Студопедия — Aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic and dicarboxylic acids
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Aldehydes and ketones. Carboxylic and dicarboxylic acids

01. Acetaldehyde is imposible to oxidise by solution

1. Cu(OH)2

2. Ag2O(ammonia solution)


3. K2Cr2O7

4. Ag2O

5. HBr

02.Reaction of formation of acetaldehyde from acetylene takes place

at the presence of

1. H3PO4 2. Pt 3. Ni

4. Salts of silver

5. salts of iron

03. Reacting of disproportionation (dismutation) is typical for

1. aldehydes having alpha - hydrogen atom

2. carboxylic acids

3. derivative carboxylic acids

4. aldehydes which are not having alpha - of hydrogenous atom

5. ketones

04. Substitution of hydroxyl group of the carboxyl group into ammonia

results in formation of

1. amino acids

2. salts of carboxylic acids (carboxylates)

3. anhydrides

4. amides

5. imins

05. The greatest reactivity in reaction of nucleophilic addition

of carbonyl Carbon has

1. H - C = O 2. CH3 - C = O 3. CH3 - C = O 4. C2H5 - C = O

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5. CH3 - CO – C2H5

06. At the hydrolysis propylacetoate the following compounds form


3. С2Н5СООН, С2Н5ОН 4. С2Н5ОН, С3Н7ОН


07. The Activity of the carbonyl group increases

1. in an alcaline medium

2. in acidic medium

3. neutral medium

4. at the presence of oxidant

5. at the presence of reductant

08. The reactions the most typical for carbon atom of the carbonyl group

1. Nucleophilic substitution

2. Electrophilic substitution

3. Electrophilic addition

4. Nucleophilic addition

5. elimination

09. By the partial hydrolysis of acetal the following compounds will form

1.acid and alcohol

2.alcohol and ketone

3.alcohol and aldehyde

4.hemiacetal and alcohol

5.aldehyde and acid

10. Due to CH-acidity of the carbonyl compounds which reaction is





4.aldol condensation


11. Formaldehyde dispraportional reaction products are both compounds in row:






12. Not typical reaction for aldehydes is reaction

1.solution Cu(OH)2

2.ammonia solution of Ag2O

3.solution of NaOH



13. Product of aldehydes reduction is:

1.primary alcohols

2.secondary alcohols


4.carboxylic acids



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14.Organic - С - С - С – compounds having

| || | this group are called:


1. carboxylic acids

2. ketones

3. aldehydes

4. ethers

5. alcohols

15. The product of aldol condensation is

1. aldehydes

2. aldol

3. ester

4. ether

5. Ketone15. Introducing the R - C = O group in the molecule of organic compound

is called: \

1. alkylation

2. acylation

3. decarboxylation

4. acetolisation

5. formation of anhydrides

16. At basic hydrolysis of ester two compounds form:

1. primary alcohol and acid

2. secondary alcohol and acid

3. carboxylic acid salt and alcohol

4. acid and its salt

5. sodium salt of alcohol and acid

17. The genaral formula R - C - S - R corresponds to the following class:



1. amides

2. acid anhydrides

3. aldol

4. thioesters

5. ethers

18. Anhydrides are used in the synthesis of some compounds as:

1. catalysts

2. alkylation reagents

3. antimetabolites

4. anticoagulants

5. acylation reagent

19. O

to //

The equation СH3COOH + C2H5OH «CH3-C -O-C2H5 + H2O is called

1. decarboxylation

2. esterification

3. salts formation

4. anhydrides formation

5. neutralization

20. Typical reaction for the carbon atom of carboxyl group is:

1. nucleophylic substitution SN

2. electrophylic substitution SE

3. electrophylic addition АE

4. nucleophylic addition АN

5. elimination

21.The biggest positive (+) charge of carbon atom of carboxyl group is in the following compound:


1. R -С = О



2. R –С = О



3. R –С = О



4. R –С = О



5. all positive charges are equal in all compounds

22. The main product of hydrolysis of acetylchloride is:


2. CH3OH

3. Cl-CH2-СООН


5. CH3-O–СH3

23. Acetylcoenzyme CH3- C -S – KoA. What role does it play in human organism

\\ tissues?


1.acyl group transmitter

2.methyl group transmitter




24. The equation HOOC-CH2-COOH à CO2 + CH3-COOH is called

1. salts formation

2. decarboxylation

3. amides formation

4. transamination

5. acids reduction

25. At the result of the following decarboxylation reaction forms


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CH2 ® CH2 + CO2

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1. Acetic acid from oxalic acid

2. Acetic acid from malic acid

3. Formic acid from oxalic acid

4. Formic acid from malonic acid

5. Acetic acid from malonic acid

26. Reaction


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CH2 + NH3 ® CH2 + H2O

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Corresponds to the formation of

1. amide

2. ammiacate

3. anhydride

4. thioester

5. acylhalide

27. The compound is called С17Н31СООН

1. salicylic acid

2. gialuronic acid

3. pectic acid

4. linolic

5. linoleic acid

28. Only saturated acids are in the row:

1. С3Н7-СООН, С15Н31СООН, С17Н33СООН

2. С3Н7-СООН, С15Н31СООН, С17Н35СООН

3. С3Н7-СООН, С15Н31СООН, С17Н35СООН

4. С17Н33СООН, С17Н31СООН, С17Н35СООН

5. С17Н33СООН, С17Н31СООН, С19Н35СООН

29. The equation СH3-СOOH + NH2-R ® СH3-С=O + H2O corresponds to formation



1. of anhydride of acetic acid

2. of salt of acetic acid

3. acetylhalide

4. a-aminoacetic acid

5. amide of acetic acid

30. The equation СH3-СOOH + РСl5 ® СH3-С=O + HСl + РOСl3 corresponds to



1. formation of anhydride of acetic acid

2. salts of acetic acid

3. thioester of acetic acid

4. chloroacetic acid

5. acetylchloride



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