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20 21



Lindab Coverline®external wall cassette system

Lindab Premium®wall cassette system



The Lindab wall cassette cladding provides a perfect and at the same time aesthetic solution for new buildings and facade renovations, be

it an industrial hall, a public building or a rather exclusive residential building. Wall cassettes show a strongly articulated facade appearance with horizontal and vertical line pattern.


A wall cassette facade can be easily combined with other wall claddings, securing a lot of freedom for architectural appearance, and they will be customised according to customers’ demands, thus they are adjusted naturally and simply to the architectural style of the buil- ding.


The basic material is a 1 mm hot-dip galvanised steel securing excellent strength and protection against corrosion, resulting nevertheless in

a light weight. A multi-layer coating system placed on the steel core further increases the durability of the wall cassettes.


From among the two types of Lindab wall cassettes ECO is of a simpler design, while PREMIUM is a wall cassette manufactured with the most up-to-date technology.


ECO wall cassettes are available with Lindab Classic coating in 5 popular and nice colours (white, silver, dark blue, dark grey and beige).


The fixing of Lindab ECO wall cassettes can be visible or hidden, depending on whether the fixing screws appear or do not appear on the facades. The connecting edges are not continuous, behind the cassettes an appropriate air- and watertight layer (vapour permeable foil, construction sheet), and, if required, heat insulation must be placed.


B = 600, 1 200, 1 800, 2 400

(300-2 500)

25 25










Formation of the Premium wall cassette, one of the most recent Lindab products, gained its final form through a long and deliberate work for product development. Sizes of the cassette boards can be freely elected thanks to the possibilities of manufacturing (maximum height 940 mm; maximum length 2400 mm). The cassettes prepared with a

special lower and upper edge to be snapped secure hidden fixing, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, they allow any small-extent movements occurring under the impact of a change in temperature, without any damage. For the sake of safe drainage its upper side inclines outwards; while the ventilation of the steel cassettes is secured on the bottom side by openings prepared during manufacture. In order to secure the homogeneous and continuous appearance of the connected wall surfaces individual corner cassettes can also be manufactured.


Premium wall cassettes may be prepared with two kinds of coating: the 20 μm thick PVDF coating can be ordered in four popular and nice basic colours (white, black, dark silver, steel metal), while powder-coated cover paint can be ordered with any kind of RAL colour code.


The supporting structure of the cassettes consists of steel lathes with a hat profile placed vertically; appropriate heat insulation and vapour tightness must be solved with internal wall layers. The complete system of accessories consisting of fixing screws in colours identical to those of

the cassettes, as well as various covering flashings secure a unique and elegant appearance.


Lindab CassetteSoft programme developed by Lindab secures quick and efficient design of the Premium wall cassette system, which promotes, through the generation of ID codes, quick and easy mounting at site.





ECO wall cassette with visible fixing










ECO wall cassette with hidden fixing



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B = 600, 1 200, 1 800, 2 400

(300-2 500)



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Construline®Z-C-U beams


Construline thin-wall hot-dip galvanised Z-C-U beams, as well as the CI connection elements manufactured by Lindab, serve as basis for lightweight construction method and for the frame installation with dry technology.


The main field of utilisation of the profiles is the direct support of roof and lateral wall claddings, as well as the mediation of loads, impacting the buildings, to the frame structure of the main beam (secondary load-bearing system). However, it is worth to mention, from among the broad palette of further possibilities of utilisation, the supporting elements of lightweight floor beams or the supporting elements of separating walls, and it may take over even the role of main beam in certain cases, like for instance in the event of the frame structure of SBS or in the case of LindabTruss truss.


We manufacture the beams in accordance with the prevailing demands, with various profile dimensions and thicknesses, in the length prescribed by the customer individually. Through the application of a broad choice of profiles (height of 100 to 350 mm) and the application of an appropriate statics system it is possible to elect the most economical solution, in which a unique tool is provided by Lindab’s DimRoof, a dimensioning programme developed in-house by Lindab.


Even the manufacture of pre-punched beams for the screw connections is possible, which are fit for reducing considerably the on-site installation work and construction period.


C100 Z150 C200 Z350

Integrated systems:

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 444. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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