Say is used with or without a personal object. When used with a personal object it is always followed by the preposition to (said to me).
Study the following examples:
Say and tell are also used with the following expressions:
Exercises: Ex. 1. Use the following sentences in indirect speech using one of the past tenses. 1. Roger said,” My uncle has been here more than once.” 2. Alice asked her brother,” Did you spend much time at the library?” 3. She said,” You have made a number of mistakes in your translation.” 4. Mary says to me,” I am already finishing the work. I am so tired. I have been sitting here for a long time.” 5. Nick said to me,” I have been trying to learn English for 2 year now, but I haven’t made good progress yet.” 6. The girl said,” I spent the summer in the Crimea.” 7. He said,” I attend the language laboratory every day. I am working hard at my pronunciation.” 8. The father said,” Oh, I forget, I never remember such things in time.” 9. “What are you going to do at the coming week-end?” he inquired. 10. Michael said to me,” Mary is coming with the 5.20 train. I am going to the station to meet her.”
Ex. 2. Write the following sentences in indirect speech using the Future-in-the- Past. Mind the necessary changes. Model: She asked me:” Will you be angry with me?” → She asked me if I should be angry with her.
1. The students said,” We’ll take four exams this summer.” 2. The passer-by said to me,” It will take you a quarter of an hour or so.” 3. The doctor said to the patient,” We’ll know the results in a week.” 4. My friends asked me,” What will you be doing at this time tomorrow?” 5. Robert said,” I shall be driving to town at this very hour.” 6. The teacher asked the students,” Will you have written the composition by the end of the lesson?” 7. My friend said to me,” I hope you will not have forgotten me by that time.” 8. My mother said,” I shall have finished everything by the time you return.” 9. The chief asked the secretary,” Will you have mailed the letters by 5 o’clock?”
Ex. 3. Convert the following sentences into indirect speech. Mind the introducing verbs.
1. “Come here,” she said in a sharp voice. 2. “Give it to me,” she said with a smile. 3. “Be back in half an hour!” she reminded him sternly. 4. “Stop making that terrible noise!” shouted the little girl to her brother. 5. The teacher said to the students,” Make notes of the lecture.” 6. “Please, be nice and polite to him,” said my mother. 7. He said,” Would you like to go to the concert with us?” 8. George said,” Let’s go to London early on Wednesday morning.” 9. “Let me know as soon as you can,” said my sister. 10. “Good bye! And good night,” said my friend.
Ex. 4. Translate into English observing the rules of converting from direct into indirect speech. Vary the introducing verb. 1. Вона сказала, що бачила Олену нещодавно. 2. Ліза запевнила нас, що не повірить цьому, поки не побачить все на власні очі. 3. Він поспішав. Він сказав, що його сестра буде чекати на нього. 4. Mій старший брат сказав, щоб я не вмикав телевізор, якщо я не знаю, як це робити. 5. Джон сказав, що він все підготував для нашої подорожі. 6. Він відповів, що ми все обговоримо, як тільки прийде декан. 7. Вони сказали мені, що сер Джордж щойно згадував про мене. 8. Вчитель спитав, де встає сонце. Учні відповіли, що сонце сходить на сході і заходить на заході. 9. Нещодавно я зустріла свою подругу. Вона сказала,що закінчила університет в 2001 році і з того часу вона працює в школі. 10. Вони поцікавились, чи я знайшов словник, який шукав. 11. Мої батьки поцікавились, чи я повернусь до кінця місяця. 12. Вона визнала, що забула про свою обіцянку. Потім вона сказала нам, що поговорить про це завтра.