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EXERCISE 29c — Write eight original sentences using phrasal verbs from this section.








8. _______________________________________________________________________________________________


crackdown, 23 handover, 19 start-up, 26 warm-up, 19
cutoff, 11 holdout, 23 stickup,14    
fixer-upper, 15 shutoff, 26 takeout, 11    


1, The company is accepting applications for the position until the ___________ date, March 6th.

2. A ___________ before exercise is a good idea.

3. We bought a ___________, fixed a few things, added a bathroom, and sold it a year later for a nice profit.

4. Mom doesn't feel like cooking tonight, so we're getting ___________ food.

5. Except for a few ___________ hiding in the hills, all the rebels surrendered after the peace treaty.

6. The angry citizens demanded a ___________ on crime in their neighborhood.

7. Most business ___________ fail in less than three years.

8. If tide's a problem with the machine, the ___________ switch is right here.

9. The prime minister demanded the immediate ___________ of the hostages.

10. The convenience store ___________ was recorded on videotape.

EXERCISE 29e, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

break up, 28 do with, 25 go up, 26 settle for, 25
call back, 28 dry off, 27 knock off, 27 stand up, 28
call up, 28 give away, 28 lighten up, 25 think up, 25
carry out, 28 go over, 26 mess up, 28 zip up, 21


1. The teacher was too strict with her students, and the principal suggested that she ________.

2. Tom was expecting Nancy to come to his house for dinner, but she ________ him ________.

3. Letting Timi-ny use my computer was a mistake. He ________ it ________, and now it doesn't work.

4. They're asking $340,000 for their house, but they might ________ ________ $300,000.

5. I told the school principal that Hank might have something to ________ ________ the fish in the swimming pool.

6. Andrew Carnegie was a very rich man, but he ________ most of his money ________ before he died.

7. I gave Erik my telephone number, and he said he might ________ me ________ tonight.

8. Erik called while I was in the shower, so now I need to _______ him ________.

9. After the Soviet Union ________ ________ in 1991, several new nations came into existence.

10. The coach is worried that the rain-soaked football field might not ________ _______ in time for the game.

11. The company is planning to________________a major reorganization.

12. Don't put the candle there; the cat might _______ it _______ and start a fire.

13. The students didn't understand the lesson, so the teacher ______ ______ it again.

14. It's really cold out there — you might want to ________ your coat ________.

15. The Wilsons aren't sure where they will spend their vacation. They may ________ ________ to Alaska to visit their son.

16. Ned's a dreamer. He's always trying to ________ ________ a way to make money without working.

30. FOCUS ON: participle adjectives formed from phrasal verbs, 2

As we saw in Section 14, the past participles of many phrasal verbs can be used as participle adjectives. The adverb all is sometimes used to emphasize participle adjectives with the meaning of very or completely. But the sentence must be logical — all is used only to emphasize a participle adjective that describes a condition that can be partial, less than complete, and so on. Look at this example with very and two ordinary adjectives:

makes sense: He's very sick. does not make sense: He's very dead.

The first sentence above makes sense because it is possible to be very sick, but the second does not make sense because it is not possible to be very dead.

makes sense: The manis all spaced-out. does not make sense: The manis all locked in.

The first sentence makes sense because it is possible to be slightly spaced-out,but it is not possible to be slightly locked in (a door is either locked or it isn't).

When all is used with the meaning of very or completely in a sentence with a plural subject, it is identical in appearance to all's more common meaning of all the people, all the things, and so on.

The men are a// spaced-out.

This sentence is ambiguous: it could be understood to mean that every man is spaced-out or that the men are completely spaced-out.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
lock in lock in & locks in locking in locked in locked in


1. lock... in p.v. When you lock people in, you lock a door or gate so that they cannot leave a room, building, or other place.

Seven people died because they were locked in the burning building.

It's dangerous to lock children in a car.

locked in part.adj. When people cannot leave a room, building, or other place because the door or gate is locked, they are locked in.

We're locked in — we'll have to break a window.

2. lock... in p.v. When you lock in an interest rate, price, time slot, and so on, you make it definite so that it will not change in the future.

/ met with the loan officer at the bank and locked in a mortgage rate.

If you want to use the condo at the beach this weekend, you need to pay a deposit to lock it in.

locked in part.adj. After you make an interest rate, price, time slot, and so on, definite so that it will not change in the future, it is locked in.

The farmer isn't worried about what happens to the price of soybeans because the price of his crop is locked in.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 447. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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