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Text A Economic Policy

The overall performance of the economy is now gener­ally accepted as a major responsibility of the government. That branch of economics which deals with the economy as a whole is known as macro-economics, while the study of the 'parts' of the economy is known as micro-eco­nomics. Thus, the examination of the forces which deter­mine the price of beef, or the wages of miners, or the size of the firm, would be an example of micro-economic analysis, whereas a study of the forces determining the general price level, or the general level of wages, or the balance of pay-ments would be classified as macro-economic analysis.

Economic analysis is concerned with the means of achieving particular economic objectives. The choice of the

objective — how people want economic resources to be used in order to satisfy their wants — is a matter of political deci­sion. While governments will differ in the emphasis they give to particular objectives and in the ways in which they try to achieve them, there seems to be broad general agreement on many aims. They are:

1. A high and stable level of employment.

2. Price stability.

3. A satisfactory balance of payments position.

4. An acceptable rate of economic growth.

5. An equitable distribution of income and wealth.

It is important to note that governments have found that some of these objectives may be incompatible. In order to achieve one goal governments have often been obliged to sacrifice another. Policies designed bo bring about full employment have sometimes generated unacceptable levels of inflation; policies aimed at eradicating a balance of pay­ments deficit have restricted the rate of economic growth, and so on. Policymakers, therefore, are obliged to establish some priorities. If the choice is or seems to be, between a higher rate of inflation or a higher rate of unemployment, then the issue must be solved by the value judgements of the people concerned (i.e. through the political system).

The first task is to determine the objectives. The next task is to choose the instruments of policy to be used in pursuit of the objectives and these instruments are based upon some available range of measures. For exam­ple, the government might decide that its immediate objec­tive is to reduce the level of unemployment. For this pur­pose it might choose to use the instruments of taxation and government spending. The particular measures adopted might be a reduction in income tax and an increase in pub­lic spending on housing and roads. But the essential link between the desired objective and the appropriate means of achieving it is economic analysis. The role of analysis is

to provide some understanding of how the economic sys­tem works. We cannot choose the realistic objectives or design appropriate measures for attaining those objectives unless we have some knowledge of how the economy works.

A model of the economy

The circular flow of income

In order to understand how the measures of economic policy operate on the macro-economic variables (prices, out­put, employment, the balance of payments and so on), we have to make use of a fairly simple model of the economy. We begin with an economy in which there is no government and no foreign trade. There are only two sectors, firms and households. Firms are the producing units which hire ser­vices provided by the people from the households. For these services firms pay wages (for labour), rent (for land), interest and dividends (for the services of loan and risk capital). There is, therefore, a flow of income from firms to households.

But in this model, households are also the purchasers of the national output. There is a flow of spending from house­holds to firms and a flow of goods and services from firms to households. The economy would remain in equlibrium since firms are selling their goods at prices which are made up of their various costs (including profits), and these costs represent the incomes paid to households. Thus, incomes received by households are always sufficient to buy the total output of firms. We are assuming that the economy has unemployed resources so that any change in planned spend­ing leads to changes in output and employment.

Leakages and injections

The model as it stands is very unrealistic because even in the simplest economy all the income received by households is not spent — some of it is saved. Saving represents a leakage from the circular flow of income because it is part

of the income paid out by firms which is not returned to them through the spending of households. When saving takes place, firms' expenses will be greater than their receipts and some of their output will remain unsold. They will react by reducing output so that income and employment will fall. If we assume that households always save some fraction of their income and there are no other expenditures to offset this leakage, income must eventually fall to zero.

Fortunately there is an offsetting expenditure in the form of investment. Our first model of the economy assumed that firms only produced consumer goods and ser­vices which were in turn bought by households. In fact, some firms produce capital goods for sale to other firms. This expenditure on capital goods adds to the circular flow of income; it has the opposite effect to a leakage and causes output and income to expand. We can say, therefore, that investment is an injection.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 930. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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