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С.6. Contribute to the safety of personnel and ship



How to complete the list of training tasks and competences achieved:

• The competences marked in red are directly relevant to the competences required by the STCW Convention. By the end of the period of seagoing service 'competence demonstrated' should be recorded for as many of these competences as possible.

• The primary tasks are subdivided into training tasks or duties on the left hand side of the page. The cadet should complete as many of these training tasks as possible. However, in view of the likely equipment, cargo or voyage pattern of the ship it is not expected that all these tasks will be completed before the cadet is considered competent in the primary tasks marked in red. It should be noted that many of the skills and knowledge that underpin the competences marked in red should already have been obtained during shore based training.

• Space is provided to record completion of each training task by the officer supervising the cadet. The officer supervising the cadet does not necessarily have to be the designated training officer. This does not mean that each task must be completed twice if, in the opinion of the officer, once is considered sufficient.

• As competence in these primary tasks is demonstrated the appropriate light red boxes next to the criteria for evaluation, on the far right hand side of the page, should be signed and dated (day, month and year) by the chief engineer or designated training officer on board the ship to attest that competence has been demonstrated*.

• A cadet's attainment of the competences marked should only be recorded as 'competence demonstrated'' when the chief engineer or designated training officer* is indeed satisfied that the cadet can perform the duty without supervision or, where appropriate, that the cadet is able to supervise others in the performance of the duty.

• When recording 'competence demonstrated', account should be taken of the criteria for evaluation contained on the right hand side of the page, as well as the ordinary practices of seafarers and safe working practices.


Attention! Each column of tasks should be filled in and signed at least on board of one ship.


*Certain administrations may require this to be done by approved 'in-service' assessors.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 429. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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