

Text 2. Operating Systems Windows and Linux

Unit 6. Computer Networks

Text 1. Computer Networking Fundamentals

Text 2. The World Wide Web

Unit 7. Information Threats

Text 1. What is a Hacker?

Text 2. Computer Viruses

Unit 8. Virtual Reality

Text 1. Types of Online Games

Text 2. Social Network

Unit 9. Cybercrime

Text 1. Cybercrime: Definition and Types

Text 2. Other Types of Cybercrime

Unit 10. Information Security

Text 1. Information Security

Text 2. Anti-Virus Software and Firewalls

Text 3. My Speciality




Unit 1. Времена группы Simple Active

Unit 2. Времена группы Simple Passive

Unit 3. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

Unit 4. Причастия I и II (Participles I and Participle II)

Unit 5. Времена группы Continuous

Unit 6. Времена группы Perfect

Unit 7. The Infinitive

Unit 8. Subjective and Objective Infinitive Constructions

Unit 9. The Gerund









Приложение. Таблица неправильных глаголов






Unit 1

What is a computer?

Remember the following words and word combinations.

1. empower, v – давать возможность, позволять

2. create, v – создавать, разрабатывать

3. tools – инструменты, инструментальные средства

4. shape, v – формироваться

5. application – применение, использование

6. apply, v – применять, использовать

7. receive, v – получать, принимать

8. input – ввод, входной сигнал

9. output - вывод

10. mouse – мышь

11. keyboard – клавиатура

12. process, v – обрабатывать

13. display, v – отображать, выводить

14. screen – экран

15. digital – цифровой

16. develop, v – разрабатывать

17. consume, v – потреблять

18. power – мощность

19. integrated circuit – интегральная схема

20. capable – способный

21. occupy, v – занимать

22. space – пространство

23. accept, v – принимать

24. store, v – сохранять, запоминать

25. output, v – выводить (данные)

26. consist, v – состоять

27. hardware – аппаратное обеспечение, «железо»

28. software – программное обеспечение

29. require, v – требовать

30. memory – память

31. enable, v – давать возможность, запускать (в работу)

32. data – сведения, информация

33. mass storage device – устройство массовой памяти

34. storage device – запоминающее устройство

35. temporarily – временно

36. permanently – постоянно

37. input device – устройство ввода

38. output device – устройство вывода

39. conduit – канал, средство передачи, коммуникации

40. accomplish, v – совершать, выполнять

41. central processing unit (CPU) – центральный процессор

42. execute, v – осуществлять, выполнять

43. unit – элемент, секция

44. attach, v – присоединять

45. peripheral – внешнее устройство

46. plug, v – подключать, подсоединять, вставлять

47. external – внешний

48. internal – внутренний

49. embedded – встроенный

50. storage – хранение

51. numerous – многочисленный

52. management – управление, руководство

53. common – общепринятый, распространенный


Read and translate the text.


Text 1

What is a computer?


“I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created. They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their user.”

Bill Gates


Modern world is impossible without computers and their applications. They are almost in every sphere of our life. But what is a computer? While the term computer can apply to virtually any device that has a microprocessor in it, most people think of a computer as a device that receives input from the user through a mouse or keyboard, processes it and displays the result on a screen.

The first electronic digital computers (developed between 1940 and 1945) were the size of a large room, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers (PCs). Modern computers based on integrated circuits are millions to billions of times more capable than the early machines, and occupy a fraction of the space.

A computer is an electronic device that accepts, processes, stores and outputs information. A typical computer system consists of two parts: hardware and software. Hardware is any electronic or mechanical part you can see and touch. Software is a set of instructions, called a program, which tells the computer what to do.

All general-purpose computers require the following hardware components:

- memory: enables a computer to store, at least temporarily, data and programs.

- mass storage device: allows a computer to permanently retain large amounts of data. Common mass storage devices include disk drives and tape drives.

- input device: usually a keyboard and mouse, the input device is the conduit through which data and instructions enter a computer.

- output device: a display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the computer has accomplished.

- central processing unit (CPU): the heart of the computer, this is the component that actually executes instructions.

There are physical units attached to the computer (e.g. the keyboard, the monitor, etc.). They are called peripherals. At the back of the computer there are ports into which we plug external devices (e.g. a scanner, a modem, etc.). They allow communication between the computer and the devices. In addition to these components there are many others that make it possible for the basic components to work together efficiently.

Personal computers in their various forms are what most people think of as “computers.” However, the embedded computers found in many devices from MP3 players to fighter aircraft and from toys to industrial robots are the most numerous.

Computers help to diagnose diseases. They are the best means for storage and management of data. There are fully automated factories running on software. We book air tickets or railway tickets using the Internet. We make hotel reservations online.

Shopping via Internet is common nowadays.

Nowadays millions of people can no longer live without computers.


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