1. Different approaches towards the notion of style. Style of language and style of speech. Functional styles. 2. Stylistic differentiation of the English vocabulary. 3. Tropes and figures; Three types of interaction between the primary and contextual meanings; Quantitative tropes/ qualitative tropes. 4. Quantitative tropes (hyperbole, meiosis, litotes). 5. Qualitative tropes (metonymy, synecdoche, periphrasis, euphemism; epithet; metaphor, antonomasia, personification, allegory; irony). 6. Figures of identity; Figures of inequality; Figures of contrast. 7. Phonetic level of stylistics. Sound symbolism. Types of onomatopoeia. Alliteration and its functions. Assonance, consonance and paronomasia. 8. Stylistic relevance of morphology. Types of transposition. Stylistic relevance of Genitive case, number and the category of comparison of adjectives. 9. Stylistic function of pronouns, verbs and adverbs. 10. Stylistic relevance of syntactic structures. Expressive syntax. Inversion, parallelism, repetition, rhetorical questions, ellipses. 11. Expressive function of negation. Expressiveness based on semantic discrepancy of syntactically homogeneous elements. 12. Text and context. Implicature and its types. Types of context. 13. Intertextuality and vertical context. Allusions and quotations.