SOURCE C – Extract from an internet discussion forum on improving biodiversity
Peter –I understand that people and organisations around the world have hurt the environment. Their selfish actions have caused the loss of species. But what should be done to make things better? How can we increase biodiversity?
Jane – It’s not easy. I think that it begins with individuals changing their lifestyles. We can live more simply and consume less. If we recycle we will look after the world’s resources. Less pollution will help biodiversity. Why don’t we all plant more trees in our gardens and create wildlife areas where we live? Lots of little things make a big difference.
Amrit – Yes, but the power of big business and our need for resources causes problems like deforestation. People need the land to grow food to eat and resources like trees and metals for buildings. This creates wealth to help the poor. We need businesses, but until business people change the way they treat the environment we can’t stop decreases in biodiversity. Governments must make laws to change the way business works. Governments can also educate businesses and train managers in how to care for the environment and about biodiversity.
Peter – But globalisation means that we all affect each other. Pollution in Europe affects people in Africa. The United Nations and international agreements are the only way to stop the problem.
Jane – I don’t agree! These big organisations and charities are just too slow; each country fights for their own interests and so the targets for change are too small. Too little too late! It’s you and me that can make a difference.