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A system can only be complete with well-selected and duly applied accessories, therefore Lindab is manufacturing and offering various accessories and fixtures for its products of own manufacture, like connection elements, flat sheet flashings, roof foils, insulations, sealant profiles and roof ventilation elements.

Lindab Kft highly stresses that the accessories offered should be marketed in an excellent quality identical to that of the applied products.

The full-range choice of Lindab roof and wall flashings – from the ridge and eave flashings through the window flashings up to the valley channels – means that the final result will be functional and attractive at the same time.

The profiles are easy to install and prepared from coated, abrasion-resistant metal sheet, in a broad range of colours, in stan- dard and individual sizes.




The broad range of fastening elements should be mentioned seperately. The fastening elements of the external claddings, usde for sheet-to-sheet (overlaps) or sheet-to-support (fixing) connections, are special galvanized self-drilling screws provided with watertight EPDM washer, and with colour painted surface, thus completely match the appearance of the facade. Their special drilling point enables easy, fast and aesthetic installation, with appropriate tools, without pre-drilling or pre-punching the elements for the connections. The type of the suitable screw should be chosen in accordance with the

LAF (Lindab Underlay Foil) roofing foil has upper heat reflection layer and a special lower felt layer that can keep the condense water insided until drying, provided by good ventilation.


The LTF-115 and LTF-135 type roof foils are watertight, breathable underlay foils, providing secure secondary water drainage of roofs with inclination above 14°, single or double vented, heat-insulated roof structures (e.g. built- in attics) under Lindab tile effect and trapezoid roofing.


The type LTF-180 and LTF-300, special content (polyester and polyacryl) roof foils are perfectly water-tight and breathable, and have also high tensile strength, and outstanding resistance to heat and UV radiation, thus they offer durable solution even in direct contact with Lindab steel roofing materials, or steel supporting structure.


Lindab LSZ-500 is a special breathable underlay membrane with structure spacer, separating layer, for applications of Lindab seamed flat sheeting



breathable roof foil




vapour barrier foil


Lindab LVP20



Ventilated air space





Lindab LTP45 external roof sheeting


Counter batten



Roof batten



Lindab LPA tile effect sheeting




LTF180 or LTF300

breathable roof foil

material of the supporting structure (wood, hot-rolled or light-gauge steel) and the thickness of the steel sheet.

(PLX, SRP) on full boarding.



The extra strong, mesh-reinforced Lindab LPZ-110 vapour barrier foil guarantees safe vapour tightness and easy installation on the internal side of the heat insulation. It is extremely important to close all the joints and connections of the vapour barrier foil with the supplied accessories (adhesive tape, sealing mastic)!

external wall sheeting



Heat insulation


LPZ110 vapour barrier foil


Lindab LVP20 internal wall sheeting


Lindab LVP20 internal wall sheeting


LPZ110 vapour barrier foil






1. Lindab PLX or SRP Click flat roofin

2. LSZ500 breather foil with spacer

3. Full boarding support



Heat insulation


36 37



Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 493. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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