Refer to Sources A, B and C.
4 Which of the following ways do you think is most likely to increase biodiversity?
· Global – e.g. through international organisations and environmental charities creating environmental agreements · National – e.g. by governments increasing expenditure on the environment and education within countries · Local – e.g. community projects encouraging individuals and families to support biodiversity in their everyday actions e.g. creating local wildlife areas and recycling
In your answer you should:
· give reasons for your opinions · use the material in the Sources and your own experience · show that you have considered different perspectives · state your conclusion.
MARK SCHEMES Mark schemes will be divided into two types.
Generic Mark Schemes: These are applied to questions and do not contain reference to specific content of an individual question. Generic mark schemes may show marks in a band e.g. 13-16 marks. When using these mark schemes, the full range of marks is to be used when considering a learner’s score within a band.
Task Specific Mark Schemes: These show content specific to an individual question and will be written with the question.
Some questions may require the use of both types of mark scheme.