Assignment 2
Find the Russian equivalents of the following. To overcome a difficult economic situation; insurance against unemployment, sickness and old age; a terrible hardship; Victorian values; to cut wages; free medical care; to reduce income tax; a period of economic growth and prosperity; to dominate the decade; a new breed of Briton. Assignment 3 Look through the above text again. Suggest the English for the phrases below. Обязательное бесплатное образование; расширить систему социального обеспечения; развивать промышленность; движущая сила; высокий уровень безработицы; низкий уровень заработной платы; значительный рост частного сектора; национальное богатство; добыча нефти.
Assignment 4 On a separate sheet of paper, translate from English into Russian Paragraph 4 of the text beginning with the words «Life in the new factories...» and ending with the words « recognition of trade unions». When translating, please keep in mind the norms of the Russian language. Assignment 5 Fill in the correct word or phrase from the list below. Use the words or phrases only once. Legal; social reforms; rescue; to become; free; political changes. 1) ______________ better off 2) _____________ recognition 3) to witness ______________ 4) a ______________ operation 5) ______________ medical care 6) urgently needed ______________