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EXERCISE SOb — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. 4 страница

7. All these problems are stressing out the staff.
All these problems are stressing the staff out.
All these problems are stressing them out.


1. He ripped him off.

2. It was a rip-off.

3. She's going to kick them out.

4. I locked up.

5. It's locked up.

6. It's easy to mix them up.

7. It pissed him off.

8. He was pissed off.

9. She's mixed up.

10. It's stressing me out.

11. I'm stressed out.

12. They were beat up,

13. He was locked up.

14. He was locked up.

15. She got carried away.

16. They beat him up.

17. I have to mix them up.


1. cover... up

2. paid off

3. takes over

4. keep... down

5. keep on

6. broken in

7. keep away

8. bringing...up

9. keep from

10. stuck... with

11. keep... off

12. keep...to

13. help...out

14. kept at

15. put... up to

16. keep...up


1. turn out

2. turn in

3. turned... off

4. turns over

5. turned on

6. turn...in

7. turned in

8. turned up

9. turn...into

10. turn...on

11. turn...up

12. turn...down

13. turn...off

14. turned...on

15. turn over

16. turn up

17. turning in

18. turn off

19. turned...on

20. turned down

21. turning out

22. turn...over

23. turn out

24. turning out

25. turn in

26. turning out

27. turn...in


1. They turn into but­terflies,

2. He turned up.

3. It turned him off.

4. He thinks it's a turnoff.

5. He was turned off.

6. It turns you on.

7. You think it's a turn-on.

8. You feel turned on.

9. I'm turning it up.

10. Turnover is very low.

11. It turns our 2 5,000 cars every year.

12. She didn't turn it up.

13. She hasn't turned up anything.

14. It was turned into a Chinese restaurant.

15. It turned out orange.

16. She couldn't turn him down.

17. It will probably turn over $4 million.

18. He hasn't turned his paper in.

19. She's not going to turn him in.

20. There wasn't enough room because so many people turned out.

21. The turnout was large.

22. He turned it over.


1. get... back

2. ran up

3. gotten up

4. tried...on

5. Get out

6. get there

7. grossing...out

8. get into

9. head toward

10. get out

11. lockup

12. beaten up

13. stopped off

14. getting behind

15. getting over

16. carried away


1. talk... into

2. build in

3. bump into

4. freak out

5. talk... out of

6. conned...into

7. bumped into

8. make for

9. con... out of

10. made for


1. She's trying to talk you into helping her paint her house.

2. He bumped into Raul.

3. He's trying to con me out of every­thing I own.

4. It will make for an uncomfort­able evening.

5. He conned her into selling him her house for a lot less than it's worth.

6. She's freaking out.

7. A shelf was built into it.

8. It's built-in.

9. No one can talk him out of quitting his job.


1. lockup

2. comeback

3. wipeout

4. check-in

5. checkout

6. mix-up

7. break-in

8. pickup

9. takeover

10. run-up

11. blowout


1. turn...in

2. brought... up

3. lock... up

4. gone away

5. stands for

6. got by

7. stressing...out

8. shut up

9. stick with

10. gave out

11. turning...into

12. blew...off

13. pisses...off

14. let... in

15. kicked out

16. burst out


1. run out

2. put...into

3. pull out

4. comes in

5. cut back

6. ran out

7. moving into

8. put... in

9. brush up

10. move in

11. comes in

12. putting...in

13. put in

14. come in

15. move out

16. runs out

17. put... in

18. coming in

19. cutback

20. pulled out



21. move...out

22. put in

23. come in

24. move... into

25. put...in

26. pull out


1. He's going to move in with his Uncle John.

2. It's cutting back.

3. It's a cutback.

4. You can't figure out where they're com­ing in.

5. It didn't come in on time.

6. He's moving out.

7. I ran out of money.

8. She's pulling out.

9. She shouldn't have put a pool in such a small back­yard.

10. She's brushing up on Italian.

11. He might pull out.

12. She told me to cut back on candy.

13. He's going to come in late.

14. She's putting a lot of effort into learn­ing Chinese.

15. They ran out of time.

16. He hasn't put them in.

17. He asked her when she was moving in.

18. He puts $1,000 into his checking account.


1. tried on

2. kicked out

3. rips off

4. get... down

5. conned...into

6. stop off

7. talked...into

8. conned out of

9. make for

10. bumped into

11. shut up

12. gotten up

13. talk...out of

14. get into

15. get out

16. freaked...out


1. put... back

2. switch...off

3. knocked out

4. looked up to

5. put back

6. switched on

7. kicked...out

8. knocked out

9. put back

10. throw...out

11. closed down

12. looks down on

13. put... back

14. knockout

15. knocked...out



1. The health department should closedown the restaurant.

The health department should close the restaurant down.

The health department should close it down.

2. Ali's left hook knocked out Joe.
Ali's left hook knocked Joe out.
Ali's left hook knocked him out.

3. General Chambers had to put back the attack.
General Chambers had to put the attack back.
General Chambers had to put it back.

4. Have you switched on the TV?
Have you switched the TV on?
Have you switched it on?

5. Are you going to switch off the lights?

Are you going to switch the lights off?
Are you going to switch them off?

6. Throwing out all this junk is going to be a big job.
Throwing all this junk out is going to be a big job.
Throwing it out is going to be a big job.


1. It has put back your fight for justice.

2. He looks up to him.

3. I knocked him out.

4. It's a knockout.

5. I switched it on.

6. It's switched on.

7. They must have been switched off.

8. They're switched off.

9. It will be closed down.

10. He looks down on them.

11. He would have been kicked out.


1. turnoff

2. cutback

3. make-up

4. turn-on

5. pullout

6. carryout

7. runaround

8. turnover

9. rip-off

10. lockout

11. turnout

12. falling-out


1. put... into

2. talked...out of

3. carried away

4. con...out of

5. pulled out

6. stick... out

7. bumped into

8. turn up

9. con...into

10. brush up

11. talked into

12. move in

13. Turn...over

14. move out

15. blow out

16. stressing...out


1. get to

2. hang on

3. get to

4. start... off

5. get to

6. get back to

7. get... on

8. clogged...up

9. get on

10. gotten to

11. Throwing away

12. getting on

13. get to

14. get a head

15. starts off

16. get on

17. Hang on

18. throw away

19. get to

20. got to

21. got on

22. Get to


1. She can't get her shoes on.

2. He got to feeling depressed.

3. He threw them away.

4. You're going to get back to work.

5. She's going to get back to me.

6. It got clogged up.

7. It was clogged up.

8. He has never gotten to work after 9:30.

9. I got on with work.

10. It should be taken out when the tem­perature gets to 190 degrees.

11. He said he couldn't bang on any longer,

12. You've got to get to them,

13. It must have been thrown away.

14. He showed you how to get on a horse,

15. It started off well, but things got worse.

16. He told you that you shouldn't let it get to you.

17. He got to pet a baby tiger.

18. He hung on to the ropes.

19. He got on the div­ing board.

20. He got right back on.

21. She couldn't have gotten to the airport already.

22. He always starts off by introducing him­self.

23. It should help you to get ahead.


1. cutting back

2. come in

3. conned...into

4. throw... out

5. looked up to

6. look down on

7. know about

8. put back

9. gets off on

10. closed down

11. knocked...out

12. turned...down

13. letting...in

14. get over

15. turn down

16. switch...on


1. paid... back

2. wear out

3. turn... around

4. pay...back

5. deals with

6. wore...out

7. comes down to

8. turn around

9. Hold on

10. dealt with

11. ask out

12. hold on

13. taken...upon

14. Hold on


1. He's been holding on for ten minutes.

2. They wore out.

3. They're worn-out.

4. It's turning around,

5. It comes down to the MBA pro­gram.

6. I asked her out.

7. It was a turnaround.

8. He's going to be paid back.

9. You took her up on the offer.

10. She'll deal with the problem,

11. She held on to it.

12. It wore her out.

13. She felt worn-out.


1. stressed-out

2. worn-out

3. turned on

4. turned off

5. grossed out

6. beat-up

7. clogged up

8. mixed up

9. locked up

10. pissed off

11. built-in

12. turned on

13. turned off


1. turned into

2. get to

3. turn in

4. built into

5. turn out

6. get back to

7. thrown...away

8. turned on

9. get... on

10. get ahead

11. Hang on

12. turn...down

13. Turn...off

14. clogged...up

15. made for

16. turning up


1. give out

2. put... into

3. pay...back

4. take... up on

5. dealt with

6. running out

7. ask...out

8. get ahead

9. hold on

10. turned...around

11. get back to

12. gotten to

13. came down to

14. wore...out

15. freaks...out

16. started...off



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