FIND RUSSIAN EQUIVALENTS FOR THE FOLLOWING: A vegetables: cabbage cauliflower broccoli spinach cucumber courgettes (Am. Eng: zucchini) aubergines (Am. Eng: egg plants) leeks meat: venison liver kidneys veal fish: cod hake plaice whiting mackerel herring sardine trout salmon seafood: prawns shrimps crab lobster crayfish squid cockles mussels oysters herbs: parsley rosemary thyme chives oregano tarragon sage spices: curry cinnamon ginger nutmeg Ex.1. Try dividing these vegetable names into groups, in any way you like, e.g. 'vegetables which grow underground' (potatoes, carrots etc.).
aubergine leek cucumber spinach carrot potato cauliflower green/red pepper courgette sweetcorn lettuce onion rice pea cabbage garlic radish bean shallot turnip asparagus beetroot celery B Flavours and tastes – adjectives and some opposites (=) sweet ≠ bitter [sharp/unpleasant] sour [e.g. unripe fruit] hot, spicy [e.g. curry] ≠ mild bland [rather negative] salty [a lot of salt] sugary [a lot of sugar] sickly [too much sugar] savoury [pleasant, slightly salty or with herbs] tasty [has a good taste/flavour] ≠ tasteless [no flavour at all]
Ex.2. Use the taste and flavour words to describe the following. 1 Indian curry 5 a cup of tea with five spoonfuls of sugar 2 pizza 6 strong black coffee with no sugar 3 sea water 7 factory-made white bread 4 an unripe apple