Студопедия — A. Study the table
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A. Study the table


crime meaning verb criminal
discrimination unfair treatment on grounds of sex, race or nationality discriminate (against)  
embezzlement stealing money that is in your care or belongs to an organisation that you work for embezzle embezzler
harassment making a person feel anxious and unhappy (sometimes for sexual reasons, sometimes to get, say, a debt repaid) harass  
insider trading/dealing illegal buying and selling of shares by someone who has specialist knowledge of a company do/practise insider dealing/ trading insider trader/dealer
joyriding driving around for enjoyment in a car you have stolen joyride joyrider
money laundering moving money obtained illegally so that its origin cannot be traced launder money money launderer
perjury lying when under oath commit perjury perjurer
trespass go onto someone else's land without permission trespass trespasser

B. Which of the crimes might each of these people be charged with?

1. A camper who spent a night on a farmer's land without asking permission.

2. A businessman who diverted funds from the account of the company he worked for into his own personal account.

3. Two boys who hot-wired a car and drove it around town before abandoning it. [to hot‑wire means to start without using a key]

4. A witness who gave false evidence in court.

Business tycoon, George Henderson, aged 45, was found murdered last night in the library of his mansion. Police detectives are questioning the four suspects. Working in pairs, read the information about the victim and the suspects and decide who the murderer could be.

George Henderson (the victim)

The multi-millionaire had been stabbed in the back at about 10 pm. No murder weapon was found. The victim had been watching a docu­mentary on TV Channel 3 when he was killed. His supper tray was found on a table in the library; the food had not been touched!

Roy Smith (the butler)

The butler's mother is very ill, but his salary is too low to pay for the surgery she needs, even though he had been working for Henderson for twenty years. He was considered by all to be a loyal employee. He claims that at the time of the murder, he was watching a documentary on TV Channel 3.

Charies Henderson (the nephew)

George Henderson's nephew, Charles, had been warned by his uncle to change his "wild ways" or he would be cut out of the will. He had no keys to the mansion. He was secretly seeing Henderson's housemaid, Claudine. He says he was at home alone watching a sports programme on TV Channel 3 between 9 and 11 pm.

Claudine Dupont (the maid)

George Henderson's maid for the past two years, Claudine, was believed to be a reliable employee. She says she was washing Henderson's supper dishes in the mansion's kitchen at the time of the murder.

Charlotte Hendeson (the wife)

Henderson and his wife Charlotte had been separated for seven months. She was not living in the mansion at the time of the murder, although she still had a key! The divorce was not yet final when the murder occurred. Charlotte believed she'd probably be awarded very little money in the divorce case. She says she was at the home of Henderson's lawyer when the murder occurred.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 2813. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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