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Some = a number of

We use Some in positives sentences

Example: There are some courts


Any = we use in negative sentences

Example: There aren’t any beaches.


We use any in questions

Example: Are there any judo lessons?


▲1. Fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY.

1. I have … English books.

2. Are there … arm-chairs in the room?

3. There isn’t … chalk in the classroom.

4. There is … milk in the jug.

5. Mother has bought … butter.

6. There aren’t … mistakes in my dictation.

7. There are … lakes in this town.

8. Have you … relatives in Kyiv?

9. I’ve read … English stories this month.

10. Have you … French newspapers?


▲ 2. Fill in the blanks with SOME or ANY.

1. Are there … books on your shelf?

2. I have … good news for you.

3. Have you.. pencils?

4. Are there plates on the table? – There are …

5. There are … houses in the street.

6. I want … bread, please.

7. Are there … magazines on the shelf? – Yes, there are …

8. He has … information for us.

9. She sent me … postcards from England.

10. Only … students come in time.

11. Do you want … milk?

12. There aren’t … people in the streets, because it’s cold.

13. There is … cheese on the plate.

14. Can you give me … sugar?

15. Are there … people in this room?


▲3. Translate sentences into English.

1. Є декілька красивих картин на стіні.

2. У твоєму пеналі є декілька олівців?

3. Зазвичай у цей час ми маємо обід.

4. Не забудь купити молоко.

5. Вони не мають дітей.

6. Є деякі фруктові дерева у вашому саду?

7. Чи зробив він деякі помилки у його диктанті?

8. Вони не люблять ніяких яблук.

9. Деякі люди є дуже товариськими.

10. Ти хочеш апельсин?

11. Деякі люди люблять проводити вікенд у дома.

12. Є декілька нових вулиць у нашому місті.

13. Він має декілька ручок у його пеналі.

14. На столі нема ніяких яблук.

15. У класі нема ніяких картин.

▲4.Fill in the blanks with “some” or “any”

1. Are there any computers? No, there are not …

2. There are … boys in the gum.

3. Are there … karate lessons in your school?

4. There are not … flowers in the garden. It is winter now.

5. There are … walls and pipes on this adventure playground.

6. Are there … slices of bread on the table? Yes, there are …

7. Is there swimming-pool in the camp?- No, there are not … swimming-pools.

8. There aren’t … computers in this room.

9. There is not … bike near the bench.

10. There is a computers-room with … computers.

11. There aren’t … art-rooms in this building.

12. There are … benches near his house.

13. There is a river but there aren’t … beaches.

14. There aren’t … pencils in your pencil-box.

▲5. Translate into Ukraine.

1. She climbs up the ladder.

2. They run round the water.

3. We crawl through the tunnel.

4. He jumps over the wall.

5. I walk down the hill.

6. You crawl under the fence.



We say “ how many cans, bowls countries”

how much rice, pasta, meat”


▲ 6. Make questions:

1. Do / drink milk for the breakfast?

2. Do / eat meat in the morning?

3. Do / wine?

4. Does / eat / potatoes?

5. How many plates of rice / eat?

6. Does / drink coffee for the lunch?

7. What does / eat for the breakfast?

8. What do usually / have for the supper?

9. Does / like / pasta?

10. Do / eat rolls at breakfast?

11. How much meat / usually eat?


▲7.Insert the correct expressions in each blank among those provided in the brackets.

1. (How many / How much) … milk in the refrigerator?

2. (How many / How much) … tomatoes are in the salad?

3. (How many / How much) … time do you have to go shopping?

4. (How many / How much) … things do we nee from the store?

5. (How many / How much) …people are coming?

6. (How many / How much) … cheese do you have?

7. (How many / How much)… glasses are on the table?

8. (How many / How much)… money do you have?

9. (How many / How much) … flour is on the shelf?

10. (How many / How much) … gas is in the car?

11. (How many / How much) … cars does Jason have?

12. (How many / How much) … snow is on the ground?

13. (How many / How much) … clouds are in the sky?

14. (How many / How much) … pets do you have?

15. (How many / How much) … oceans are there in the world?

16. (How many / How much) … water is in the ocean?

17. (How many / How much) … fish are in the river?


▲8.Fill in the “ How many ” or “ How much ”.

1. – rulers have the pupils got?

2. – flowers have those girls got?

3. – English books have you got?

4. – toy kangaroos has Kate got?

5. – Russian books has Sue got?

6. – new pencil-boxes has your sister got?

7. – cans of Coke have you?

8. – German textbooks have they got?

9. – bottles of wine has your mother got?

10. – bananas have we got on the table?


▲9.Make the questions for the sentences using How much, How many.

1. Kate usually eats chocolate.

2. Sam eats roast chicken for dinner.

3. They eat vegetable every day.

4. We drink tea for lunch.

5. Susan often eats sweets.

6. You know many countries.

7. Our father likes meat for supper.

8. My grandmother makes salad every day.

9. I like to eat rice.

10. They eat eggs for breakfast.


▲10.Write the correct word from the list to fill in the blanks:

1. a ……… of Coca-Cola bottles

2. a ……….of cornflakes packet

3. a ……….of rice kilo

4. a ……….of potatoes can

5. a ……….of eggs bowl

6. a………..of wine carton

7. a ……….of flour loaf

8. a ……….of cheese box




▲11.Read and dramatize the dialogue.

A: May, I offer you a cup of tea, Mary?

B: Oh, yes, thank you.

A: What do you want for dessert?

B: Pass me some ice-cream with jam and a piece of cake, please.


▲12.Make your own dialogue.


▲13.Form the questions from the words.

1. on the table, cups of coffee, there, how many, are.

2. monkeys, how many, in the, there, cage, are?

3. in, there, your, what, is, pocket?

4. plates, in the, how many, are, sink, there?

5. in the, what, there, pool, is?

6. birds, there, in the, how many, are, cage?

7. a chair, at the, is, table, there?

8. baskets, in the, how many, there, are, hall?

9. there, in, June, days, how many, are?

10. a bottle, is, there, in the, of milk, fridge?

11. two, on the, there, are, hamburgers, dish?

12. tomatoes, there, five, on the, are, dish?


▲14.Translate sentences into English.

1. Моя мама завжди готує сніданок вранці.

2. Ми їмо смажені яйця вранці.

3. Оля любить їсти морозиво.

4. Ти завжди їси фрукти на другий сніданок.

5. Я завжди їм суп на обід.

6. Вона п’є чай з бутербродом вранці.

7. Джейк завжди їсть м'ясо на вечерю.

8. Вони часто п’ють молоко увечері.

9. Мій тато любить їсти смажену рибу.

10. Вона не любить помідори.

11. Дідусь любить їсти макарони.

12. Її брат завжди їсть смажену картоплю на другий сніданок.




Read this poem.

Look! The leaves are starting to fall.

Look! The leaves are starting to fall. Winter is coming. Winter is coming. Now the nights are growing cold. Winter is coming soon. Look at the sky! It’s starting to snow. Winter is here! Winter is here. Look at the sky! Look at the snow! Winter is here! Winter is here! Look, the snow starting to malt Spring is coming, spring is coming. Look! The flowers are starting to bloom. Spring is coming soon. Look at the tees! Look at the flowers! Spring is here! Spring is here! Look at the sun! Look at the sky! Summer is coming soon!  



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 517. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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