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EXERCISE SOb — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. 1 страница

1. Tom's been waiting for ten minutes. What has Tom been doing?

2. My shoes have holes in the bottom, and now I can't wear them. What has happened to my shoes?

3. In Question 2, how would you describe my shoes?

4. The country's economy was bad, but now it's improving. What is the country's economy doing?

5. The main thing that Lydia will consider when she chooses a college is how good the MBA program is. What is important to Lydia in choosing a college?

6. You called Betty and asked her to go to a movie. What did you do?

7. Bill's baseball team was way behind, but they ended up winning the game. What would you call the game?

8. Mike lent Frank $20, and tomorrow Frank is going to give Mike $20. What is going to happen to Mike tomorrow?

9. Sarah asked me if I would like her to come to my house to help me with my homework, and I said yes. What did I do?

10. Ms. Cummings will do whatever she needs to do to solve the problem after dinner. What will Ms. Cummings do after dinner?

11. The purse snatcher couldn't take my mother's purse because she held it tightly in her hand. What did my mother do to her purse?

12. Shampooing the carpet was a lot of work, and it made Janice really tired. What did shampooing the carpet do to Janice?

13. In Question 12, how did Janice feel after shampooing the carpet?

EXERCISE 50c — Write eight original sentences using phrasal verbs from this section.

1. __________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________

6. __________________________________________________________

7. __________________________________________________________

8. _______________________________________________________

EXERCISE 50d, Review — Complete the sentences with these participle adjectives from this section and previous sections. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

beat-up, 44 mixed up, 44 turned off, 45
built-in, 46 pissed off, 44 turned on, 45
clogged up, 49 stressed-out, 44 worn-out, 50
grossed out, 43 switched off, 48    
locked up, 44 switched on, 48    


1. Trying to take care of my family and work full-time has made me really ___________.

2. You should get rid of those ___________ shoes and buy some new ones.

3. I felt really ________ ________ after dancing the merengue with Maria.

4. Maria seemed a little ________ ________ when she saw my big belly hanging over my belt.

5. While I was driving on the interstate, about a billion bugs splattered all over the windshield. I was really ________ ________.

6. My car looks pretty ___________, but it runs all right.

7. This sink is all ________ ________. We'll have to call a plumber.

8. Could you help me with my calculus homework? I don't understand it at all, and I'm totally ________.

9. You should keep guns________ ________ if there are children in the house.

10. Mike's really ________ ________ about having to work on Sunday. He was planning to go to the football game, but now he can't.

11. Most computers today have a ___________ CD-ROM drive.

12. I like to leave the radio ________ ________ when I'm not home so that burglars will think that someone is at home.

13. It sure is hot in here. Why is the air conditioner ________ ________?

EXERCISE 50e, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

build in l into, 46 get on, 49 throw away, 49 turn off, 45
clog up, 49 get to, 49 turn down, 45 turn on, 45
get ahead, 49 hang on, 49 turn in, 45 turn out, 45
get back to, 49 make for, 46 turn into, 45 turn up, 45


1. Jake was nice when he was a boy, but as he got older he ________ ________ a criminal.

2. Stop bothering me about washing the dishes — I'll ________ ________ it when I have time.

3. The teacher said, "After you ________ ________ your tests, you can leave."

4. These stereo speakers weren't added later; they were _____ right _____ the wall.

5. Business has been very good; in fact, this may _____ _____ to be our best year ever.

6. I'll have to _______ _______ _______ you — I don't have time to talk now.

7. If I had known you wanted those old clothes, I wouldn't have ______ them ______.

8. It was getting dark, so I _______ _______ the light.

9. I've gained so much weight that I can't ________ these pants ________.

10. Having a good education helped me to ________ ________.

11. ________________, I'm almost ready.

12. It's too hot in here; could you ________ the heat ________ a little?

13. My father said,"________ the TV ________ and do your homework."

14. Who put all this stuff in the sink and ________ it ________?

15. The champagne, flowers, and gourmet dinner ________ ________ a very special evening.

16. It's hot in here; who keeps ________ ________ the heat?

EXERCISE 50f, Review — Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from this section and previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number qiven after each one.

ask out, 50 get ahead, 49 hold on, 50 start off, 49
come down to, 50 get back to, 49 pay back, 50 take up on, 50
deal with, 50 get to, 49 put in l into, 47 turn around, 50
freak out, 46 give out, 43 run out, 47 wear out, 50


1. I like to go to the supermarket on Saturday because they ________ ________ free samples.

2. My teacher said that my project wasn't very good and that it was obvious I hadn't ________ much effort ________ it.

3. Don't lend money to Marvin; he'll never ________ you ________.

4. Thanks for inviting me to go sailing with you. I just might ________ you ________ ________ the offer someday.

5. Sergeant Jones ________________the problem in his usual efficient manner.

6. We're ________ ________ of coffee. Can you make some more?

7. Jim likes Maria, but he's too shy to ________ her ________.

8. Nowadays, it's hard to ________ ________ in the business world if you don't know something about computers.

9. Janice was talking to her father on the other telephone line when I called, so she asked me to ________ ________ for just a minute while she said good-bye to him.

10. Ann used to have a lot of problems, but she has ________ her life ________, and now she is very happy and successful in her job.

11. I called the restaurant manager to complain about the bad food we were served yesterday, a she said she would investigate and ________ ________ ________ me.

12. Heather was very excited that she had ________ ________ go backstage after the concert and meet the band.

13. We had a hard time deciding which of the two houses to buy. We liked both of them, but it ________ ________ ________ which one was in a better school district.

14. I'm not as young as I used to be. That fifteen-mile hike ________ me ________.

15. I hate walking through cemeteries at night; it really ________ me ________.

16. The president of the company _____ the meeting _____ by welcoming everyone.


When questions require complete sentences as answers, several variations of the answer are often possible depending on whether contractions are used, whether separable phrasal verbs are separated, and whether the object of the phrasal verb is repeated in the answer, replaced by a pronoun, or ellipted (not repeated because it is understood). The answers given below would be natural and likely in everyday American English — contractions

are used more often than not and separable phrasal verbs are separated more often than not — but any grammatical and logical sentence with the correct verb in the correct tense is acceptable. Phrasal verbs separated by their objects (but not adverbs or adverbials) are indicated with three dots between the verb and particle. Remember that questions asked with / or we are answered with you, and questions asked with you are answered with / or we.


1. took off

2. took off

3. put... on

4. run...into

5. shows up

6. showed up

7. came from

8. put... on

9. figure...out

10. take... off

11. coming from

12. put on

13. took off

14. looked for

15. gave back

16. run into

17. take... off

18. Take off

19. run into

20. Taking...off

21. putting...on

22. put...on

23. put on

24. took... off

25. ran into


1. I finally figured out the instructions.
I finally figured the instructions out.
I finally figured them out.

2. Give back my tools when you are finished.
Give my tools back when you are finished.
Give them back when you are finished.

3. She put on her slippers.
She put her slippers on.
She put them on.

4. I took off my shoes.
I took my shoes off.
I took them off.

5. The hurricane took off the roof.
The hurricane took the roof off.
The hurricane took it off.


1. They didn't show up.

2. He figured it out.

3. It's taking off.

4. it was a takeoff.

5. He speaks Arabic because he comes from Egypt,

6. You took off.

7. You ran into him.

8. It came from the tenth floor.

9. I almost ran into a tree.

10. He put his name on it.

11. You have to take it off.

12. You figured it out.

13. You're taking them off.

14. They took off.

15. She's looking for it.

16. They don't show up.

17. He always forgets to put them on the table.

18. He took Friday off.

19. She gave it back.


1. falling for

2. came off

3. dozed off

4. threw up

5. fell for

6. pulls through

7. stay off

8. came off

9. giving in

10. heard about

11. throwing up

12. come off


1. Did the sick boy throw up?

2. Does Rosa fall for every boy she meets?

3. Do the tops come off easily?

4. Does the dog stay off the bed?

5. Did Erik hear about the new job?


1. I don't always give in to her demands.

2. Mr.and Mrs.Taylor didn't fall for the salesman's promises.

3. These machines don't throw up sparks.

4. The patient didn't pull through.

5. The plot didn't come off as planned.


1. She told you to stay off it.

2. He fell for it.

3. They're starting to doze off.

4. She hears about everything.

5. It didn't come off the way you planned it.

6. One of the wheels came off my car.

7. You're not giving in.

8. You fell for them.

9. She doesn't think Ted will pull through.

10. He was throwing up.


1. takeoff

2. showed up

3. took off

4. looking for

5. came from

6. Give back

7. ran into

8. figure out


1. go in for

2. put up with

3. go along with

4. looks down on

5. feel up to

6. screw...out of

7. looking forward to

8. get...over with

9. go along with


1. He talks down to him.

2. She should get it over with.

3. He screwed them out of $5,000.

4. She's looking for­ward to it.

5. I have to put up with it.

6. He doesn't feel up to it.

7. You went along with it.


1. fall for

2. threw up

3. come off

4. gave in

5. stay off

6. pull through

7. dozed off

8. heard about


1. wrap... up

2. put... to

3. points to

4. pay for

5. cheated on

6. put... to

7. looking... up

8. went after

9. cheated on

10. plan for

11. pointing to

12. went after

13. pay for

14. looked up

15. wrapped...up

16. going after

17. lookup

18. going after

19. put... to


1. I was looking up a word in the dictionary.
I was looking a word up in the dictionary.
I was looking it up in the dictionary.

2. I was in Boston looking up some old army buddies.
I was in Boston looking some old army buddies up.
I was in Boston looking them up.

3. Dad's in the bedroom wrapping up Mom's birthday present.

Dad's in the bedroom wrapping Mom's birthday present up.

Dad's in the bedroom wrapping it up.

4. The committee is wrap­ping up their discus­sion.

The committee is wrap­ping their discus­sion up.

The committee

is wrapping it up.


1. He pointed it our.

2. You're planning for them.

3. It's looking up.

4. He went after him.

5. She's going to go after it.

6. You put him to a lot of trouble.

7. You're paying for it.

8. It's paid for.

9. They're wrapping it up.

10. She looked her up.

11. He put it to me.

12. She's looking up Erik's telephone number.

13. He cheated on her.


1. fell for

2. came from

3. showed up

4. figure...out

5. pulled through

6. gave in

7. heard about

8. looking for


1. broke down

2. set up

3. pile up

4. handed...back

5. find out

6. called in

7. looked at

8. breaks down

9. breaking...down

10. set...up

11. look at

12. break...down

13. look at

14. calling in

15. break down

16. burn down

17. setting up

18. broke down

19. piling up

20. looking at


1. broke DOWN

2. set UP

3. pile UP

4. handed... BACK

5. find OUT

6. called IN

7. LOOKED at

8. breaks DOWN

9. breaking... DOWN

10. set... UP

11. LOOK at

12. break... DOWN

13. LOOK at

14. calling IN

15. break DOWN

16. burn DOWN

17. setting UP

18. broke DOWN

19. piling UP

20. LOOKING at


1. The firefighters broke down the door. The firefighters broke the door down. The firefighters broke it down.

2. They burned down the old barn. They burned the old barn down. They burned it down.

3. He called in Dr. Shapiro. He called Dr. Shapiro in. He called her in.

4. Our teacher handed back the papers. Our teacher handed the papers back. Our teacher handed them back.

5. I set up the ironing board. I set the ironing board up. I set it up.


1. She set it up.

2. It was set up.

3. They're piling up.

4. They're piled up.

5. He handed it back.

6. It broke down.

7. It's broken-down.

8. He had a break­down.

9. They burned it down.

10. It burned down.

11. He broke down.

12. He had a break­down.

13. She was angry because I didn't call in.

14. She set it up.

15. It's setup.

16. He broke in.

17. You found out that Ali's excuse was a big lie.


1. put up with

2. felt up to

3. Stay off

4. come off

5. looking forward to

6. go along with

7. threw up

8. goes in for

9. talked down to

10. get...over with


1. coming down with

2. went through with

3. come up with

4. get around to

5. got... out of

6. get... out of

7. boils down to

8. monkey around with

9. get out of

10. gone back on


1. He went through with it.

2. You didn't get around to it.

3. You told him you'd get around to it tomorrow.

4. She gets a lot of sat­isfaction out of it.

5. She came up with a way to manufacture her company's products more cheaply.

6. It comes down to location.

7. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold.

8. You'll monkey around with it.

9. You got it out of her.

10. She went back on her promise.


1. wrap...up

2. plan for

3. looked...up

4. cheated on

5. look at

6. finds out

7. going after

8. pointed to

9. put... to

10. pile up

11. handed...back

12. burned down


1. wrap... UP

2. PLAN for

3. looked... UP


5. LOOK at

6. finds OUT

7. GOING after


9. put...TO

10. pile UP

11. handed... BACK

12. burned DOWN


1. let out

2. holding...up

3. ran over

4. let out

5. cut...up

6. pointed out

7. let... out

8. taken in

9. took...in

10. taking...apart

11. holding up

12. took in

13. hold up

14. seeing about

15. let out

16. held up

17. ran over

18. pointed...out

19. ran over

20. take...in

21. take...in

22. held...up

23. run over

24. see about

25. hold up


1. The cook cut up the meat.
The cook cut the meat up.
The cook cut it up.

2. The snowstorm held up air travelers.
The snowstorm he/d air travelers up.
The snowstorm held them up.

3. Don't let out the dog.
Don't let the dog out.
Don't let it out.

4. The real estate agent pointed out the swimming pool.

The real estate agent pointed the swim­ming pool out.

The real estate agent pointed it out.

5. The truck ran over the man.
The truck ran the man over.
The truck ran him over.

6. I'm going to take apart the broken doorknob.
I'm going to take the broken door knob apart.
I'm going to take it apart.

7. The tailor took in the pants.
The tailor took the pants in.
The tailor took them in.


1. You're going to see about changing to a different room.

2. They haven't held up.

3. She's going to take them in.

4. He was taken in.

5. I was run over.

6. He pointed them out.

7. It held up the game.

8. She's cutting a piece of paper up.

9. They're holding it up.

10. She held the bank up.

11. There was a holdup.

12. You took it in.

13. He took it apart.

14. It ran over.

15. They took you in.

16. He let it out.

17. You ra1n over and grabbed it.

18 She let out a scream.

19. It has held up.

20. He let them out.

21. He took it in.

22. It's running over.

23. You're letting them out.


1. go through with

2. come off

3. got out of

4. get around to

5. monkeying around with

6. boil down to

7. figure out

8. put... on

9. went after

10. gone back on

11. came up with

12. looking forward to

13. dozed off

14. came down with


1. fallen over

2. burned out

3. fought back

4. ring...up

5. work in

6. pick out

7. picked out

8. burn...out

9. rung...up

10. heard of

11. fell...over

12. burned out

13. hear of

14. fight back

15. tear down


1. The sheriff burned out the escaped convicts.
The sheriff burned the escaped convicts out.
The sheriff burned them out.

2. Bill has picked out a new car.
Bill has picked a new car out.
Bill has picked it out.

3. The clerk hasn't rung up these CDs yet.
The clerk hasn't rung these CDs up yet.
The clerk hasn't rung them up yet.

4. The new owners have torn down the garage.
The new owners have torn the garage down.
The new owners have torn it down.

5. The mayor tried to work in a tour of the fac­tory.

The mayor tried to work a tour of the factory in.

The mayor tried to work it in.


1. He said he wouldn't hear or it.

2. It's burned itself our.

3. He's rung them up.

4. They've picked it out.

5. She couldn't fight back the tears.

6. It burned out.

7. It's burned out.

8. They fell over.

9. It was burned out.

10. It's burned out.

11. You didn't fight back.

12. You've worked it in.

13. She hasn't rung you up.

14. They tore it down.

15. He fall over him­self.

16. You asked him if he's ever heard of the new seafood restaurant in the mall.


1. took... apart

2. pull through

3. shown up

4. ran over

5. taken in

6. fall for

7. cut...up

8. held up

9. pointed to

10. looked...up

11. let...out

12. gave in

13. get...over with

14. see about

15. goes in for

16. put up with


1. give up

2. broke out

3. getting along

4. work up

5. gave... up

6. catch up

7. hang up

8. worked up

9. catch up

10. getting along

11. gave up

12. hang up

13. chickened out

14. hook up

15. catch up

16. broken out

17. hook up


1. on

2. to

3. on

4. of

5. with

6. with

7. of

8. to

9. on



1. Tonight I'm going to try to hook up my fax machine.
Tonight I'm going to try to hook my fax machine up.
Tonight I'm going to try to hook it up.

2. After my accident, I had to give up scuba diving.
After my accident, I had to give scuba diving up.
After my accident, I had to give it up.

3. You can hang up your coat in the closet.
You can hang your coat up in the closet.
You can hang it up in the closet.


1. You want to catch up.

2. She has to give up driving.

3. She needs to catch up.

4. I was worked up.

5. Hooking up a computer to a printer is easy.

6. It's hooked up.7. They're going to try to break out.

8. It would be called a breakout.

9. They don't get along.

10. You gave up on it.

11. Fights break out.

12. He worked up the courage to ask his boss for a raise.

13. He didn't chicken out.

14. They told him to give up.

15. She's working up to it.

16. She hung up on him.


1.heard of

2. piled up

3. put... to

4. fallen over

5. looked at

6. pick... out

7. ran into

8. pointed to

9. hand...back

10. cheating on

11. work... in

12. fight back

13. rang up

14. found out

15. torn down

16. burned out


1. hand...out

2. screw... up

3. fallen off

4. gave up

5. screwed...up

6. laid off

7. growing up

8. kick back

9. went ahead

10. fill... in

11. go ahead

12. fall off

13. layoff

14. fill... in

15. kick back

16. fill in

17. Grow up


1. grown-ups

2. screwup

3. kickbacks

4. handouts

5. fill-in

6. handout

7. layoffs

8. falloff

9. go-ahead


1. You haven't filled in all the spaces.
You haven't filled all the spaces in.
You haven't filled them in.

2. Is the teacher handing out the tests?
Is the teacher handing the tests out?
Is the teacher handing them out?

3. The company is going to lay off my brother.
The company is going to lay my brother off.

The company is going to lay him off.

4. I'm sorry I screwed up your plan.
I'm sorry I screwed your plan up.
I'm sorry I screwed it up.


1. You went ahead with it.

2. She told you to fill it in.

3. It's filled in.

4. She's screwing it up.

5. It's screwed up.

6. I kick back $3,000 to the mayor.

7. It's a kickback.

8. She was laid off.

9. He screwed you up.

10. You grew up there.

11. It's for grown-ups.

12. It will falloff.

13. It would be called a falloff.

14. She told him to lay off.

15. He's filling in for Omar.

16. They'll be handed out.

17. She filled her in.


1. takeoff

2. breakdown

3. hookup

4. breakout

5. holdup

6. setup

7. put-on


1. work up

2. gave up

3. pick out

4. hook up

5. get along

6. talk down to

7. catch up

8. chickened out of


1. cut... off

2. back up

3. back up

4. work out

5. backing...up

6. cut... off

7. back... up

8. follows up

9. drop...off

10. backed...up

11. wake up

12. work out

13. take out

14. back up

15. worked out

16. works out

17. drops off

18. cut off

19. taking...out

20. back up

21. cut...off

22. fell off

23. try... out

24. woke... up

25. worked out

26. try out

27. take out

28. worked out

29. cutoff

30. took... out

31. taken...out


1. Did you back up your work? Did you back your work up? Did you back it up?

2. They're cutting off the power. They're cutting the power off. They're cutting it off.

3. I dropped off Prank at the airport. I dropped Frank off at the airport. I dropped him off at the airport.

4. Mom asked me to take out the garbage. Mom asked me to take the garbage out. Mom asked me to take it out.

5. Alex tried out his new bicycle. Alex tried his new bicycle out. Alex tried it out.

6. Mike has woken up Ali. Mike has woken Ali up. Mike has woken him up.


1. It's his backup camera.

2. It's the cutoff date.

3. She's his back-up.

4. I gave it a tryout.

5. She made a follow-up visit.

6. Your workout clothes got dirty.

7. You ate takeout food.

8. There was a backup on the interstate.

9. There has been a falloff.

10. She didn't make a backup.

11. There's a dropoff.

12. You gave it a workout.


1. They cut it off

2. You bought takeout food.

3. Working out is good for my health.

4. You're going to try it out.

5. They're letting me give their service a tryout.

6. It cut them off.

7. They were cur off.

8. I'm backing it up.

9. It's a backup.

10. She's following up.

11. My workout rou­tine is difficult.

12.He backed up his accusation with pho­tographs.

13. She wants to try out.

14.lt backs it up.

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Механизм действия гормонов а) Цитозольный механизм действия гормонов. По цитозольному механизму действуют гормоны 1 группы...

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ИГРЫ НА ТАКТИЛЬНОЕ ВЗАИМОДЕЙСТВИЕ Методические рекомендации по проведению игр на тактильное взаимодействие...

Способы тактических действий при проведении специальных операций Специальные операции проводятся с применением следующих основных тактических способов действий: охрана...

Искусство подбора персонала. Как оценить человека за час Искусство подбора персонала. Как оценить человека за час...

Этапы творческого процесса в изобразительной деятельности По мнению многих авторов, возникновение творческого начала в детской художественной практике носит такой же поэтапный характер, как и процесс творчества у мастеров искусства...

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