Saint Petersburg R. Aslanov Publishing House "Yuridichesky Center Press" УДК 340.111.52 ББК 67.0 Editorial Board of the Series A87 "Theory and History of State and Law" I. Yu. Kozlikhin (managing editor), I. I: Mushket (managing editor), S. N. Baburin, Yu. I. Grevtsov, A. V. Ilyin, I. A. Isaev, О. М. Karamyshev, D. I. Lukovskaja, V. V. Momotov, A. V.Malko, M.N. Marchenko, A.V. Polyakov, A.S. Smykalin, E.V. Timoshina Reviewers: Doctor of Law, professor, Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Humanities and Social Sciences (Ekaterinburg), associated professor of the University "Paris-ХII" (France) A.P. Semitko Doctor of Law, professor, Science Pro-Rector of the Ural State Law Academy N.N. Tarasov