Topic 14 Should university students be required to attend classes? Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional (необязательным), but I really disagree with them about it
Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional (необязательным), but I really disagree with them about it. I do not understand how a university student can expect to learn much knowledge if he doesn't attend classes. Although selfstudy is a good way to acquire knowledge, students, I believe, need to be in class.
In classes students receive the benefit of the teacher's knowledge. A teacher does more than just going over the material in the textbooks; she draws (вызывает на разговор) her students into discussions that may lead further understanding of the teaching material. She not only teaches acknowledge and theories, but also presents opposing opinions that help students think and absorb what they have learned. Additionally, she may invite guest speakers to give her students extra information from another prospect (стороны), or play some documentary films on certain subject.
Besides teaching knowledge, a teacher impart (передаёт, сообщает, прививает) her students the right method of study. In that way, the students can understand how to study efficiently, how to find information from proper (подходящих) resources, and how to apply what they have learned into practice. In other word, if there is no teacher to lead them to the right way, the students may go into a roundabout and waste lots of time.
The last reason for attending classes is that going to classes can train students to be more responsible and have good sense of teamwork. In classes, the students may be given some group assignments (задания). To achieve assignments, they can know what is their respective (соответствующая) responsibility and how to cooperate with others. Meanwhile, they can learn from each other because each student has his strong points (стороны), different background (происхождение) and experience.
In short, going to classes give students more knowledge, help them to become more responsible, cooperative and thoughtful (чутким, заботливым). I believe that attending classes cannot be optional, but should be an essential part (неотъемлемой частью) of university education.