- It helps our body to build muscles and strong immune system.
- This is an ideal source of energy for the body because they are converted more readily into glucose.
- It plays the role to insulate our bodies by giving us protection from sudden changes in temperature and also protects our vital organs.
- It builds new tissues and repairs all damaged cells in our body.
- There are two types of them - Complex and Simple.
- There are two types of them - Saturated (solid at room temperature) and Unsaturated (liquid at room temperature).
- They are organic compounds that regulate our body processes and play an important role to make our body function properly.
- Any adult needs one tablespoon of it daily.
9. They boost our immune system.
- It is the most abundant type of liquid found in our body contributing 70% of our total mass. It helps to dissolve and carry the essential nutrients to all parts of the body. It is also needed to help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry away the body's waste products.
- It helps maintain heart muscle contraction, improve bone health and the health of teeth.
- It helps prevent fatigue, anaemia, and dull eyes; promotes red blood cell synthesis.
- It is best for the eyes, nails and skin.
- It improves mental health and memory.
- It strengthens immune system, promote healing of wounds and enhances the health of teeth and gum.
- It strengthens immune system, for healthy skin and hair and promote formation of blood cells.
- They are one of the building blocks of all living things.
18. They are needed to properly digest and metabolize nutrients. Without them, no metabolic activity will occur.