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Going to + base form = future intention.


Example: I’m going to do my homework after school today.

Tony is going to ride backwards on a motorcycle.


▲1. Open the brackets. Use “to be going to” in the correct form.

1. I (to write) a letter to my friend at 10 o’clock.

2. She (to prepare) her lessons all the evening tomorrow.

3. Let’s meet at 10 o’clock. I (to wait) for you at the river.

4. The train (to approach) the station at 10 o’clock.

5. They (to wait) for our call at the Call-office from 9 till 10 o’clock tomorrow.

6. We (to expect) a parcel from London during the coming week.

7. I (to play) the piano tomorrow.

8. You (to send) a telegram at 9 o’clock in the morning.

9. I (to take) my exam in English next year.


▲2.Open the brackets:

1. We (to be going) to watch a new detective film on TV tomorrow evening.

2. My friend (to be going) to run a race at the stadium next week.

3. I (to be going) to work hard at Maths next year.

4. My father (to be going) to spend money on a car in a month.

5. Her parents (to be going) to ask their friends to dinner tomorrow.

6. Margaret (to be going) to hear classical music on the radio in an hour.

7. My older brother (to be going) to help me with English next week.

8. The pupils (to be going) to learn the rules next week.

9. I (to be going) to finish my work tomorrow morning.

10. We (to be going) to discuss that book at the next lesson.


▲3.Open the brackets. Use “to be going to” in the correct form.

1. When you (to be going) to prepare for exam?

2. Where Liz (to be going) to ride a bike tomorrow?

3. Why your parents (to be going) buy a lot of vegetables in the market?

4. What book Evan (to be going) to read now?

5. When the pupils (to be going) to run race?

6. With whom Philip (to be going) to dance now?

7. What language your sister (to be going) to learn next year?

8. What game the children (to be going) to play now?

9. How much money you (to be going) to spend in Spain?

10. When Garry (to be going) to do the shopping?


▲4.Translate into English.

1. Ти гратимеш у футбол наступного тижня.

2. Їхні батьки підуть в ресторан наступного тижня.

3. Вчитель пояснюватиме нове правило учням завтра.

4. Він одягне синю кофту.

5. Моя бабуся вирощуватиме картоплю.

6. Вони матиме мути канікули наступного місяця.

7. Джим працюватиме в магазині наступного тижня.

8. Ми купуватимемо велосипед наступного понеділка.

9. Ми купуватимемо квитки в Москву завтра.

10. Я готуватимусь до екзамену у слідуючий вівторок.


▲5. Fill in the blanks with “is”, “am”, “are”.

1. … they going to celebrate the New Year?

2. … Janet going to act on the stage next year?

3. … you going to dust the furniture today?

4. … Bob going to drive his mother to work tomorrow?

5. … you going to stay after classes today?

6. … he going to wash his clothes?

7. … the children going to sweep the floor in the flat?

8. … Lorry going to learn grammar rules today?

9. … Granny going to look through that magazine?

10. … you going to ring up Susan today?

11. … they going to those beautiful flowers in the garden next summer?

12. … he going to drink that medicine now?

13. … James going to get married to Helen?

14. … you going to tell me the truth now?

15. … she going to meet John at the airport tomorrow evening?


▲6.Fill in the blanks with “on”, “in”, “at”.

1. I’m going to my brother … Monday.

2. She’s going to dance … the evening.

3. You’re going to help your mother … the afternoon.

4. They’re going to make a cake … Tuesday.

5. Tom is going to wake up …7 o’clock.

6. We’re going to the sea … summer.

7. … June our class going to finish school.

8. … 2009 I’m going to be a doctor.

9. He’s going to watch TV … night.


▲7.Give negative answers to the following questions.

Model: May I take this book home?- No, you mustn’t. You must not take it home.


1. May I open the window?-

2. May we fish in this pond?-

3. May we play football here?-

4. May I use this telephone?-

5. May the children play in the street?-

6. May they dance in this room?-

7. May we hunt in this forest?-

8. May I tell my friends about it?-


▲ 8. Answer the following questions:

1. What time do you get up? 5. What must you do in the morning?

2. What time do you get up on Sunday? 6. What must you do in the afternoon?

3. What time must you come to school? 7. What must you do to know English well?

4. What time must children go to bed? 8. What must the pupil on duty do?


▲9.Translate into English:

1. Учні повинні виконувати домашнє завдання.

2. Ти повинен робити ранкову зарядку.

3. Ми повинні приходити до школи вчасно.

4. Я повинен виключити телевізор, коли іду гуляти.

5. Вона повинна добре написати диктант.

6. Вони повинні прибрати клас.

7. Учні не повинні розмовляти на уроці.

8. Я повинен вмитися вранці.

9. Ми не повинні читати комікси на уроці.

10. Я мушу повернути цю книгу.

11. Він повинен все їй розповісти.

12. Вона повинна носити шкільну форму.

13. Ми повинні бути дома ввечері.

14. Ми не повинні писати на партах.


▲10. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs: CAN, CAN’T, MUST, MUSTN’T.

1. I … finish to read this book today.

2. You … go to school, today is Sunday.

3. We … afraid this dog.

4. They … to come home in time.

5. He … travel by plane, because he afraid of plane.

6. She … writes the letter today.

7. His mother … makes a good coffee.

8. Her sister … speaks English well.

9. I … to drink pills, because I’m ill.

10. My sister … waters our flowers.

11. Our granny … goes there now.

12. She … goes to the bank tomorrow.

13. … I do it now?

14. You … get up early.

15. They … go to the shop now.


▲11Translate into Ukraine.

11. May I take your pen?

12. We can to buy ice-creams.

13. Can you phone to my granny?

14. She must be at home now.

15. You must not touch this cat.

16. They can not leave me in this street.

17. I see you can’t do this exercise. I can help you.

18. She must to speech with my sister today.



We live in Ukraine. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is a big city. More than 3 million people live there. Kyiv is on Dnipro, the main Ukrainian river. Khreshatyk is the main street in Kyiv. This street is long and broad. When people come to our capital they like to walk in Khreshatyk. On Saturday and Sunday there is no traffic in this street. That’s why people like to walk there on these days. When you go straight along Khreshatyk you can get into Majdan Nezalezhnosti – the main square in Kyiv.

In Kyiv you can see many high buildings. There are many cars, buses, trolleybuses, trams in the city. There are also three metro lines in it. When you go on the bridges over the Dnipro you can admire the beauty of this river.

In spring and summer the streets in Kyiv are very nice because there are a lot of green trees there, especially in May when the chestnut trees are in blossom.

There are many places of interest in Kyiv. They are the Golden Gate, St Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv-Pechers’k Lavra, the monument to Bohdan Khmelnytsky and many others.




As you know, I live in Novohrad-Volyns’kyi. It is my native town. It is not very big but very nice. 58 thousand people live in Novohrad-Volyns’kyi. The history of our town is long, interesting, rich.

First our town was known as Zvyahel’. First Zvyahel’ was mentioned in the Ipatier’s cronical in 1257. In 1796 Zvyahel’ was renamed to N-V. Lesya Ukrainka a great Ukrainian poetress was born in our town. Now we have a museum with many interesting thinga about her life. You can see a monument to L. Ukrainka in the centre of our town. N-Vstands on the banks of the river Sluch. There are many cars, buses, shops, 9 schools, a colegium and gymnasia. There is also a cinema, and big park in the centre of our town. I like my town very much and I am proud of it.



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