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Courts. Legal Procedure

Study the following:


Attorney = counsellor a lawyer who speaks in court (AmE) Mr Clark is a prominent attorney.
Barrister a lawyer who speaks in the higher law courts (BrE) Mrs Green wants to become a barrister.
Defendant the person who has been accused of a crime The defendant was obviously guilty.
(Circumstantial / decisive / documentary / irrefutable, etc) evidence (of/for) Give evidence some information given in a court of law to prove some­thing There was no real evidence against the criminal.   The girl gave evidence for the defence in this case.
Jury a group of 12 people in a court of law who listen to the facts about a crime and decide whether the person accused is guilty or not The jury found the defendant guilty.
Indictsmb (for) smth Indictment to charge someone with a criminal offence They indicted the man for fraud. The man is under indictment for fraud.
Lawsuit File a lawsuit a charge or complaint against someone that is made in a court of law by a person / company They wanted to bring / file a lawsuit against the company.
Prosecute (smb for smth) Bring a prosecution against smb Prosecutor to accuse someone of a crime to bring a charge against some­one for a crime a lawyer who proves that the person who is on trial is guilty The murderer will be prosecuted. They brought a prosecution against two drug dealers. The chief prosecutor asked for the maximum sentence.
Solicitor a lawyer who works mainly from an office but sometimes appear in the less important courts John works for a firm of solici­tors. We decided to put the matter into the hands of a solicitor.
Summon smb to smth Summons Serve a summons on smb Summons   to order someone to come to a court of law an order to appear in a court of law to order someone to appear in a court of law Mr Thomson was summoned to appear in court. They served a summons on Mr Thomson. He was summonsed to appear as a witness.
Testimony Testify (that / against /for)   a formal statement, such as the one a witness makes in a court of law to make a formal statement in a court of law   Your testimony is very import­ant in this prosecution's case. The witness testified that she saw the defendant at the scene of the crime. She testified against the defendant He testified for the accused.  
(Chief/ direct /false, etc) wit­ness (for the prosecution /for the defence); Witness (v) a person who sees some event and is able to tell other people what happened (in a court of law)   The witness was called to tell the jury what he had seen. Several people witnessed the accident.  
Warrant (Issue a warrant for smb's arrest) Search warrant permission from a court of law allowing the police to take a particular action permission to go into someone’s house to look for something   A warrant was issued for Ben's arrest.
(Return /give) a verdict (Reach) a verdict   a decision made by a jury in a court of law about whether someone is guilty or not guilty of a crime The jury gave the right verdict
(Heavy, light) sentence Life sentence Death sentence (penalty) Serve a sentence   long / short time in prison very long time in prison punishment by death spend time in prison as a pun­ishment   Ted is serving a life sentence for murder. Bill will face a sentence of five years in prison.
Pass / pronounce a sentence Sentence (to) to state what a punishment will be to give somebody a punishment     The judge sentenced him to four years' imprisonment.  
(Parking) fine Impose a fine     money that one has to pay as a punishment   He paid a parking fine. He paid a heavy fine for driv­ing drunk.  
(Life) imprisonment   the state of being in prison The criminal was sentenced to a long term of imprisonment.  
Bail Release smb on bail to let someone out of prison when bail is paid (money left with a court of law to prove that a prisoner will return when his/her trial starts)     They released the accused on bail.
(Give smb)community service a punishment in which the criminal has to do useful work to help people They gave the youth commun­ity service.
(Make smb) pay compensation to make one pay somebody money because one has harmed or hurt him/her in some way Many people think that crimi­nals should pay their victims compensation.
Ban smb from doing smth / to be banned from doing sth to say that something must not be done Ted was banned from driving.
Endorse smb s licence (BrE)   to write a driving offence on smb's driving licence   Tom's licence was endorsed for speeding.
(On) parole To parole permission for someone to leave prison, on the condition that he/she promises to behave well to allow someone to leave prison but visit a parole officer at the police station regularly   The criminal was released on parole after serving three years.  
(Put smb on) probation Probationer   a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison but see a probation officer someone who has been put on probation   The woman was put on proba­tion after several months in prison.  
Probation officer an officer who guides offenders put on probation by the court Tom Brown is a probation officer.  
Dismiss a court case to stop a court case before a result is achieved They dismissed the case because of lack of evidence.  


1. Answer the following questions:

1. What special qualities should a person have to become a successful defence lawyer / an experienced solicitor / a wise judge / a strict and fair prosecutor?

2. What's the difference between circumstantial and decisive evidence?

3. Who can be summoned to appear in court?

4. What is the role of a witness in a court of law?

5. Can a jury make a decision about how a guilty person should be punished?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 874. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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