Products produced by Lindab are provided with video-jet code (some special accessories with embossed Lindab sign), labelled protective foils, producer specific (logoed) packaging and documentation, thus easing product recognition during mounting, helping the qualification process (which qualification belongs to which product) and protecting the investor against imposition. Lindab provides its products with “Checked Origin” label!
Printed and electronic materials
With the help of brochures, design guides, application mannuals the quick overview of our products and systems, as well as familiarisation with the detailed technological contents become possible simultaneously. Our Lindab software developed
inhouse development extremely facilitates and accelerates the work of design and dimensioning, preparation of the bill of materials as well as the preparation of price offer. A complete, concise DVD on the complete offer of Lindab is available.
Gemenc Bau Tolna Kft.
Polimix Kft.
Nagylengyel Tornyos és Tsa Kft.
Zala GyôriKaposvár
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