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Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps with the words given below.

Personal computers, computers, screen, heart, mouse, data, email, port, software, a keyboard, ports, hardware


1. Today, __________ are all around us.

2. A computer has the ability to store, retrieve, and process ________.

3. We can use a computer to type documents, send ________, and surf the Internet.

4. ____________ come in two main styles: PC and Mac.

5. The CPU is the ___________ of the computer.

6. We enter data with ____________, a webcam, etc.

7. At the back of a computer there are _______________ into which we can plug external devices.

8. __________is any physical part of the computer, which includes all of the internal components and also the external parts like the monitor and the keyboard.

9. Computers use a combination of hardware and ____________.

10. We can see the result on the ______________ or in printed form.

11. The ____________ is a device moved by hand to indicate position on the screen.

12. Plug your printer into a free USB __________.


Exercise 9. Write down the names of computer’s details.

1. ________

2. ________

3. _________

4. _________

5. ________

6. ________

7. _________

8. ________

9. ________

10. ________


Exercise 10. Fill in the gaps with the words given below. Translate the text.

Multiple, mainframes, adapter, mobile phones, embedded, desktop computers, personal computers, computer, mobile, keyboard


A desktop computer is a small machine that has a screen which is not part of the _____________. Most people keep them on top of a desk that is why they are called ‘_____________’. Similar in operation to desktop computers, laptop computers are miniaturized and optimized for _____________ use. Laptops run on a single battery or an external _____________ that charges the computer batteries. They are enabled with an inbuilt _____________, touch pad acting as a mouse and a liquid crystal display. Both laptops and desktops are called _____________, because one person at a time uses them for things like playing music, surfing the web, or playing video games.

There are bigger computers that many people at a time can use. They are _____________. Large organizations use mainframes for highly critical applications such as bulk data processing. Most of the mainframe computers have capacities to host _____________ operating systems and operate as a number of virtual machines. They can substitute (to substitute -заменить) for several small servers.

There is another type of computer, called an embedded computer. An embedded computer is a computer that does one thing and one thing only, and usually does it very well. For example, an alarm clock is an _____________ computer: it tells the time. Embedded computers cannot be programmed. Some _____________, automatic teller machines, microwave ovens, CD players and cars are examples of embedded computers.


Exercise 11. Translate the following text in a written form. Use a dictionary if necessary.


A computer is one of the most brilliant inventions of mankind. Thanks to computer technology, we have been able to achieve storage and processing of huge amounts of data. We can rest our brains by employing computer memory capacities for information storage. Owing to computers, we have been able to achieve higher processing speeds, execute critical transactions and that too with great precision and accuracy.

Computers of the earlier times were of the size of a large room and required to consume huge amounts of electric power. However, with the advancing technology, computers have shrunk to the size of a small watch.


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