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Marketing vs. Advertising: What’s the Difference?

It is common knowledge that many people confuse marketing with advertising or vice versa. While both components are important they are very different. Knowing the difference and doing a market research can put a company on the path to substantial growth.

It is useful to start off by reviewing the formal definitions of each and then see how marketing and advertising differ from one another:

Advertising is often defined as a paid, public, non-personal announcement of a persuasive message by an identified sponsor; it is also seen as a non-personal presentation or promotion by a firm of its products to its existing and potential customers.

Marketing is the systematic planning, implementation and control of a mix of business activities intended to bring together buyers and sellers for the mutually advantageous exchange or transfer of products.

After reading both of the definitions it is easy to understand how the difference can be confusing to the point that people think of them as one-in-the same.

Actually, advertising is a single component of the marketing process.

It’s the part that involves getting the word out concerning your business, product, or the services you are offering. It involves the process of developing strategies such as ad placement, frequency, etc. Advertising includes the placement of an ad in such media as newspapers, direct mail, billboards, television, radio, and of course the Internet. Advertising is the largest expense of most marketing plans, with public relations following in a close second and market research not falling far behind.

The best way to distinguish between advertising and marketing is to think of marketing as a pie, inside that pie you have slices of advertising, market research, media planning, public relations, product pricing, distribution, customer support, sales strategy, and community involvement. Advertising only equals one piece of the pie in the strategy.

All of these elements must not only work independently but they also must work together towards the bigger goal. Marketing is a process that takes time and can involve hours of research for a marketing plan to be effective. Think of marketing as everything that an organization does to facilitate an exchange between company and consumer.

In order to distinguish marketing from other related professional services, one witty person related the following anecdote.

“If a young man tells his date she’s intelligent, looks lovely, and is a great conversationalist, he’s saying the right things to the right person and that’s marketing. If the young man tells his date how handsome, smart and successful he is – that’s advertising. If someone else tells the young woman how handsome, smart and successful her date is – that’s public relations.”

We might also think of marketing in the following way. If business is all about people and money and the art of persuading one to part from the other, then marketing is all about finding the right people to persuade.


Vocabulary Notes:

1. common knowledge – загальновідомість; загальновідомий факт;

2. to confuse [kən`fju:z] – змішувати, сплутувати; збивати, спантеличувати;

3. vice versa [`vaısi `və:sə] навпаки;

4. to start off – розпочинати (щось) робити; збиратися (щось) зробити;

5. announcement [ə`nauntsmənt] – оголошення, об’ява; повідомлення; сповіщення;

6. persuasive message [pə`sweısıv] – повідомлення, мета якого є переконати (когось); переконливе повідомлення (послання);

7. advantageous [ֽædv ə;n`teıGəs] – вигідний; сприятливий; корисний;

8. one-in-the same – одне й те ж; те ж саме;

9. frequency [`fri:kwəntsi] частота, частотність;

10. to follow in a close – слідувати неподалеку;

11. not to fall far behind – (далеко) не відставати;

12. to distinguish (between) [dı`stıŋgwı∫] розрізняти; знаходити відмінності;

13. slice [slaıs] скибочка, скибка, шматочок; тонкий шар (чогось);

14. media planning [`mi:diə] медіапланування (вибір оптимальних каналів розміщення реклами, який здійснюється з метою досягнення максимальної ефективності рекламної кампанії);

15. customer support – обслуговування клієнтів;(технічна) підтримка (споживачів) (відділ компанії чи організації, який консультує клієнтів з усіх питань; як правило, має свою сторінку на сайті компанії);

16. community involvement – залучення громади (громадськості);

17. witty – дотепний;

18. to relate (an anecdote) розповісти (анекдот);

19. date – той, з ким призначено побачення;

20. conversationalist [ֽkOnvə`seı∫ən ə;lıst] майстер поговорити, говорун, балакун; цікавий співрозмовник.

Task 29. Answer the questions.


1. Why is it important to distinguish marketing from advertising?

2. Do many people confuse marketing with advertising?

3. How can reviewing of formal definitions of marketing and advertising help to distinguish among the two concepts?

4. How do the definitions of marketing and advertising differ?

5. Is advertising the only component of the marketing process? How can we interprete the word “single” in a respective sentence of the above text?

6. What does advertising involve?

7. What is the largest expense of most marketing plans?

8. How can the model of pie facilitate our understanding of differences between marketing and advertising?

9. Is marketing a time-consuming process?


10. What major differences between selling, marketing and advertising can you see?

11. What kinds of advertising are most common in contemporary life?

12. What had become major advertising media by 1998?

13. What is considered to be the most effective mass-market advertising format?

14. Does commercial airtime cost much these days? Why?

15. What do the majority of television commercials feature?

16. Did the Internet bring about new advertising opportunities?

17. What contributed to the “dot-com” boom of the 1990s?

18. Why has the impact of advertising been a matter of much debate?

19. What do advertising critics usually complain about?

20. How does a system of self-regulation affect the advertising industry?


Task 30. Say what you know about:


1. The role which advertising plays in our overcommunicated society.

2. The purpose and the two basic types of advertising.

3. The economic effect of advertising.

4. The most common kinds of advertising in contemporary life.

5. The most effective mass-market advertising format.

6. Requirements and standards which effective advertising must meet.

7. Various techniques used by copywriters.

8. New advertising opportunities opened up by the Internet.

9. The most common complaints about advertising.

10. A code of advertising standards and its impact on the advertising industry.

11. Major differences between advertising and marketing.


Task 31. Translate the following sayings. Choose one to comment on.


1. “Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.” (Marshall McLuhan)

2. “Advertising is the art of convincing people to spend money they don’t have for something they don’t need.” (Will Rogers)

3. “I do not read advertisements – I would spend all my time wanting things.” (Franz Kafka)

4. “Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can’t.” (Morris Hite)

5. “Advertising is totally unnecessary. Unless you hope to make money.” (Jef I. Richards)

6. “Advertising is “a ten-billion-dollar a year misunderstanding with the public.” (Chester L. Posey)

7. “Advertisements contain the only truths to be relied on in a newspaper.” (Marl Twain)

8. “Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths” (Edgar A. Shoaff)

9. “If advertisers spent the same amount of money on improving their products as they do on advertising then they wouldn’t have to advertise them.” (Will Rogers)

10. “The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.”

11. “You can fool all the people all the time if the advertising is right and the budget is big enough.” (Joseph E. Levine)

12. “Never write an advertisement which you wouldn’t want your family to read. You wouldn’t tell lies to your own wife. Don’t tell them to mine.” (David Ogilvy)

13. “Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.” (Leo Burnett)

14. “In our factory, we make lipstick. In our advertising, we sell hope.” (Peter Nivio Zarlenga)

15. “Advertising is legalized lying.” (H.G. Wells)

16. “Advertising is only evil when it advertises evel things.” (David Ogilvy)

17. “If advertising had a little more respect for the public, the public would have a lot more respect for advertising.” (James Randolph Adams)




Task 32. Write a composition on one of the following topics.


1. A product is more than a tangible thing.

2. The products I consume.

3. So many products, so many markets.

4. The globe or the global market?

5. Is there too much advertising around me?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 424. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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