Topic 5 Should a factory be built in your community? I strongly oppose to the plan that a large factory be built near my community
I strongly oppose to the plan that a large factory be built near my community. My arguments for this point are listed as follows. The first and foremost reason lies in the virtually (практически) inevitable pollution that a large factory is bound to (связано) bring about (привести). Considering the limit of the present technology, hardly any kind of factory is able to secure its mass production without the slightest (малейшего) pollution to the environment. Once a factory enters my community, and embarking on its continuous activities (приступить к своей непрерывной деятельности), even a tiny element of pollution will by all odds (шансы) accumulate to a dangerous degree that will eventually cause a serious damage to the environment of my community. To think of the exhaust gas or water and the noise given off (выделять, испускать) by a factory will help you fully understand this idea. Cities have already suffered from those nightmares of modern industry that shows no signs of ceasing (прекращения) to emerge (появляться, возникать, выясняться). No one would like to behold the air of his or her community is no longer clean, or to find his or her community totally removed of hush (тишина, затихать, стихать). A hand holding the magic sword emerged from the lake. — Из озера появилась рука, держащая волшебный меч. Besides pollution, which is to some extent an invisible but deadly threat to my community, there is an immediate problem that a large factory will force to confront with: it will occupy a large area near or of my community, which should be more likely exploited (используемая) as a public site that benefit all residents in the community. For example provided a suitable area is available, it is more worth a gymnasium that will enhance the standard of health (будет способствовать повышению уровня здоровья) of every resident in the community, than a big factory leading to disgusting noise and suffocating gas (удушающий газ).
Perhaps, some people would like to vote for such a plan of building a factory simply on an economical ground that a large factory will probably stimulate a prosperous future (процветающее будущее) of the area around. But unfortunately, history has witnessed numerous counterexamples. Many factories neither attain (достигать, добиваться) an economical success nor left the environment intact (нетронутый, целый). So I doubt this declaration. Taking into account all these factors, I find the disadvantages weigh much heavier than the possible advantages. Therefore I strongly disagree the establishment of a large factory near my community.