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FOCUS 4. Fill in the gaps with one of the following words or word combinations. Use the appropriate tense form.

to appoint promotion commission to authorize termination equipment maintenance extension consent to entrust development of markets full credit risk to designate Agency agreement to bear non-fulfilment (2) in writing infringement authorized representatives in total to terminate reimbursement violation to facilitate pursuant to cancellation force majeure to assign inventories


1. All expenses for traveling, entertainment, office, clerical, … and general selling expenses shall be … wholly by the Agent.
2. Any and all disputes arising out of this Agreement or relating to its …, termination or … shall be finally settled by arbitration.
3. In no case shall the Principal be responsible for any expenses unless agreed upon in advance … by the Principal.
4. In case of termination as a result of an … of this Agreement, the notice of termination shall be effective immediately.
5. Neither party shall be responsible for any partial or complete … of their obligations under the Agreement, where the … is a consequence of ….
6. Should the duration of complete or partial non-fulfilment of contractual obligations exceed 3 months, then either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement partially or …, without recourse to … of possible losses.
7. The agency created by this Agreement may be … by either party by written notice mailed or delivered to the other party.
8. The Agent agrees that officers or … of the Principal shall have, on demand, access to and the right to examine and make copies of all books and papers of the Agent, relating to the …
9. The Agent agrees to maintain accurate records of its activities … this Agreement.
10. The Agent is … by the Principal to promote the Products, find customers, conduct negotiations, and conclude sales contracts.
11. The Agent shall be … with the promotion and sale of the Products in Denmark and Sweden only.
12. The Agent shall bear the … for all sales of the Products made pursuant to this Agreement including bankruptcy of the Purchaser.
13. The Agent will promote the … and uses for the Products.
14. The Agent’s … on sales made pursuant to this Agreement shall be two per cent (2%) of the value of the Product sold.
15. The parties agree that prior to the scheduled … of this Agreement, they will review the terms and discuss the possible … of this Agreement.
16. The Principal … the Agent as Sales Agent for the … and sale of the Products in conformity with the specifications attached hereto.
17. The Principal agrees to maintain, at its expense … of the Products in quantities sufficient … sales by the Agent and to provide high quality service to Purchasers.
18. The Products shall be sold by the Agent upon terms and conditions, including but not limited to price, … in advance by the Principal.
19. This Agreement may not be … or otherwise transferred to a third party, by either party, without … of the other party.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 454. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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