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EXERCISE 31 c — Write eight original sentences using phrasal verbs from this section. Try to use gerunds as the subjects of some of the sentences.

1. _______________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________

7. ______________________________________________________

8. ______________________________________________________

EXERCISE 31 d. Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

ask for, 29 cut down, 23 get away, 23 luck out, 29
beef up, 28 drop in, 29 get back at, 17 make out, 29
come apart, 29 flip out, 29 get off, 18 make up, 23
crack down, 23 go about, 17 look out, 29 run across, 29


1. I'm thinking about investing in the stock market, but I'm not sure how to ________ ________it.

2. The sound on the language lab tapes is so bad that I can't ________ ________ what they're saying.

3. The world is ________ ________ of many different countries.

4. We'll need to buy a new suitcase soon. This old one is ________ ________.

5. That was a terrible thing he did to me — I'll ________ ________ ________ him someday.

6. Hank fell from a fifth-floor window, but he landed in a swimming pool and wasn't hurt at all. He sure ________ ________, didn't he?

7. The hockey coach said that the team's offense is good, but the defense needs to be

8. My dentist said I should ________ ________ on sweets.

9. Frank really ________ ________ when he found that big snake under his bed.

10. Look at this interesting old book I ________ ________ at a used bookstore.

11. The police department is going to ________________on crime.

12. You know what a bad temper Joe has. If you keep teasing him, you're________ ________ trouble.

13. The accountant tried to embezzle $100,000, but he didn't____________with it.

14. Isn't that where Jane lives? Let's________________and say hello.

15. Jake was arrested and charged with bank robbery, but he ________ ________ because none of the witnesses could identify him.

16. There are a lot of big trucks on this road. You've really got to ________ _______ for them when you're driving.

32. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs with the particle out

The particle out is used in many phrasal verbs and has many meanings. Among the most frequent meanings of out are to say that something or someone literally moves from the inside to the outside of a place:

He fell out of a tree.

Melanie came out of the house.

We always go out through the back door.

Would you take the garbage out, please?

that something is done completely or thoroughly:

I cleaned out the closet.

The people quickly cleared out.

She emptied her purse out on the table.

Please fill this form out.

that an action or activity has ended:

The fire went out.

The light bulb burned out.

Hank dropped out of school.

Jane chickened out of asking her boss for a raise.


that something or someone is chosen, organized, shared, or distributed:

The manager handed out our paychecks.

Tom picked a new shirt out.

The mayIroom clerk sorted out the mail.

that something is produced by or released from a source:

His last book came out two years ago.

Don't let the dog out.

That group hasn't put out a new CD in a long time.

that something is removed, eliminated, or excluded:

A page was accidentally left out of the book when it was printed.

She cut a cartoon out of the paper.

The negative test result ruled out cancer.

His editor took several paragraphs out of the article.

that something is perceived, sensed, found, or acquired:

I figured out the answer.

Did you find out when the movie starts?

That sign is too far away to make out.

Mike screwed me out of a hundred bucks.

that something increases in size, capacity, length, or area:

Paul started to fill out after he got married.

After I gained twenty-five pounds I had to let my pants out.

It's dangerous to stick your head out a car window.

that something important or dangerous should be watched for:

Mike is supposed to meet us here, so watch out for him.

Look out, this is a very busy intersection.

or that something is done for a length of time:

The criminals held out for three hours before surrendering.

College is hard work, but you've got to stick it out.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
clean out clean out & cleans out cleaning out cleaned out cleaned out


1. clean...out p.v. When you clean something out, you clean the inside completely so that no dirt, dust, trash, and so on, remains inside.

Mark was fired and told to clean his desk out and leave.

We clean out our garage every spring.

cleaned out part.adj. After you clean the inside of something completely so that no dirt, dust, or trash, and so on, remains inside, it is cleaned out.

Now that the garage is cleaned out, there's room for my car.

2. clean... out (of) p.v. [informal] When people clean you out or clean you out of your money, they deceive you or pressure you into giving them all your money or spending all your money for their benefit. When an expense cleans you out, it requires you to spend all your money.

A con artist cleaned my grandmother out of $50,000.

Having three kids in college at the same time really cleaned me out.

3. clean...out (of) p.v. [informal] If thieves clean a place out or clean a place out of something, they take everything that is valuable.

I got home and found that my place had been cleaned out.

The thieves cleaned the jewelry store out of all its diamonds and emeralds.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
clear out clear out & clears out clearing out cleared out cleared out


1. clear...out p.v. When people clear out or clear out of a place or they are cleared out of a place, they leave it.

After the police threw tear gas, the crowd cleared right out.

Clear out! This is private property.

2. clear... out p.v. When you clear out a place, you remove things that are unwanted or in the way in order to make more room or to make the place cleaner.

Look how much more room we have in the attic now that we've cleared all that junk out. The car dealer had a sale so that he could clear out some space for the new cars.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 428. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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