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Stick up

stick up & sticks up sticking up stuck up stuck up

1. stick... up p.v. When you use a gun or other weapon to rob people, banks, or stores, you stick them up. Hold up is the same as stick up.

Call the police! They're sticking up the bank.

If we need some money, we can always stick up a liquor store.

stickup n. When someone uses a gun or other weapon to rob a person, bank, or store, there is a stickup. A holdup is the same as a stickup.

A man wearing a ski mask yelled, "This is a stickup!";

The detective was asking questions about the stickup last night.

2. stick... up p.v. When you put something, such as a picture, sign, or notice, in a place where people can see it, you stick it up.

Sam stuck a notice up about his lost dog.

I'm going to stick these "no smoking" signs up all over the school.

3. stick... up p.v. When you push something inside a container or space that is long and narrow, you stick it up.

We had to take Susie to the emergency room after she stuck a paper clip up her nose.

Mark stuck his hand up the chimney to try to find the hidden key.

4. stick up p.v. When something long and narrow is raised above the surface, it sticks up.

Be careful walking around a construction site — there might be anail sticking up.

My hair was sticking up in the back after / woke up from my nap.

stuck-up part.adj. [informal — although the participle adjective stuck-up derives from stick up, the verb form is never used in this sense] When you think you are better than other people because you are more beautiful or more intelligent or because you come from a higher level of society, you are stuck-up.

Heather is the most popular girl in the school, but she isn't stuck-up.

They're so stuck-up — they'll never sit at our table.

  present tense -ing form past tense past participle
use up        
  use up & uses up using up used up used up


1. use... up p.v. When you use up something, you use all of it.

After you use something up, be sure to write it on the grocery list.

I used up all the glue; we need to buy more.

used up part.adj. After all of something has been used, it is used up.

Do we have another tube of toothpaste in the house? This one's used up.

wind up        
  wind up & winds up winding up wound up wound up


1. wind...up p.v. When you turn the handle or key of a mechanical toy, watch, or clock to make it operate, you wind it up.

/ overslept because I forgot to wind up my alarm dock. This toy doesn't use batteries; you have to wind it up.

wound up part.adj. After someone turns the handle or key of a mechanical toy, watch, or clock, it is wound up.

The toy soldier is wound up. Just push the button to make it walk.

What is wrong with this watch? It's wound up, but it still doesn't work.

wound up part.adj. When you are nervous or tense, you are wound up.

Don't even talk to Joe today. He's really wound up.

I'm feeling really wound up — I need a drink.

2. wind up p.v. When you say that someone or something winds up a certain way or winds up doing something, you mean that this situation was the result of a series of decisions, actions, or unplanned and unexpected occurrences. End up is similar to wind up.

We got totally lost and wound up 100 miles from the campground.

If you don't start driving more carefully, you're going to wind up dead.

3. wind... up p.v. When you wind up an activity or event, you finish it or get ready to finish it. Wrap up is similar to wind up.

The detective wound up her investigation and made several arrests.

We'd better wind things up here; it's getting late.

4. wind... up p.v. When you wrap something long, such as an electrical cord, rope, string, or measuring tape, around and around so that it is in a ball or on a spool, you wind it up.

That's enough fishing for today. Let's wind up our lines and go home.

The firefighters wound up their fire hoses and went back to the station.

wound up part.adj. When you wrap something long, such as an electrical cord, rope, or measuring tape, around and around so that it is in a ball or on a spool, it is wound up.

This rope is a mess. You should keep it wound up.

This electrical cord is realty wound up tight.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 452. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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