Warm down (sometimes called cool down)
· Light exercise to help remove carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other waste products. · Gentle stretching to prevent muscle soreness and stiffness later.
Designing a fitness program Ex. 2. Prepare a Fitness Program Planning Card for yourself or someone you know. The information in this section about getting into shape and staying in shape will help you. 1. Decide who the fitness program is for and the purpose of the program. 2. Write a paragraph telling who the program is for and the purpose of the program. Explain where you are getting the information you need. 3. Use the Fitness Program Planning Card or make your own. 4. Prepare and complete the Fitness Card. 5. Use the checklist below to check that your Fitness Card has all the necessary elements. 6. Show your Fitness Card to a partner and use his / her comments to improve your program. Write a sentence at the bottom of the card explaining how your partner's comments helped you. The following checklist shows what you should have in your completed task. Fitness Card: Content and Presentation ■ The Fitness Card includes a sports motto; the purpose of the program; a regular exercise program; a sports exercise program. ■ The Fitness Program: Content - The Fitness Program includes information learned in this section; facts from other sources. - There is a paragraph explaining who the program is for and the purpose of the program. ■ Using Feedback from a Partner.