Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the capitalized word.
1. A smiling face often disguises the mind and heart of a VILLAIN. a) a foolish man b) a lying man c) an unhappy man d) a wicked man 2. At first the accident seemed to be TRIVIAL. a) critical b) momentous c) significant d) unimportant 3. There was no TRACE of poison in the coffee the chemist analyzed. a) colour b) indication c) smell d) taste 4. The FROWN on the judge's face showed that he was displeased. a) look of anger b) look of delight c) look of fear d) look of surprise 5. The night was so FOGGY that the murderer was easily able to escape his pursuers. a) messy b) mild c) misty d) moist 6. The driver tried to AVERT the accident by bringing the car to a sudden stop. a) cause b) control c) minimize d) prevent 7. The indecisive man was READILY persuaded to change his mind again. a) abruptly b) easily c) hardly d) subtly 8. The officer COMPELLED the prisoner to do exactly as he wished. a) allowed b) beseeched c) forced d) hired 9. The criminal INSINUATED that he had been roughly treated by the arresting officer. a) argued convincingly b) denied positively c) stated flatly d) suggested indirectly 10. The boy felt DISGRACED because he knew that he had been wrong to steal. a) ashamed b) phony c) tempted d) worried 11. The judge SENTENCED the convicted man. a) gave a pardon to b) gave high praise to c) passed judgement upon d) sympathized with 12. It is useless to attempt to FLEE from every danger. Some risk must be taken. a) hide oneself b) protect oneself c) run away d) stay away
6. Read the following accounts of some court cases. The sentences imposed were as follows: to be jailed for thirty-four years; to be sentenced to twenty years in jail; to be sentenced to eighteen years behind bars; to be sentenced to seventeen years in jail; to be sentenced to life in prison. Say which sentence goes with which court case / if the decisions were fair or not.
A. In the mid 80s and again in the 90s Tony Felloni was one of the biggest and most ruthless heroin dealers in Dublin's north inner city. He was unique in that he tried to control every aspect of the business. In the morning he could be directly involved in the importation of hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of the drug while in the evening he was personally selling 10 and 20 bags to desperately sick junkies at the door of his parents' Corporation flat. The man operated both at the very top and the very bottom of the Dublin heroin market and it ultimately precipitated his downfall. At last, in 1996, the law caught up with him: he is currently serving ... years, the longest drugs sentence ever handed down in an Irish court. (P. Reynolds King Scum) B. Robert Vernon Toe robbed 24 banks despite being unable to see what he was doing. He staged his first hold-up in 1974 - just minutes after being released from prison after serving five years for a mail fraud. Three years later in New York, Blind Bob hit again. Over the next few months, Bob hitanother seven banks - twice he robbed two on the same day. Sentenced to... years in an Alabama jail, he was sent back to New York in 1983 for parole. After Bob was freed from jail for a third time he celebrated in his usual style - by robbing a bank. However, Bob's luck ran out in 1983. He was sentenced to another... years behind bars. (A. Mackenzie Sunday Bloody Sunday) C. Brenda Wiley, a young girl, killed her mother Bonnie, 40, and her brother Keith, 14. Furthermore, she had planned to kill her father as well. At the trial, her lawyer claimed she was either suffering from temporary insanity or diminished capacity when she killed. Two psychologists testified for the defence, saying she had a "severe depressive disorder" that prevented her from acting "knowingly or purposefully". The court heard how Brenda's problems with her parents intensified when she fell in love with an 18-year-old boy. Brenda's boyfriend testified that four days before the killings she rang him up begging him to help murder her parents. He said, "No way". Brenda was found guilty and sentenced to... in prison, without a chance of parole for 30 years. (A. Mackenzie Sunday Bloody Sunday)
D. Giovanni Vigliotto walked 105 women down the aisle. There were weddings in 26 American states and 15 other countries. The supercharmer claimed: "I'm in love with life, women, marriage". But he was much more in love with money. He wined and dined them, talked them into a quickie wedding and asked them to let him handle their money. Then he vanished. Giovanni - police say his real name was Frederick Bertram Jipp - was jailed for... for bigamy and fraud. (A. Mackenzie Sunday Bloody Sunday) 7. TRIAL. If you commit a crime you may be: accused arrested charged convicted interrogated paroled sent to prison suspected tried