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EXERCISE 30e, Review — Complete the sentences with these participle adjectives from previous sections. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

beefed up, 28 lit up, 13 shut off, 26 worn off, 27
broken off, 27 made out, 29 torn off, 27    
closed off, 13 made-up, 23 washed off, 27    
dried off, 27 messed up, 28 wiped off, 27    


1. The children baked cookies this morning, and they left the kitchen all______ ________.

2. The ________ ________ security force can handle any terrorist attack.

3. Charles didn't pay his bill, and now his electricity is ________ ________.

4. I can't read the sign because the paint is all ________ ________.

5. There aren't any tags on this mattress. They're all ________ ________.

6. Those apples aren't ________ ________, so don't eat them.

7. You can't drive down that street; it's ________ ________.

8. This check isn't blank; it's ________ ________.

9. The Christmas tree isn't ________ ________ now, but when it is it'll be beautiful.

10. I put the coffee cup with the ________ ___ handle downstairs. I'm going to fix it later.

11. The kitchen counter isn't________ ________, so don't put those papers on it — they might get grease on them.

12. That was quite a rain we just had. I don't think I'll drive to work until the roads have ___________.

13. I didn't believe a word he said. It was just a lot of ___________ nonsense.

EXERCISE 30f, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

ask for, 29 fill out, 14 make out, 29 wipe off, 27
butt in,14 have on, 25 open up, 26 work out, 11
carry out, 28 head into, 17 stand up, 28    
drop in, 29 hurry up, 25 trade in, 24    
drop out, 23 knock over, 25 wash off, 27    


1. ________ ________ of school was the dumbest thing I ever did.

2. The loan application was rejected because it hadn't been _______ _________ properly.

3. I'm going to ask the car dealer how much I can ________ my car ________ for.

4. My feet are killing me. I've been ________________ all day.

5. Did you see what Sally was wearing yesterday? She ________ a green dress and purple shoes ________.

6. Mike ________ the bartender ________ a gin martini, but she made a vodka martini instead.

7. We'll have to ________ ________ if we're going to get to the theater before the movie starts.

8. Don't leave that glass there — the baby might ________ it ________.

9. Dad's hardware store went out of business after a huge discount store ________ ________ across the street.

10. You won't be able to ________ that paint ________ with water; you'll have to use turpentine.

11. It was raining, so I had to ________ the water ________ my glasses after I came inside.

12. Sergeant Jones has always ________ ________ his orders without fail.

13. If you're ever in my neighborhood,______________; you're always welcome.

14. Things aren't ______ ______ at my new job, and I think I'm going to quit soon.

15. Judy left her home in the suburbs and ________ ________ the city.

16. When I met Jim I was surprised at how nice he was. Everyone always ________ him ________ to be a real jerk.

17. I would have been next, but then some jerk _______ _______ line.

31. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs and gerund subjects

As we saw in Section 16, gerunds — verbs in the -'ing form that function as nouns — can serve as the objects of many phrasal verbs. But gerunds can also serve as the subject of a sentence:

Eating meat everyday was something we did without.


Voting was immediately done away with by the dictatorship. gerund

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
care for                
    care for & cares for caring for cared for cared for


1. care for p.v. When you care for children or people who are old or sick, you provide them with the food or medicine they need or you do things to help them. When you care for machines or buildings, you keep them in good condition.

The nurses have to care for several very sick patients.

John has been caring for his eighty-three-year-old mother since her stroke.

2. care for p.v. When you care for people or things, you like them.

Jane doesn't care for coffee; she prefers tea.

I asked Sally to go to the dance, but she said that dancing is not something she cares for.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
cut out cut out & cuts out cutting out cut out cutout


1. cut... out (of) p.v. When you cut something out or cut something out of a piece of paper, cloth, or other material, you use scissors or a knife to remove part of it.

The bank robber had a pillowIcase over his head with two holes cut out.

I cut an interesting story out of the newspaper to show to my father.

cutout n. Something that has been cut out of a piece of paper, cloth, or other material is a cutout.

Timmy made some cardboard cutouts shaped like animals.

2. cut... out p.v. When you cut out part of a film, television program, book, magazine, and so on, you remove that part.

The movie was too long, so the director cut a couple of scenes out. Before the book was published, the parts that were critical of the king had to be cut out of Chapter 4.

3. cut... out p.v. When you cut out something that you consume, you stop using it. When you cut out doing something, you stop doing it. When you say "Cut it out" to people, you want them to stop doing or saying something.

Smoking is the first thing you've got to cut out if you want to improve your health.

If you want to lose weight, you'll have to cut cookies and ice cream out.

It bothers me when you do that, so cut it out!

4. cut out p.v. When a motor suddenly stops working, it cuts out.

I was driving when the motor suddenly cut out.

This plane has only one engine, so if it cuts out, we're in big trouble.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 466. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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