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Principles and methods of training translators.

Regulators of interpretation and associations of translators/interpreters

There are many regulators of interpreting activities throughout the world, such as AlIC (L’ Association Internationale tit's Interprètes de Conférence; The International Association of Conference Interpreters, based in Europe http://

www.aiic.net. See AlIC Statutes in Annex l),TAALS (The American Association of Language Specialists: http://www.taals.net/). ATA (American Translators As sociation: http: // www.atanet.org/'), EST (European Society for Translation Stud­ies: http://www.est.utu.fl/1. FIT (Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs. In­ternational Federal ion of Translators, based in Canada: http://www.rn-ift.org) Асоціація перекладачів України: http://www.uta.ore.ua. Союз переводчиков России: http://www.translators-union.ru/. Ассоциация переводчиков и педагогов: http://www.shmel.com/index.php. etc. However, the most influen­tial regulators are: Al 1C in Europe, TAALS, ATA in the USA and FIT in Canida.

European interpreters and interpretation companies have to comply with the rales and regulations set up by the International Association of Confer­ence Interpreters — AlIC (see more about AlIC in Annex 1).

You may already have seen or heard interpreters at work whispering for politicians and members of delegations or interpreting in soundproof booths at large international conferences.

The ability to interpret is a skill many claim but few truly possess. Con­sider the process of interpreting: the interpreter listens to the speaker, under­stands the message and converts it into another language, speaks to the del­egates and all the time monitors his output to ensure elegant delivery And while this is happening the interpreter is processing the next part ofthe speech-

What are the processes involved here? It is essential to grasp that interpret' ing is first and foremost perceiving and understanding the intended message perfectly. It can then be “detached” from the words used to convey it in the source language and reconstituted (transformed), in all its subtlety, in the words of the target language.

Interpreting is a constant “to-ing” and “fro-ing” between different ways of thinking and cultural environments. Conference interpreters usually work in in put together for a specific conference according to the event’s working 3 images. Today, interpreters spend most of their time performing simulta- us interpretation. For smaller meetings, where only two or at most three.anguages are used, consecutive interpretation is also suitable. The majority of tofessional conference interpreters now have more than two working lan- ^ aees - on average; A11C interpreters have three or four. But they do not work into all of them indiscriminately. A11C has defined a strict language classification scheme to ensure quality, which is called the “language combi­nation” |How we work http://www.aiic.net/ViewPage.cfm/page 1403.htm ]


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