Прочтите и переведите текст А. 2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова:
2. Заполните пропуски, используя следующие слова: incentives, output, objective, usage, values, increase, rates, resources, revenues 1. In general... economic growth is taken to mean any 2. GNP is measured in terms of money.... 3. The problem of economic growth is how to increase 4. Growth is an important... of economic policy. 5. Economic growth brings in increasing... from a given 6. The... to increase capacity and output will clearly 3. Найдите синонимы среди следующих слов: attain, desire, revenue, widen, merely, steadily, obvious, fast, affluent, damage, relate, deplorable, furthermore, rapid harm, connect, poor, rich, besides, wish, income, increase, only, constantly, achieve, evident. 4. Найдите антонимы среди следующих слов: opponent, growth, better, easy, less, wide, supporter, decline, worse, difficult, more, narrow. 5. Образуйте антонимы от следующих слов: lead, agreement, proportionately, increase, compose, desirable, popular, efficient, attainable. 6. Переведите следующие сочетания слов на англий более высокий уровень жизни, более высокие темпы экономического роста, ведущая цель экономической политики, в денежном выражении, обосно- 117
ванное сравнение, соответствующие изменения, показатель повышения уровня жизни, использование ресурсов, изнурительный труд, не прибегая к непопулярным мерам, удвоение реальных доходов, относительно небольшая разница, уровень совокупного спроса. 7. Образуйте 3 формы от следующих глаголов: put, cost, take, mean, mislead, do, spend, show, arise, come, bring, give, raise, rise, grow 8. Составьте предложения,используя следующие 1. personal, is, held, in, wealth, forms, many. 2. distributed, reasons, for, is, wealth, unequally, 3. people, generally, older, hold, younger, than, wealth, 4. now, part-time, make up, workers, a, quarter, almost, 5. investment, is, education, often, as, described, 6. growth, demands, expenditures, research, on, eco 7. are, an, exports, injection, circular, the, into, flow. 8. imports, leakage, are, circular, the, flow, a, from. 9. Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1. Much depends... the type... the investment being 2. Increasing the amount... capital per worker is known 3. The extent... which new capital is used efficiently is
4. Changes... output per head are very much influ 5. The lack... these facilities provides a serious barrier 6. As economic development takes place, there is a ten 7. In Britain and the USA,... the other hand, the ser 10. Поставьте к каждому из предложений макси 1. Comprehensive details of the distribution of income 2. Marketable wealth consists of those assets which can 3. The income of a household depends to a large 11. Заполните пропуски, используя глаголы, данные в l.The possession of wealth... (to confer) certain social advantages. 2. In order... (to get) people... (to work) harder, it... (to 3. Unemployment which... (to arise) from immobilities 4. Private spending may... (to stimulate) by a relaxation 118 119
5. The natural rate of unemployment... (to associ 6. The Enterprise Allowance Scheme... (to help)