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B. Complex Sentence

Subjunctive I and the Suppositional Mood are used in nominal (subject, object, predicative), attributive appositive and some adverbial clauses.


Nominal and Attributive Appositive Clauses

1. Both Subjunctive I and the Suppositional Mood (non-perfect) can be used in subject, object, predicative and attributive appositive clauses if in the principal clause a modal meaning is expressed (that of order, recommendation, suggestion, supposition, desire, command, etc.)

It is required that all (should) work hard (subject clause).

Our requirement is that all (should) work hard (predicative clause).

We require that all (should) work hard (object clause).

Do you accept our requirement that all (should) work hard? (attributive clause)

It is important that a young man should have really trustworthy friends (subject clause).

My greatest wish in the world is that you should be happy (predicative clause).

He suggested that I (should) go out and help them (object clause).

I haven't the least desire that you should dine with me on that day (attributive appositive clause).

2. Only the Suppositional Mood (both non-perfect and perfect) is used in nominal and attributive appositive clauses if in the principal clause a personal reaction to events is expressed (for instance, with words like amazing, interesting, shocked, sorry, normal, natural, it's a shame, etc.):

It was astonishing that so short a break should have destroyed the habit of years (subject clause).

I'm surprised you should want him to stay in that house (object clause).

A feeling of anger seized her that a letter from Gerald should bring her such pain (attributive appositive clause).

3. The Suppositional Mood (mostly non-perfect, though perfect is also possible) and rarely Subjunctive I are used in nominal and attributive appositive clauses after the expression of fear in the principal clause. The subordinate clause may be introduced by the conjunction "that" or the negative conjunction lest (typical of literary style):

I was terrified lest they should notice me (object clause).

I'm very much afraid that I shouldn't be acceptable (object clause).

Our fear was lest we should be late (predicative clause).

Our fear lest he should hive away our secret was great (attributive clause).


Adverbial Clauses

1. In adverbial clauses of purpose introduced by the conjunction "so that", "lest" (literary style) the non-perfect Suppositional Mood is used, or, rarely, Subjunctive I:

Mary lowered her eyes so that he should not see the faint gleam of amusement in them.

Bertha dared to say nothing lest he should hear the tears in her voice.

After the conjunctions that, so that, in order that, so, the modal phrases may (might) or can (could) + Infinitive may be used:

I tell you this so that you may understand the situation.

He came up closer so that he could see the picture better.

2. In adverbial clauses of concession introduced by though, although, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever, etc., the non-perfect Suppositional Mood or Subjunctive I may be used with reference to the present or future:

Though he should make every effort he cannot succeed.

Whatever the reason be, the fact remains.

More usual, however, are the modal phrases may (might) + Infinitive:

Whoever he may be, he has no right to be rude.

Though he might have been suspicious, he gave no sign.

3. In the adverbial clauses of condition referring to the future the Suppositional Mood is used to show that the action is possible, though unlikely. Such clauses may be rendered into Russian as: случись так, что …, если случайно …, если так случится, что …, если вдруг ….

In the principal clause the Conditional Mood, the Future Indicative or the Imperative Mood may be used:

If it should be wet they would stay at home.

If you should find another way out, will you inform me?

If you should meet him, give him my best regards.

In literary style conditional clauses of this type are sometimes joined to the principal clause asyndetically (without any conjunctions), by means of inversion:

Should I see him, I will inform him about your decision.




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