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II семестр

№ р/с Модульдің атауы Дәріс (сағат) Практикалық сабақ (сағат) Лаб. сабақ (сағат) Өзіндік жұмыс (сағат)
  Қарым-қатынастың әлеуметтік-мәдени саласы.        
  Қарым-қатынастың оқу-кәсіби саласы        



Практикалық сабақтардың тақырыптары.

Апта Практикалық сабақтардың тақырыптары. Сағат
  Модуль 2  
  Тілін оқып жатқан ел. Ұлыбритания.  
  Тілін оқып жатқан ел. Ұлыбритания.  
  Тілін оқып жатқан ел. Ұлыбритания.  
  Тілін оқып жатқан ел. Ұлыбритания.  
  Тілін оқып жатқан ел. Ұлыбритания.  
  Тілін оқып жатқан ел. Ұлыбритания. Саяхаттану.  
  Модуль 3  
  Кәсіби хабарланған бағыттылық мәтіндері  
  Кәсіби хабарланған бағыттылық мәтіндері  


СӨЖ тапсырмалары:

№ 3, 4 Бақылау жұмыстары

№3 бақылау жұмысы (1нұсқа)

Exercise 1 Use reported speech instead of direct speech. Change the pronouns and adverbs if necessary.

She says, 1. "He's my friend."

2. "She works in a typewriting office."

3. "The room looks clean tidy."

4. "His name is Jack."

Exercise 2. Put each verb given into the past simple or the present perfect

1 A: Why are the police here?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

2 A: Why did the metro stop running yesterday evening?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

3 A: How are the unemployment figures this year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

4 A: How were the unemployment figures last year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

Exercise 3. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 I’ve worked here since /for 2002.

1 He’s late. He hasn’t arrived already/yet.

2 I finished this magazine 5 days since/ago.

3 Karl’s played tennis for/since ten years.

4 The team have just/since won their first match

Exercise 4. Put each verb given into the past simple or the present perfect

1 A: Why are the police here?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

2 A: Why did the metro stop running yesterday evening?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

3 A: How are the unemployment figures this year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.


Exercise 5.Ask questions

1. London is situated on the river Thames.

2. I am often invited to the theatre.

3. This story will be retold.

4. The book is much spoken about.


Exercise 6.Use the Passive Voice

1. The dean will invite us tomorrow for an important talk.

2. We discuss such problems at our meetings.

3. The students will pass their exams in a week.

4. I rang my friend up.


Exercise 7.Translate

1. Our farm was shown to foreign visitors.

2. She will be met at the station.

3. Books taken from the library mustn’t be kept more than two weeks.

4. The letter has already been typed.


№3 бақылау жұмысы (2нұсқа)

Exercise 1 Use the Perfect Tense

1. I (to be) never to this city.

2. The meeting (to be over) by 7.30.

3. We (to make) three reports this month.

4. The rain (to begin) before we arrived home.

Exercise 2. Translate

1. Our farm was shown to foreign visitors.

2. She will be met at the station.

3. Books taken from the library mustn’t be kept more than two weeks.

4. The letter has already been typed.

Exercise 3 Write a tag for each sentence.

0 Stephen works here, doesn’t he?

1 She did it, ________________?

2 He knows, ________________?

3 John hasn’t gone, ________________?

4 The bus is leaving soon, ________________?

Exercise 4. Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 If you break /broke it, it won’t go.

1 My cat doesn’t/didn’t come if you call her.

2 If you don’t do your homework, you will get/got into trouble.

3 We’ll be late if you didn’t/don’t hurry.

4 If we leave at 9.00, we arrived/will arrive on time.

Exercise 5. Put each verb given into the past simple or the present perfect

1 A: Why are the police here?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

2 A: Why did the metro stop running yesterday evening?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

3 A: How are the unemployment figures this year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

4 A: How were the unemployment figures last year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

Exercise 6. Ask questions

1. Today scientists are still looking for the substance as a source of energy.

2. Mendeleev had discovered several new elements.

3. Astronomers have measured the exact length of the day.

Astronomers find that the day is increasing by 0,002 seconds

4. each century.


Exercise 7. Use the Perfect Tense

1. New state and commercial structures (to be established) lately in Astana.

2. We (to be) never to England.

3.She (to write) the report by 6 o’clock.


№3 бақылау жұмысы (3нұсқа)

Exercise 1 Use the Pertect Tense

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