Статья из журнала «The Harmonist», издаваемого под редакцией Шрилы Бхактисиддханты Сарасвати Тхакура в 20–30-е годы XX столетия
(из восьмого номера XXV тома за январь 1928 года)
Шри Харидас Тхакур много раз посещал Навадвипу. Там он останавливался в школе Шри Адвайты Прабху и воспевал санкиртану Святого Имени Господа Хари со Шривасом и другими преданными. В те времена Нимай Пандит, опьяненный божественной любовью, проявлял Свои игры в облике неугомонного ребенка, а затем Он с великим усердием явил игры учености. Отправившись в Гайя Дхаму и совершив погребальную церемонию для Своего отца у лотосоподобных стоп Шри Гададхара, Шри Гаурасундар проявил Свою лилу принятия духовного посвящения от Шрипада Ишвары Пури, великого санньясина, принадлежащего к сампрадае Шримад Мадхвачарьи. По возвращению же в Навадвипу Он стал величайшим преданным Кришны. Шри Адвайта, Шривас, Харидас, Мукунда и другие преданные Навадвипы, регулярно совершающие экстатический киртан Господа Хари, были несказанно удивлены и обрадованы теми немыслимыми преображениями, которые произошли с Нимаем Пандитом, Обладателем неисчислимых талантов. За короткое время Нимай Пандит принял руководство над всеми преданными, совершающими киртан, и с того времени радость киртана многократно возросла, заполнив каждый уголок в домах преданных, и, в особенности, дом Шриваса. Шри Тхакур Харидас и Шривас Пандит помогали устраивать эти упоительные киртаны. Вскоре Хари- санкиртана охватила всю Навадвипу. Несколько завистников, раздуваемых от гордости, поднаторевших в дебатах о шастрах и съедаемых от злости и высокомерия, выступили против этого киртана. Движимые завистью, они стали плести множество интриг, пытаясь помешать Шри Гаурасундару в Его божественном поиске Шри Кришны. В один из дней они прилюдно оскорбляли, в другой день строили коварные планы, а на третий день подбросили в дом Шриваса нечто отвратительное и грязное, пытаясь всеми правдами и неправдами помешать киртану Кришны. Они задействовали все свои порочные наклонности, такие как клевета, зависть, злоба и гнев, пытаясь запугать преданных, однако сила и мощь киртана только возрастала с каждым днем и вскоре, подобно гигантской приливной волне, затопила все сообщества города Навадвипы. Те препоны, что чинили эти интриганы, вместо того, чтобы навредить киртану, лишь вынесли на всеобщее обсуждение саму порочную изобретательность этих заговорщиков. Движимый состраданием к падшим дживам, Шри Гаурасундар сказал Шри Прабху Нитьянанде и Шри Тхакуру Харидасу: «О Нитьянанда и Харидас, выслушайте Меня внимательно. Исполняйте повсюду Мое повеление! Стучитесь в каждый дом и в качестве подаяния просите так: “Повторяйте Имя Кришны, служите Кришне и познавайте лишь Кришну”. Кроме этого не следует ничего просить или говорить. И вечером каждого дня приходите ко Мне и рассказывайте обо всем, что произошло». (продолжение следует) Автор текста неизвестен * Вы также можете обратиться
Thakur Haridas Journal 'The Harmonist' (No. 8, Vol. XXV, January 1928)
SHRI Thakur Haridas at times visited the town of Nabadvip. There he put up at the tol-house of Shri Advaita Prabhu and chanted the samkirtan of the Name of Hari in company of Shribash and the other devotees. At this period Nimai Pandit, overflowing with Divine Love, was exhibiting the sportiveness of a most restless child, and, later on, manifested equal zeal in the display of learning. Having repaired to Gaya Dham and there offered pinda to his deceased father at the lotus feet of Shri Gadadhar, Shri Gaursundar manifested, while, He was still at Gaya, the lila of accepting the favour of initiation from Shripad Ishvarpuri, a great sannyasin belonging to the sampradaya of Shrimad Madhvacharyya; and, on His return to Nabadvip, was transformed into an exclusive seeker after Krishna. Shri Advaita, Shribash, Haridas, Mukunda and other devotees, resident in Nabadvip, who delighted in the performance of the kirtan of Hari, were all highly encouraged beholding this unthinkable change of Nimai Pandit, the possessor of unbounded genius. Within a short time Nimai Pandit accepted the leadership of this community of the chanters of kirtan and thenceforward the joy of kirtan waxed stronger every clay in the homes of the devotees of Nabadvip and specially in the residence of Shribash. The principal helpers in these joyous performances of kirtan were Shri Thakur Haridas and Shribash. Hari- samkirtan attained such high intensity at Nabadvip that a few persons who were puffed up with the pride of worldliness, skilled in the wranglings of the shastras and full of malice and arrogance, became the opponents of kirtan. Actuated by this sentiment of hostility they set themselves to devise various methods for counteracting the efforts of Shri Gaursundar in His quest after Krishna. On a certain day by open abuse, another day by secret plotting, on a third day by throwing filthy substances into the house of Shribash, they tried to obstruct the progress of kirtan. The resources of wickedness — slander, envy, malice, anger etc. — being employed in harassing the devotees, the tide of kirtan with daily increasing vigour began all the more violently to agitate, to their deepest depths, the different communities of the town of Nabadvip. The obstacles that were devised by sinful persons plotting in secret, instead of preventing kirtan, only served to expose to the public gaze the wicked ingenuity of the plotters. And now moved by the miseries of the fallen jivas Shri Gaursundar thus spoke to Shri Prabhu Nityananda and Shri Thakur Haridas — “Hear attentively, Nityananda, listen Haridas, Reverently, with the head bent in submission, receiving this command of the Lord Prabhu Nityananda and the revered Thakur Haridas, appearing at the door-steps of every dwelling, began to chant loudly these words — “Say Krishna, chant Krishna, serve Krishna; Both of these chanters of kirtan wore the garb of sannyasins. Some of the people were delighted by listening to the kirtan song regarding it as the method of practicing devotion to God; but there were others who imputed various evil motives. Every evening Shri Thakur Haridas duly submitted at the feet of Shriman Mahaprabhu the result of the preaching of the day. On one of these days a great danger befell the two preachers through the animosity of two sinful brahmans who bore the names of Jagai and Madhai. Those robbers wanted to lay violent hands on the two Prabhus as they were preaching the word of God and they could only save themselves from the clutches of the murderers, who hotly chased them, by precipitate flight. On learning particulars of the attack by the two robbers from Shri Thakur Haridas and hearing of the child-like behavior of Prabhu Nityananda, Prabhu Advaita predicted to Haridas the impending deliverance of the two ruffians, Jagai and Madhai lying in wait close to the house of Mahaprabhu listened through the nights to the kirtan of Krishna sung by the devotees without, however, relaxing the vigour of their wicked attempts. At last as Prabhu Nityananda was one night coming to the house of Mahaprabhu the two robber brothers made an attack on Him. Madhabananda Bandopadhyaya under the influence of intoxicants having with all his strength struck Shri Prabhu Nityananda a blow with his fist and a stream of blood spurted out from the forehead of Prabhu Nityananda. At this Jagadananda interposed and made Madhai desist from his wickedness; and when Shri Mahaprabhu escorted by the brotherhood of His devotees reached the spot Prabhu Nityananda without anger informed the Lord of the magnanimity of Jagadananda. Forthwith the two robbers obtaining the mercy of the two Prabhus renounced their abominable trade and promised never again to sin in future! “May I ever subsist on the leavings of those servants Having heard this prayer of the Thakur the Lord thus spoke its fulfillment — “With whom you hold speech even for the space of half a second In this connection Shrila Thakur Brindabandas writes — “Caste, family, high deeds, wealth are of no avail; Shri Thakur Haridas preached the Name of Shri Hari by frequent journeys to different parts of Bengal stopping for sometime at each place. On one occasion the Thakur stayed in this manner at the house of Satyaraj Khan, the pride of the kayastha community, and of his son Shri Ramananda-Basil, all through the period of Chaturmasya, in order to preach and teach by example the mystery of the Holy Name. Even to this day, at the village of Kulingram, in the District of Burdwan, on the site of the devotional practices of Thakur Haridas, is to be found the ancient establishment of the eternal worship of Shri Gauranga. The author is unknown