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Generic Mark Scheme

Marks Description of Level
7-8 Effective, well-supported judgements and fully coherent, structured evaluation of different viewpoints/claims with a clear comparison.   A sufficient number of ideas/points are given, though there may be a slight lack of clarity at times.   The learner makes explicit reference to the words and phrases in the sources throughout.   The response is balanced. A clear assessment or conclusion is reached.  
5-6 Good judgements and evaluation of different viewpoints/claims with a reasonable comparison.   Ideas/points are sufficient but they may be only partially supported, asserted or developed at times.   The learner often makes reference to the words and phrases in the statements.   An overall assessment or conclusion is reached.  
3-4 Basic judgement and the response may not consider all of the viewpoints/claims with little if any attempt at comparison.   Ideas/points are present but are only partially supported or asserted, and lack clarity/relevance.   The response is likely to contain at least two or three undeveloped points.   The learner makes very little if any direct reference to the words and phrases in the statements.  
1-2 Limited, unsupported discussion and the response is likely to consider only one of the viewpoints/claims very briefly or tangentially.   There is very little clarity in the argument. The response is likely to repeat the arguments simply or assert agreement/disagreement with the views expressed.   The response may not contain any clear ideas/points.   The response may mainly describe the learner’s own opinions on the issue rather than evaluating the arguments in the statements in the Source.  
0 marks No relevant or creditworthy content.



4. Refer to Sources A, B and C.


Which of the following ways do you think is most likely to increase biodiversity?


  • Global – e.g. through international organisations and environmental charities creating environmental agreements
  • National – e.g. by governments increasing expenditure on the environment and education within countries
  • Local – e.g. community projects encouraging individuals and families to support biodiversity in their everyday actions e.g. creating local wildlife areas and recycling.


In your answer you should:


  • give reasons for your opinions
  • use the material in the Sources and your own experience
  • show that you have considered different perspectives
  • state your conclusion. [10]



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