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Come out

come out & comes out coming out came out come out

1. come out (of) p.v. When people or things leave a place, room, or house that you are not in, they come out of it.

Susie's friend came to the door and asked her to come out and play.

The police held their fire when they saw the gunman coming out of the house with his hands in the air.

2. come out (of) p.v. When something comes out of a certain place or area, it starts there.

This speaker must not be connected; no sound is coming out.

The most wonderful aroma came out of the kitchen.

3. come out (to) p.v. When people leave a city and come out to a place outside the city where you are, they travel to that place.

Would you like to come out and visit our farm?

Ned loves it in the city; he hasn't come out to the suburbs in a long time.

4. come out (of) p.v. When things or people go through an experience or treatment, the condition they are left in by that experience or treatment or the result of that experience or treatment is how they come out.

It was a tough game, but our team came out on top.

How did the investigation come out?

I came out of that awful experience a wiser person.

5. come out (with) p.v. When a book, magazine, musical recording, movie, or television show is finished and made available to the public, it comes out. When a book, magazine, musical recording, movie, or television show is finished and made available to the public, the company publishing it or the person who created it comes out with it.

The band's new CD came out last month, and it's already number one on the charts.

Barren's is coming out with a new book on TOEFL soon.

6. come out p.v. When information becomes known to the public, it comes out.

Everyone was shocked when it came out that the butler had murdered the duke.

What really happened when President Kennedy was assassinated may never come out.

7. come out (of) p.v. When dirt or a stain is removed by cleaning, it comes out or comes out of what it is in.

Don't get grape juice on that white blouse — it'll never come out.

That paint might come out of the carpet if you try turpentine.

8. come out p.v. When flowers or leaves start to grow, they come out.

We had a very warm winter, and the flowers started coming out in February.

Oak tree leaves always come out later than the leaves of other trees.

9. come out p.v. When clouds move and the sun becomes visible, it comes out.

The rain stopped, the sun came out, and there was a beautiful rainbow.

Wait till the sun comes out; you'll get a better picture.

10. come out (forIin favor ofIagainst) p.v. When people with authority and influence come out for or come out in favor of people or things, they publicly announce support for them. When people with authority and influence come out against people or things, they publicly announce opposition to them.

We were surprised when the mayor came out for legalizing gambling.

The senator from North Carolina came out against the tobacco legislation.

    present tense -ing form past tense past participle
empty out empty out & empties out emptying out emptied out emptied out


1. empty... out p.v. When you completely remove the contents of a space or container, you empty it out.

The police officer told me to empty out my pockets.

After we empty this room out, we can start painting.

emptied out part.adj. After the contents of a container have been completely removed, the container is emptied out.

Now that the room is emptied out, we can start laying the carpet.

1. empty out p.v. When all the people in a place leave it, the place empties out.

After the concert is over, it'll be twenty minutes before the auditorium empties out.

There was trash everywhere after the stadium emptied out.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 423. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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