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Fall out

fall out & falls out falling out fell out fallen out

1. fall out (of) p.v. When you fall from or through something that is above ground level to the ground below, you fall out or fall out of it.

Did he fall out or was he pushed?

I found a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest.

2. fall out (withIover) p.v. When you fall out with people, you become upset or angry with them. When two people fall out over something, they become upset or angry with each other because of a disagreement about that thing.

Alfonso fell out with his sister when he criticized her husband.

Melanie and Sarah started a company, but they fell out over who would be president and who would be vice-president.

falling-out n. When people have a falling-out, they become upset or angry with each other and no longer have friendly relations.

The manager of the baseball team quit after he had a falling-out with the owner.

Go out

go out & goes out going out went out gone out

1. go out (of) p.v. When people or things leave a place, room, or house that you are in, they go out or go out of it. Come in is the opposite of go out.

I'm trying to study — go out and play in the backyard.

Nancy was so sick that she didn't go out of the house for a week.

2. go out (to) p.v. When people leave a city where you are and go out to a place outside the city, they travel to that place.

Last weekend we went out to Jim's cabin on the lake.

This Thanksgiving I'm going to go out to my brother's house.

3. go out p.v. When something that is burning goes out, it stops burning because it has no more fuel or because something, such as water or lack of oxygen, has caused it to stop burning.

The campfire went out during the night.

The forest fire didn't go out until it started to rain.

4. go out p.v. When an electrical light goes out, it stops producing light because it is no longer receiving power.

The lights in the barracks go out every night at 10:00.

When the old tree fell on the power lines, every light in town went out.

5. go out (with) p.v. When two people with a romantic interest in each other go out,they go together to a place of entertainment in order to have fun and spend time together.

Mike's nervous — he's going out with Heather tonight.

Sally and Jim went out for three years before they qot married.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
leave out leave out & leaves out leaving out left out left out


1. leave... out p.v. When you leave people or things out, you accidentally or deliberately do not include them in a group.

The director left out several parts of the book when she made the film.

Tell me the entire story from beginning to end. Don't leave anything out.

left out part.adj. When you feel left out, you feel ignored and unappreciated by others in a group.

No one talked to Jerry at the party. He just sat in the corner feeling left out.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 488. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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