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Put out

put out & puts out putting out put out put out

1. put... out p.v. When you extinguish a fire or something that is burning, you put it out.

Put that cigarette out immediately.

It was two hours before the fire was put out.

2. put...out p.v. When you take something from inside a building or storage place and leave it outside for someone to take, use, or deal with, you put it out.

The garbage truck comes early tomorrow morning, so put the trash bags out tonight.

Judy put some clothes out for her daughter to wear the next day.

3. put... out p.v. When you put out your hand, arm, foot, or leg, you extend it front of your body.

Mike put out his leg and tripped me.

I put my hand out, but she refused to shake it.

4^ut... out p.v. When you put yourself out, you try very hard to help someone.

Sofia really put herself out to make her new daughter-in-law feel welcome.

Don't put yourself out. I can make my own dinner.

5. put...out p.v. When you put people out, you inconvenience them.

Erik really put Bill out when he asked him for a ride to the airport at 3:00 in the morning.

You've done so much to help me. I'm sorry to have put you out.

6. put out p.v. When you are put out by people, you are annoyed by something they have said or done.

/ was really put out by having to take a taxi to work because Mike hadn't returned my car.

Dan was put out by Sam's ungrateful attitude.

put out part.adj. When you are annoyed by something that someone has said or done, you are put out.

Maria's put out; the manager thanked everyone who worked on the project except her.

7. put... out p.v. When a book, magazine, newspaper, or musical recording is published or issued, it is put out.

The publisher is planning to put a new magazine out that will appeal to teenage girls.

Frank Sinatra put out several classic recordings in the 1950s.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
sort out sort out & sorts out sorting out sorted out sorted out


1. sort... out p.v. When you sort a group of things out, you separate them into smaller groups according to one or more characteristics.

After you take the laundry out of the dryer, you have to sort it out.

The mail arrives at the post office alt mixed together, and it has to be sorted out before it can be delivered.

sorted out part.adj. After you separate things into smaller groups according to one or more characteristics, they are sorted out.

The mail is sorted out and ready to be delivered.

2. sort... out p.v. When you do something to solve a problem or to correct a misunderstanding, you sort it out.

Janice was angry with me about what happened last night, but I called her and we sorted everything out.

Everyone is confused about the new plan. We ought to talk to Mrs. Taytor and sort everything out.

sorted out part.adj. After you do something to solve a problem or to correct a misunderstanding, it is sorted out.

Mike and Tom had a big fight, but everything is sorted out now.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
space out space out & spaces out spacing out spaced out spaced out


1. space... out p.v. [informal—used mostly by young people] When you space out or when something spaces you out, something or someone confuses you and causes you to forget what you were saying or doing at that moment.

This place is really weird — it's spacing me out. Sorry, what did you say? I wasn't listening — I spaced out.

spaced-out part.adj. When something or someone confuses you and causes you to forget what you were saying or doing at that moment, you are spaced-out.

Half of what Jerry says doesn't make any sense; he's all spaced-out.

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